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"Mommy I'm tired." Three year old Spencer yawned as Sasha did the same.

"I'm sure you are bubs, you kept me up all night and haven't napped yet." She gave a light laugh at her son who was trying to climb in her lap.

"When's daddy gonna be home?" He questioned, his big brown eyes looking up into his mother's.

"He's on his way home now bug, then he'll be with us until sissy is born." She reassured the three year old.

Sasha was thirty nine weeks pregnant with her and Seth's second baby but first daughter, whom they decided to name Sadie Justine Lopez. They were super excited to have a baby girl after Spencer was born. Sasha was relieved that she wasn't born during WrestleMania weekend either. Now, she just wanted her boyfriend home so they could finally get ready for baby Sadie's birth.

"I'm home!" Seth shouted less than an hour later. Sasha was laying on the couch with a sleeping Spencer cuddling with her.

"Hey baby." She giggled softly as he walked in to the living room, seeing his pregnant girlfriend and son.

"Someone tired?" He asked with a smile, quietly walking over and bending over to kiss his lover.

"Both of us. Someone kept me up most of the night and didn't wanna nap today." She informed him as he nodded his head.

"Alright, well I can take over if you wanna take a nap baby. Princess will be here any day now." He said as she nodded her head, slowly drifting off to sleep.

While Sasha took a nap, Seth did everything needed around the house. First he unpacked and cleaned himself up. Then he made sure they had everything packed and ready to go for when baby Sadie Justine made her arrival. Afterwards, he made sure everything was cleaned up and organized, just how Sasha would want it so she didn't stress herself out. Once he was done, he went to go check on his girlfriend and son, seeing her in some discomfort.

"You ok?" Seth asked as he saw her wincing in pain.

"My back is killing me." She admitted before wincing again. Seth had a bit of a feeling he knew what was going on.

"Contractions?" He questioned, knowing this is how she felt with Spencer's labor and delivery.

"I dunno, maybe? They kinda feel like it but I haven't been keeping track." She shrugged before beginning to time them.

"Alright, just keep me posted. I'll call Dean and Becks to get little man if the pain gets worse." He said as Sasha nodded her head. It didn't take long for them to realize they were contractions, so Dean went ahead and came over to get Spencer. Seth thanked him and turned his attention back to Sasha.

"What's wrong?" He asked when he saw her clenching her belly while holding on to their bed.

"My water broke." She whimpered as another contraction came on.

"Alright baby, let's get you to the hospital. It's gonna be okay." He comforted her, helping her out to the car.

"Sadie picked a great time to come." Sasha emphasized between contractions.

"At least this time I was home." He chuckled, holding her hand tightly.

"This is true, just exhausted." She yawned, still tired from the long night with Spencer.

"I know honey, I understand. Once princess Sadie gets here, you can rest. Daddy'll take over." Seth grinned, super excited to meet his daughter. Sasha smiled, breathing through the pain and wanting to get to the hospital sooner rather than later.

Less than fifteen minutes later, the two arrived at the hospital. Seth quickly got Sasha checked in and admitted since she was in active labor. They got her settled in to a room before checking her vitals. She was already four centimeters dilated and fully effaced. They did give her some medicine to help her speed up a bit, but the two were just excited to meet their baby girl.

"Good job baby." Seth sympathetically smiled at his girlfriend about three hours later. She was now seven centimeters dilated and powering through contractions. She was doing great, but was exhausted and it was almost midnight.

"Thanks, just exhausted babe." She groaned, closing her eyes for a moment.

"I know, if we could trade places I would. You're doing great and Sadie will be here soon." He grinned, letting her squeeze his hand tight as another contraction came on.

Three hours later, it was 3am on April Ninth. Sasha was ten centimeters dilated and fully effaced. She was now ready to give birth to baby Sadie Justine Lopez. Even though she was extremely tired, Sasha and Seth were excited to meet their baby girl. She just hoped it wouldn't take too long for the actual delivery process.

"Alright baby, let's have our sweet girl." Seth proudly beamed, smile from ear to ear. He was holding her leg and letting her squeeze his hand when needed.

"That's it baby, good job." He grinned as she began pushing. The doctor informed them after to only push a few more times. Less than ten minutes later, the loud cries of Sadie Justine Lopez filled the room. Sasha and Seth were emotional seeing and hearing their baby girl for the first time.

"She's here!" Sasha sobbed while looking up at Seth as he was very emotional himself.

"I love you baby." He grinned through his tears, kissing her on the forehead as she reciprocated the same words back. After Sasha and Sadie were cleaned up, they finally got some quiet and private time with their daughter.

"She's perfect." Sasha whispered while enjoying her skin to skin bonding time with her daughter.

"She's your mini. Just as beautiful as her mama." Seth smiled as they admired their newborn daughter's features. Everything was dead on from Sasha. Sadie was a spitting image of her, the way Spencer was a spitting image of Seth. Sadie was a beautiful baby and the couple were blessed to have her.

"The whole world will know about you, sweet girl. One day." Sasha quietly whispered to Sadie, the two soaking in all the emotions of now becoming a family of four.

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