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"Happy birthday baby." Sasha grinned at her boyfriend as the two woke up together. It was Roman's birthday, so the two were going to spend the morning together. Spencer and Sadie were with Dean and Becky since they spent the previous night with them. Sasha couldn't wait to get her babies later that day.

"Thank you, beautiful. No better way to spend my birthday than with you." Roman smiled, softly kissing her before kissing her baby bump.

Sasha was 38 weeks pregnant with her and Roman's third child but first child together, a second daughter. They decided to name her Reese Talia Anoa'i. Even though baby Reese was a huge surprise, the couple were very excited to meet their baby girl. At first Sasha was a bit nervous since this was her first child after Seth's passing, but she was glad it was with Roman. He really was her rock.

"What do you wanna do today?" She asked as she ran her fingers through his dark hair.

"Breakfast maybe? Maybe Reese will come today." He chuckled as he really wasn't sure what he wanted to do for his birthday besides spend it with his girlfriend and the two kiddos once they got home from their Aunt Becky and Uncle Dean's house.

"Maybe she will. I don't care when she comes as long as it's soon. But it'd be cute if she shared a birthday with her daddy." Sasha gleamed.

The two finally got out of bed and got ready for the day. Once they were ready, they headed out for breakfast. It was nice for just the two of them to have a little morning date together. They were really enjoying the alone time while Spencer and Sadie had fun with their aunt and uncle. Not too long before they left the restaurant, Sasha began to feel a bit off.

"You alright baby?" Roman asked as he saw her wincing a bit before they got up from their booth.

"Yeah, I'm just having some sharp pains in my back. I can't tell if they're contractions or not." She admitted as Roman's eyes got a little bit big, realizing his girlfriend could be in labor. He quickly calmed down though so he could support her with whatever was going to happen.

"Alright, do you want me to tell Dean and Becks in case the kiddos gotta stay with them again?" He asked as he was unsure of what her plan was. They had an idea if she were to be overdue, but not when she'd go in to labor.

"Go ahead and tell them just in case Reese is coming. I'll start timing the pain to see what's going on." She nodded. Roman did what he needed to do as the two finally left the restaurant. They hardly made it to the car before Roman heard his girlfriend gasp and shout.

"Oh, my god." She gasped as Roman was confused.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked, completely unaware of the situation.

"My water broke." Sasha winced as she felt another now contraction strike up her back.

"Oh shit." He blurted out when he saw Sasha soaked from her waist down.

"Let's get you to the hospital, baby. Looks like Reese is coming." He added as he was excited to meet his daughter.

Roman helped Sasha in to their car, heading to the hospital. During the twenty minute drive, her contractions got worse. He was doing his best to help her power through them, but was also nervous to experience the labor and delivery process with her. He knew it'd be different for her since he wasn't Seth, but wanted to be there for her the best he could.

"Please tell me that we're almost there." Sasha groaned, nearly in tears due to the pain.

"About five to seven minutes baby. I'm trying to get us there asap." Roman informed her as she squeezed his hand tight. She just wanted baby Reese out of her.

"Babe just hurry, this hurts so bad!" She cried through another contraction.

"Almost there babygirl, I promise." He reassured her.

Just a short few minutes later, the two arrived at the hospital. Roman helped his girlfriend inside, getting Sasha checked in. They immediately admitted her and got her settled in to a room. She was already eight centimeters dilated, so she couldn't get the epidural. Sasha just had to power through the pain until baby Reese would be born. Luckily, it shouldn't be too much longer.

"Ow! Shit!" Sasha cried an hour later through a contraction. She was gripping on Roman's hand and upper arm from the pain. He was sitting right by her side, not wanting to leave.

"Breathe baby, you're doing great. Not much longer." Roman comforted her, moving her dark hair from her olive toned complexion.

"I want her out! It hurts so bad!" She nearly yelped. Her two previous births weren't on this level of pain. Of course they still were painful, but this one takes the cake out of the three birth experiences she's had.

"I know babygirl. She's gonna be here soon, just breathe with me." He reassured her. The two did some breathing exercises while Roman laid an ice cold wash cloth on her forehead since she was hot and sweaty. He just wanted to help her the best he could until baby Reese Talia was born.

Two hours later, Sasha's labor had totaled to three hours. She was now ten centimeters dilated and fully effaced. She was able to give birth to baby Reese Talia Anoa'i. Baby Reese and Roman would now officially share a birthday too. Roman was excited to share a birthday with his baby girl. Sasha was excited to meet Reese as well as be done with the labor and delivery.

"You're doing great babe." Roman smiled while encouraging his girlfriend during the delivery.

"Just a few more pushes, we can see her head." The doctor smiled at the two.

Sasha took a few deep breaths in between trying to push and deliver baby Reese. Less than five minutes later, the loud cries of baby Reese Talia Anoa'i filled the room. Both Sasha and Roman were very emotional to meet their daughter for the first time. The nurses laid the newborn baby on Sasha's chest while Roman cut her umbilical cord.

As that was going on, Sasha felt a bit dizzy and had to take a second look as she thought she saw Seth in the room. She had a slight flashback before being able to snap out of it, turning her attention back to Roman and Reese.

"You did amazing babygirl, she's perfect. The new love of our lives!" Roman beamed from ear to ear while some tears were streaming down his face.

"She's so beautiful. I think she looks like Sadie." Sasha beamed while getting immediate skin to skin bonding time with baby Reese.

"She's your twin the way Sadie is. Reese is just as beautiful as her mother and big sister. I'm the luckiest guy in the world." He grinned, kissing her gently as she was trying to nurse baby Reese after a little bit of time went by.

"I can't believe she's here." Sasha softly smiled while still nursing her newborn baby girl.

"It happened so fast." He chuckled, cleaning up her face a bit as she had some sweat stains from the labor.

"That it did. I can't believe we have three kids. Three whole kids." She giggled.

"I'm happy to be a part of it. I'm not taking the place of Spencer and Sadie's dad. I'll never fill his shoes, just wanna support them." Roman admitted.

"I know and they appreciate that even if they can't fully understand. You're the best support they have and we love you. All four of us do." She grinned, tilting her head up to kiss him. The two soaking in the excitement of welcoming baby Reese in to the family, becoming a new blended family of five.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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