Part 4

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Your POV:

Theres only 2 days untill the concert, you were really nervous but also exited.. You got a text from Micheal says:

"Hey princess I just thought that in 2 days you are going to the concert right?" He was calling you princess now, and you loved it, like you actually meant something to him.

"Yes i'm so exited!"

" Yeah but, I forgot to ask where your seat is? :)" wierd question.

"I'm going to sit on the seat in L6 row 12 seat 133.. it's not so close, but it's fine! :D"

"Okay thats far away from the scene! :P"

"Why that face! :((("

"Sorry princess.. it's just I have a closer seat! :P"

"You're so evil! D:"

"HAHA sorry!"

Nialls POV:

The days went and the concert is tonight! I can't wait to see her. Only in 3 hours she will be standing in the crowd. It's unbelievable...

"Ready for tonght?" Liam asked. I have told him about what I'm going to do tonight.

"Yeah i am, it's crazy man!" I replied.

"Good luck man" he said grinning.

"Thank you" I said loud.

 The night of my life came closer.. I could hear the people got in the concert hall. The warming up band was on now. 

"2 minutes and you're on!" the scene man said. I found my phone and texted (y/n).

Your POV:

OMG the are going on in a second!! My phone got a text, I looked it was from Micheal:

"I Love You (y/n)! xx <3" wow..

I wrote fast back:

"I Love You too Micheal! xxxxxxxxxx <3333"

Part 5?? making it anyway.. xD

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