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"Alrighty babes, let's get you guys ready for bed." Sasha smiled at four year old Spencer and one year old Sadie after they watched a movie together. Seth was currently on the road about two hours away doing a live event, so he'd be home in a couple days. Until then, Sasha would be hanging out with their babies and waiting for him to come home.

"Mommy, when's daddy home?" Spencer asked as she was washing his and Sadie's hair in the tub.

"I think in a couple days bubba. He's at work right now. So it's just me, you and sissy till he gets home." She smiled as she cleaned off both kiddos.

Sasha then got them changed into their pajamas before laying them down in her and Seth's bed to read them a book before both kids fell asleep together. After both kids were asleep, Sasha went downstairs to clean up and take some time out for herself. She was in the middle of watching a movie before hearing her phone ring. She was a bit confused seeing that it was Roman, but she shrugged and answered it anyway.

"Hey Roman! What's up?" Sasha answered as she and Seth were extremely close with Roman, like the rest of their friends.

"Sasha I gotta talk to you, it's bad." He answered as her whole demeanor changed.

"What's wrong? I just put the kids to bed and I heard from Seth about a couple hours ago before his match." She informed him, not knowing what the large Samoan was going to say.

"Seth was in a bad accident during his match. He hit his head really badly on the table so he's being rushed to the hospital now. Bayley and the girls are on their way, but as soon as they get there you have to go to the hospital Sasha." Roman said as Sasha immediately got teary eyed.

"How bad is he?! How far out are the girls?" She frantically asked as she was trying not to panic.

"Sasha he's out cold. We don't know what's going to happen but he has to have emergency surgery. They're about twenty minutes away." Roman said as the two hung up. Sasha was trying to hold it together before getting all of her things. She was also trying to be quiet so she didn't wake up Sadie and Spencer. She was a nervous wreck though trying to get to Seth.

The girls showed up on time, as Sasha didn't get a chance to say two words to them. She mainly left a note saying that the kids were asleep and to just watch them. Sasha did her best to stay calm while driving as she got to the hospital rather fast. Roman texted her what floor he and Dean were on as they waited for Seth to be out of surgery. So, she hurried up and got upstairs to the floor where the guys were.

"Where's Seth?" She asked in a panicked way as Sasha almost ran to Dean and Roman.

"He's still in surgery. We don't know how much longer he'll be in there." Dean informed her before handing her some water.

"Well what happened? How did this happen?" She questioned the two. Roman then explained as his opponent was trying out a new move on him, he didn't protect Seth's head and unfortunately that got him to where he is now.

"Oh my god. Is he going to be okay?!" She cried as she started letting the tears slide down her cheeks.

"We don't know, Sash. We have to wait for the doctors and surgeon to come back out." Dean sighed as he and Roman held Sasha and helped her calm down. Not even an hour later, the surgeon and doctor came out as Sasha could tell they were looking for her, Dean, and Roman.

"Miss Sasha?" The doctor asked, tapping her shoulder.

"Yes, that's me. How is he?" She panicked and asked.

"Unfortunately, he's not going to be saved from this. There's too much damage." The surgeon said as Sasha's eyes widened and she began to silently cry.

"You are more than welcome to come see him in his room and say your goodbyes if you'd like, miss Varnado." The doctor added as Sasha nodded her head. Roman and Dean thought it'd be best for her to go to have some private moments before she said her goodbyes.

"Seth, oh my god." Sasha gasped as she saw her boyfriend of six years lay nearly lifeless in the hospital bed. She began crying as everything flooded back in her mind.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, my love." She cried as she held Seth's hand. Even though his eyes were shut, she still loved seeing his face no matter what.

"I really hope you pull out of this babe. If not for me, for Spenc and Sadie. They need you more than me. I really want you to come home." Sasha sobbed as she was still sitting next to her boyfriend and holding his hand.

"Seth, I love you so much. I can't do this without you!" She cried as she could see the lines getting slower from Seth's heart.

"I love you." Seth barely whispered before flatlining and passing away.

"Seth! I love you! Please don't go! Don't go!" Sasha began screaming and crying as the love of her life, the father of their two children and were now gone. The doctor then had to excuse her out of the room as she went down to see Dean and Roman who already knew.

"He's gone! He's fucking gone!" Sasha screamed into Roman's chest as he and Dean were holding her and trying to keep it together themselves as their best friend was now gone.

"How am I gonna do this?! We have two babies!" She screamed again, gasping for air as she clung to Roman's shirt tightly. She felt as if all of the oxygen in the air had been taken from her and she couldn't breathe.

"I know Sash. I know. We're all gonna be here for you." Roman reassured her as he and Dean had to basically carry Sasha out of the hospital. Not even two steps out of the door, she began crying harder and gasping for air.

"Put me down! I'm gonna puke!" She screamed before they did as she asked. She barely made it to the grass before vomiting everywhere and crying in between. Roman and Dean looked at each other and rubbed her back, trying to do everything they could for her.

"I want him to come home so bad! I can't do this without him!" Sasha reamed as her eyes were bloodshot red from crying and she looked a mess, rightfully so.

"We're all going to be here for you, Sash. You won't be alone." Roman sympathized with the small brunette.

"Sadie and Spencer don't have their dad anymore! How do I tell them?" She cried as they began walking to their cars. Dean was going to drive his and Roman's car while Roman rode with Sasha.

"I don't know, Sash. Just tell them how you feel is fit. We're all here for you, okay?" He reassured her before they began driving home. Dean texted the girls and told them about Seth as they were trying to comfort Sasha. They were torn up too, but were keeping it together for Sasha and her kids. As soon as they got home, Sasha cried as she walked to the front door before opening it. There she saw Bayley, Charlotte, and Becky waiting to comfort her. She slowly walked up the steps before falling apart in Bayley's arms.

"He's gone!" She cried into her best friend's arms.

"I know babe, I know." Bayley whispered as she was rubbing her friend's back and tried to comfort her.

"Fuck my life dude." She gasped for air and wiped her eyes. Sasha felt completely destroyed and lost without her boyfriend and the father of Sadie and Spencer. She just knew she had to be strong for the kids, but wasn't sure how to stay strong for them if she couldn't even hold it together for herself. This is a new chapter she did not want to have to face.

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