3. Cultural Shock

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Wei Wuxian asks, "Hey dude, What is your name?"

Lan Wangji replies, "My name is Lan Wangji but You can call me Lan Zhan too."

Wei Wuxian complimented him by saying, "Your name is cute, Wangji means prince, that mean you are a prince charming of your own life."

Lan Wangji asks, "If you don't mind then Can I ask your name?"

Wei Wuxian smiles and he replied very politely, "My name is Wei Wuxian, you can call me Wei Ying too."

Lan Wangji thinks about his name that for the first time a person has helped me and extended his helping hand to me, his name is Wei Ying.

Wei Wuxian notices that Lan Wangji is writing something, when asked, Lan Zhan tells that he always writes his daily routine in his personal diary.

Wei Ying starts laughing like a bunny and says, "You write these little details in your diary too. You are so cute Lan Zhan."

Wei Wuxian try to read it but then he turns his eyes away from the diary.

No one has ever read Lan Zhan's diary, not even his uncle, and how can this person read his personal diary and make fun of his fillings.

Is this so normal to read someone's diary? Do people help others? Are people close to each other in this world?

Lan Wangji had never seen such people in his life.

Wei Wuxian looks at him then takes out two candies from his pocket. He asks would you like to eat the candy? Lan Zhan refuses him.

Wei Wuxian says softly, "You are so boring. You should taste it and then tell me do you liked the candy or not?"

Wei Wuxian starts asking Lan Wangji about where he is going?

Lan Wangji tells him that he is going to see his uncle who is very ill and taking his last breath.

Lan Wangji asks Wei Wuxian where are you going?

Wei Ying is telling him that I love traveling and exploring new places. I want to travel everywhere.

Wei Wuxian shows many of his photos to Lan Wangji and shows how many places he has visited.

As soon as he comes close to Lan Zhan, he starts showing him his photos.

Lan Wangji's heartbeat had increased because no one ever came and sat near him.

Since Lan Zhan's childhood, after his mother's death, there was no one who came close to him or sat near him or talked to him about his feelings.

Here our Wei Wuxian was completely different. He was very different from Lan Wangji's brother, uncle and all his other friends.

Wei Wuxian shows him all his photos of how he went to Spain. He tells how many things he saw when he went to visit Spain.

Wei Ying tells about the market and delicious food restaurants there.

After that Wei Wuxian shows him the Eiffel Tower in Paris and tells him that many lovers kiss beneath it.

Lan Wangji was very shocked because this was a new world for him.

A person who might never have had the courage to even watch porn, in front of someone who lives such a monk-like life, you are telling that openly kissing is normal here.

This was a huge cultural shock for Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian starts showing him many things.

Wei Ying also shows hot girls in bikinis in Australia who were bathing with him on the beach side.

Lan Wangji gets shocked even after seeing this because he had never seen such hot girls, seeing girls in bikini was like watching porn for him.

A person who lives his life hopping between home and office does not know what new is going on in the world.

Wei Wuxian is surprised and asks, "What's the matter? Why are you thinking so much?"

Lan Wangji replies, "I never saw anything else except my office and home."

Wei Wuxian asks him, "Don't you ever go out? Don't you ever hang out with your friends?"

Lan Wangji says, "I never go out. I live a boring life in my office and home."

Wei Wuxian asks, "What do you do on the weekends?"

Lan Wangji replies, "I mostly just read my favorite book and do nothing else."

Wei Wuxian says, "Lan Zhan, you are so boring. You know, when I have weekends, I go to watch movies. Even though my cousins ​​are married, I still go out with them."

Lan Wangji had heard that people often go on such outings, but Lan Zhan was beginning to find the whole thing boring.

Because whenever he tried to go somewhere with his friends, he was often alone.

Lan Wangji felt even more sad when he saw others happy with their spouses or with their families.

Lan Wangji's brother didn't care about him, he never approached him to become part of his new family.

Lan Wangji is describing everything to him so well. Wei Wuxian felt sad for this stranger.

Wei Ying tells him what things he will see at the place where he is going.

Wei Wuxian shows Lan Wangji a dress that he likes very much. He will buy this dress for himself and then after that he tells the most famous milk shake shop there.

Wei Wuxian tells him, "I want to drink the coffee here because it is very authentic coffee and this shop has been there for almost 200 years. The tradition of making this traditional coffee has been going on since the time of their ancestors. From the ancestors till now Even generations of people make this coffee in the same traditional way. Would you like to drink this coffee?"

Lan Wangji says, "I will definitely go and I will definitely drink this coffee."

Wei Wuxian talks to him a lot and listens to everything. But Lan Wangji doesn't know how to tell him anything about his story, because how can he tell him how his friends are? Where do he live? What does he do on weekends?

Lan Wangji is a very lonely person. He feels very sad.

Wei Wuxian observes that Lan Zhan was very quiet and when he looks at his diary, he realizes how lonely this man is.

Poor Lan Zhan just writes every little details in his diary. I don't think anyone would ever read his diary.

Wei Wuxian asks, "Can I read your diary?"

Lan Wangji quickly hugs his diary to his chest just like a little baby try to protect his secrets.

Wei Wuxian smiles and says, "It is okay, no problem. I won't read your secrets. But you can watch a movie with me if you want."


To be Continue...

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