Rainwing and Nightwing headcanons

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-Glory and Deathbringer secretly got married (Glorybringer shippers rejoice). But their tribes don't really know about it, other than a select few dragons.

-Peacemaker was raised by Hope along with the help of Secretkeeper. He grew up thinking they were his parents and Moon was his older sister. They don't mind this though.

-Moonwatcher still visits her mother, Hope, and Peacemaker in the Rainforest but not as often due to being busy with Jade mountain and Qibli.

-There's a place for former Rainwing prisoners and any traumatized Nightwings to go and get mental help.

-Most of the Nightwings hunt normally now. None of that Comodo dragon type of stuff.

-The Nightwings have mostly stopped their grumbling and are starting to pursue some of their more ancient arts like glass and jewellery making, Literature, and ceramics. Many royal dragons commission art from the Nightwing tribe.

-The Rainwings join in too and its a fun time for everyone.

-The Rainwings are good at gardening and are also quite the musical tribe and a few Nightwings will join in.

-There's a secret society of Nightwings that are plotting against Glory but are trying to do it from the inside. No one knows about it.

-Nightwing powers are coming back again. But slowly and they still have a hard time fitting in, like Moon did. But when they do have dragonets hatched with those powers, Moonwatcher will often teach them how to handle their powers part time when the school isn't in session so they won't have as much trouble as she did.

-A lot of Nightwings are loosening up and Rainwings are starting to take things more seriously than before thanks to Queen Glory.

-There are a few more hybrids popping up but the Nightwing parent is typically forsaken by their family since some of the older Nightwings are still clinging to the old traditions.

-The ex-queens other than Grandeur, live in a home together complaining about Glory. Buuuuut never within earshot of Deathbringer, Grandeur, Mangrove, Orchid, or Jambu.

-More Rainwings are literate than before. So more are learning about other tribes and the war through Jade mountain, Glory, Deathbringer, the offshoot schools and the scrolls brought to them by some of their trading partners. They are all openly horrified at what happened during the war and many of the traditions the other tribes have, especially the Royal challenges and the shattering of so many of the Seawing eggs. 

-Speaking of eggs, the hatchery is more organized, has guards, and are kept in check. Parents raising their own dragonets is becoming more common, especially because of the mingling of the bloodlines. 

-Some Nightwings find that they quite enjoy fruit. 

-The Rainforest kingdom's trading partners are the Sand kingdom, Sky kingdom, and Mud kingdom as of right now. They are also on friendly terms with the Sea kingdom. 

-With the Rainwings and Nightwings uniting under one queen, alchemy has come back to Pryhia, with the Nightwing's intellect and the Rainwing's affinity for herbs and the Rain forest's harvests, potions (mentioned briefly in Darkstalker) are being sold by traveling merchants from both tribes.

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