"Don't sweat this, Lalisa," he murmurs, and I return his reassuring squeeze. I know he's doing what he thinks is right.

Midmorning I have a break in meetings. As I pick up the phone to call Rose, I notice an e-mail from Jungkook.

From: Jeon Jungkook

Subject: Flattery

Date: August 23, 2011 09:54

To: Lalisa Jeon

Mrs. Jeon,

I have received three compliments on my new haircut. Compliments from my staff are new. It must be the ridiculous smile I'm wearing whenever I think about last night. You are indeed a wonderful, talented, beautiful woman.

And all mine.

Jungkook Jeon

CEO, Jeon Enterprises Holdings Inc.

I melt reading it.

From: Lalisa Jeon

Subject: Trying to concentrate here.

Date: August 23, 2011 10:48

To: Jungkook Jeon

Mr. Jeon,

I am trying to work and don't want to be distracted by delicious memories. Is now the time to confess that I used to cut Ray's hair regularly? I had no idea it would be such useful training.

And yes, I am yours and you, my dear overbearing husband who refuses to exercise his constitutional right under the second amendment to bear arms, are mine. But don't worry because I shall protect you. Always.

Lalisa Jeon

Commissioning Editor, SIP

From: Jungkook Jeon

Subject: Annie Oakley

Date: August 23, 2011 10:53

To: Lalisa Jeon

Mrs. Jeon,

I am delighted to see you have spoken to the IT dept and changed your name. :D I shall sleep safe in my bed knowing that my gun-toting wife sleeps beside me.

Jungkook Jeon

CEO & Hoplophobe, Jeon Enterprises Holdings Inc.

Hoplophobe? What the hell is that?

From: Lalisa Jeon

Subject: Long words

Date: August 23, 2011 10:58

To: Jungkook Jeon

Mr. Jeon,

Once more you dazzle me with your linguistic prowess. In fact, your prowess in general, and I think you know what I'm referring to.

Lalisa Jeon

Commissioning Editor, SIP

From: Jungkook Jeon

Subject: Gasp!

Date: August 23, 2011 11:01

To: Lalisa Jeon

Mrs. Jeon

Are you flirting with me?

Jungkook Jeon

Shocked CEO, Jeon Enterprises Holdings Inc.

From: Lalisa Jeon

Subject: Would you rather . . .

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