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A few days later, Seth was home from being on the road. He unfortunately was stripped of the Raw Tag Team Championships with Dean. No one was mad, even though Seth was mad at himself. He did in fact tear the same ACL again. That made him even more angry. He would be out of action for six months. He was hoping to return in time for the Royal Rumble.

Now that he was home, Sasha was helping him as much as she could. He was also having his surgery later that day. She made sure that they had everything packed that was necessary. More so for a diaper bag since they would have to take Spencer with them. Sasha was just hoping for a speedy recovery for Seth and to help him get back to the top.

"Bags are in the car, Spencer's asleep in his car seat. You ready to go babe?" Sasha asked as they were getting ready to head to the hospital for Seth's surgery.

"About as ready as I will be." He sighed as Sasha helped him out to the car. Once he was settled in, she went back inside and got Spencer. She made sure he was all safe and secure before beginning the drive to the hospital.

It didn't take long for the three to arrive at the hospital. They got Seth checked in and admitted as he was taken back to a room. They were able to get him prepared for surgery quickly as well. Sasha waited out in the lobby with baby Spencer while Seth had his knee surgery. It was about two hours later when the surgeon informed Sasha that his surgery was successful and complete. She was relieved and headed up with their son to go see him.

"We'll get you back to where you need to be baby, promise." Sasha quietly smiled at her sleepy man. She would be his biggest cheerleader. She just wanted him to succeed.

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