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"Hello?" Sasha asked as she saw her boyfriend was calling her, answering the phone.

"Hey babydoll, you doing okay?" Seth asked as he had just arrived at the airport, trying to get back home.

"Mhm, just waiting for you to get home and then baby can be here." She beamed while talking to her lover.

Sasha was forty weeks pregnant with her and Seth's first child and son, whom they decided to name Spencer Daniel Lopez. They were super excited to meet their son soon. Seth was also on his way home for his paternal leave, which he'd get a decent bit off for. The next day would be Sasha's birthday as well, so she was curious if Spencer would make his arrival on his mama's birthday.

Sasha definitely had enjoyed her pregnancy. Everything went smooth for the most part. She was now overdue and uncomfortable. She definitely wanted baby Spencer out as soon as possible. If she didn't have him in the next few days, then she would be induced to have their baby boy.

"Well I'm at the airport now and should be home soon. Baby boy just needs to sit tight for a couple more hours so daddy can get home." He chuckled on the other line.

"I don't think that'll be a problem for him at all. Just be safe babe, I love you." She replied, knowing the two would have to get off the phone so he could catch his plane.

"I love you too baby girl, I'll see you soon." He finished as the two hung up the phone. Once they were done talking, Sasha ended up falling asleep to take a nap as she was exhausted due to the end of her pregnancy.

She was only asleep for an hour and a half before waking up in pain. Sasha wasn't sure if they were contractions, so she began timing them. She was mostly worried if she had to go to the hospital before Seth got home. She did not want to give birth without her baby's father there. Hopefully Seth would be home soon.

"Fuck." She winced as she felt another contraction come on strong.

Her contractions were about five minutes apart, so Sasha was getting nervous about giving birth without Seth. He had one more flight which was about an hour and a half before he'd finally get home. She knew she had to call someone though since she had to go to the hospital.

"Hello?" Sasha answered as she heard her friend pick up on the other line.

"What's up babes?" Charlotte asked, unsure why her best friend was calling her.

"Can you come over please?" Sasha nearly whimpered as she felt another contraction.

"What's wrong?" The blonde questioned.

"This baby is coming and Seth won't be here for another almost two hours." She groaned in pain.

"Alright, I'm coming. Hang tight I'll be there soon." Charlotte reassured her. The two hung up as Sasha sent her boyfriend a message so he knew what was happening when he got off the plane.

"Oh fuck." Sasha groaned as she felt a pop and a rush of water go down her leg. Her water broke but Charlotte would be there any moment. She felt like a deer in headlights and just wanted Seth with her.

"Sasha?" Charlotte called through the house as she had arrived after a fifteen minute drive.

"Living room!" Sasha replied, breathing through a contraction. The tall blonde quickly walked over and saw her friend in pain. Charlotte helped her out to the car, grabbing her bags, and heading to the hospital.

"How far out is Seth?" Charlotte asked in between Sasha's contractions.

"His plane just landed five minutes ago." Sasha winced as her boyfriend texted her during the drive to the hospital.

"That's a good sign. You got this sister, you're doing great." She smiled at her friend, trying to help her until Seth got there.

After a twenty minute drive, Charlotte got Sasha safely to the hospital. She hurriedly got her best friend turned into little sister inside, so they could get her checked in and admitted. They got her settled in to a room before hooking her up to all the monitors. Charlotte was taken back by all they have to do for Sasha as she was beginning her labor and delivery. They also checked to see she was just about two centimeters dilated and fully effaced, so it would most likely take her a bit to have baby Spencer.

"Alright, I'm here." Seth breathed as he finally arrived at the hospital an hour later.

"Babe," Sasha half smiled as she was relieved to see her boyfriend. The two also thanked Charlotte for supporting Sasha and taking her to the hospital. She excused herself so the two could go through the labor and delivery process in private.

"I'm here beautiful, I'm here." He comforted her, holding her hand as they were both relieved he was there.

"Good. I want this baby out." She groaned, gripping his hand tighter.

"He'll be here soon, love. I'm here, I'll help you through it." He whispered, helping her through a contraction.

"Oh my god get this baby out of me!" Sasha cried five hours later. She had been in labor for a little over six hours now and was four centimeters dilated.

"Breathe baby, you're doing great. You'll feel better soon." He tried comforting her but knew she wouldn't fully feel better until Spencer was born.

"I just want him out." She rubbed her tired eyes as Seth laid a cool washcloth on her head. A few minutes later, the anesthesiologist came in with her epidural to see if that would ease some pain for her.

"How are you feeling now?" Seth asked an hour after she got the epidural. She definitely seemed more relaxed and a bit giggly too.

"I can't feel anything from my belly down." She giggled, holding Seth's hand. The epidural was definitely working for her.

"Sounds like someone is feeling better." He chuckled, lightly kissing her cheek.

"For the most part, just still want him out of me. But now it's looking like we'll share a birthday." She beamed as it was about 11pm on January 25th, an hour until Sasha's birthday.

"Perfect day to have our baby boy." He proudly grinned at his girlfriend while she tiredly smiled back at him.

"How much longer?" Sasha groaned six hours later. She had now been in labor for thirteen hours and hadn't had baby Spencer yet.

"Not much longer, baby. Almost there." Seth tried comforting her but knew she just wanted this to be done. It didn't help either that her epidural was wearing off, so she was beginning to feel worse. A few minutes later, her doctor came in to check her dilation. Sasha was hoping she'd be able to give birth since she was exhausted from the labor.

"Alright let's have a baby!" The doctor smiled after checking and seeing that Sasha was ten centimeters dilated and fully effaced. It was baby time. The couple smiled as their son would be here soon and Sasha was excited to share her birthday with their baby boy.

"Let's meet our baby." Seth excitedly grinned, pumped to meet his son. The nurses and doctor got prepared for the delivery. Shortly after, they began the delivery of their baby.

"Good job honey. You're doing great." Seth grinned as Sasha was taking a breath.

"He's almost here!" The doctor smiled. Seth helped support Sasha as she gave a few more big pushes. Just a few minutes later, the loud cries of baby Spencer Daniel Lopez filled the room. Sasha and Seth were immediately in tears hearing and seeing their son for the first time.

"Oh my god." Sasha cried once Spencer was laid on her chest as the nurses cleaned him up. Seth went to cut his umbilical cord before coming right back to her side.

"He's perfect, honey. I'm so proud of you. You did great." He sniffled through his tears, lightly kissing her forehead. After making sure everyone was okay and healthy, the doctors and nurses left the room for the new parents to have some quiet time with baby Spencer.

"He's the best birthday gift I could've gotten. He's your twin too." Sasha giggled while admiring her newborn son's features. Everything was Seth, he was a spitting image of his father.

"Beautiful boy, I couldn't be happier. Happy birthday to both my babies." Seth beamed as the two embraced their new chapter of parenthood.

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