Chapter 25: Together No Matter What

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Thankfully, you and Kotaro did manage to get Sakura to return to the mansion that night. However, she wasn't overly happy about the whole situation that she was being dragged into.

"Don't I know how you must feel..." You thought as you glanced at her sitting next to you.

It was morning and everyone was gathered for a meeting as usual but while waiting for Kotaro, everyone had their eyes on Sakura who's gaze didn't come up off the floor.

"HEY GOOOD MORNIIIIING!!!!" Kotaro yelled as he walked into the room.

"Good morning to you." Yugiri replied.

"WAZZUP, WAZZUP!! Oh hey Sakura!!! I thought for sure that you'd still be hung over from your big pity party but here you are!!" Kotaro said as he leaned in.

"GOOD MORNING SAD SACK!!!!!" He yelled in her face, but got zero response from her.

She just stared at him with a cold gaze.

"Oohh! Watch those manners! No one's gonna respect you without themmmmm!!!" Kotaro said as he turned his back and walked away.

"I don't really care if people respect me or not..." Sakura said.

"Yeah? Well I do! You can glare at me with those dead eyes all day long, it won't change a thing. You will be a part of this show!!" Kotaro responded firmly as he turned to face her again.

Everyone looked at her to see if she gave some kind of reaction to this, but found that still Sakura gave none.

Later on, the girls were practicing again with Arpino four days away. Sakura sat out on the side, but didn't watch at first. She just stared at the floor as the music played and the girls danced.

However after a little while, she lifted her head up and observed Ai and Junko. Seeing this made her eyes widen a little in realisation.

"This seems...kinda familiar." She thought as snippets of her memories as an idol came flashing through her mind.


Ai's voice interrupted her as she shook her head and looked at her.

"What did you think?" Ai asked, referring to their dancing which she had assumed Sakura would've been watching.

Sakura was silent for a few moments, before she retreated back into her depressed and gloomy state again.

As the sun started to go down, she sat down in the park that was opposite the mansion to have some time to herself.

"You will be a part of this show!" She heard Kotaro's words from the morning again.

"There's no way I can do it..." She thought.

Just then, she heard the sound of someone doing a chicken impression and looked up to see Tae standing there in front of her.

"Uhhhmm..." Sakura went as Tae started to move her arms around, trying to show Sakura a set of dance moves.

"You're...kinda creepy." Sakura commented as Tae was still trying her hardest to show her.

After a little while though, Sakura got up and walked away leaving Tae on her own. You had been watching and walked up to Tae and gave her a gentle pat on the head.

"You did your best...keep it up." You said and gave her a piece of dried squid which made her happy.

Night rolled around and everyone was getting ready to go to bed. Sakura stared down at her futon before crouching down and grabbing it, before dragging it over to the corner of the room.

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