Teaser 2

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"I don't know but whatever it is, it's only for you. I don't like it when my presence doenn't affect you a bit. I look forward to a  simple dinner with you. Dadi says it's love. Please tell me that it'll work someday, not love but  atleast you will not remind me of contract 10 times a day. It hurts, I'm tired of pretending that I'm emotionless. I sure do not use emotions while working  but that doesn't mean I don't have emotions, I do feel. Other than my family you are the only person I feel emotions for and those are not only familial emotions it's first time I'm feeling romantic connection with someone and I so wish that's it's the last time, cause someone else thought in your place scares me. It's not only about sex, I did have sex before but it didn't feel this beautiful ever. Please just give me some of your time. "


"I've always loved you from afar in my imagination but I will take my all time to love the real you. So you have to wait till that time comes. Or you can also work hard to make me love the real you, cause my 'imagination you' has set the standards very high."


"I hate you, for all those foreign things you make me feel. And my revenge will be to make you feel all those things for me too. Call it love or whatever you wish but the fact that you are stuck with me will never change, even if I die."


"Are you ready for an adventure golden boy?"
"If that adventure is you, then yes, for my whole life."


A/N: vote fast.


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