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The warm and soothing aroma enticed my senses and ushered me to open my eyes. A whiff of steamy cloud danced atop the unfamiliar baked bread. It was golden with a slightly brown crust and glistened in the morning light. 

"Good morning Your Highness." quiet and timid was Kaiya's voice. "I have brought your breakfast. Anna said those are saffron buns, fresh from the oven."

In an instant, my mind forgot about the pleasant scent as soon as I saw her face and memories of yesterday's ordeal. I could see, Kaiya tried to hide her emotions and pretend Arian's outburst didn't affect her. Her voice gave her true feelings away. Who was she trying to fool?

Suppressed anger surged through me remembering the failed attempt to discipline Arian. 

"Breakfast can wait. I will be right back." I freed my legs and threw the heavy duvet over the bed. 

"Princess! Where are you going?"

"To see Arian off course."

"Please! Can I ask you don't?". I saw her hand hidden behind the crook of her attire. It was trembling. "It was not his fault. I ..."

"Nonsense. I know him and his dumb reasons. Don't ever try to protect him. It is my duty to put him in his place. It is his own fault for rejecting his rights to privilege."

"My apologies, highness!" Kaiya turned into her timid form.

I could not wait. Arian had stepped over the acceptable behavior. If I did nothing, Kaiya's life would be in danger again.

This time I had no reason to knock on his door or be polite. As I entered his room, the neatly arranged bed suggested he had been up for a while. His form appeared as a dark shadow in front of the window, no character of his attire was visible, though the light peered strongly through the fine fabric of the curtains. He had taken a color of pure black today. Arian's fingers caressed the last bindings on his arm brace. He glanced at me with a nonchalant stare. 

I walked up to him and without a thought my palm connected with his cheek. It seemed my skin burned more than his pride I tried to afflict. I had never raised a hand against my dear guardian. 

He closed his eyes. His dark eyelashes and brows hid the pain in his heart. Arian could not conceal his emotions from my observant nature. 

"It will not be the last time if you continue to act so foolishly. What were you thinking? You are not in our homeland where such behavior might be acceptable from you!"

"I am just trying to protect you."

"From who? Huangs? Kaiya?"

"Exactly. You are too blind to see that she can become a threat." Arian hissed.

"I am tired of trying to change your mind. You are too blind to see what opportunity stands before your eyes. Opportunity to end all the needless rivalry with advances in our favor."

"You are right. By killing every last of Huangs."

I could see anger appear again in his eyes. 

"Don't you see yourself?" I awaited Arian's reaction but came only a confused look. "Don't you see how infatuated you are with that girl? Don't you see what you could do with her?"

"My stance is clear. You will not change my mind. You will be grateful for it later."

I sighed. It seemed Arian's stubborn nature had robbed his mind and sense of logic. I felt like I was fighting alone to make his life into something void of constant anger and rage. He could not use me forever for his happiness.

Could I ever get through to him? What measures should I take to make him change?

"I will make it clear." I looked deep into his eyes. "If I ever see you again touch Kaiya, I will relieve you of your duties. You will not be the one to protect me then." 

Arian's lips tightened. Maybe such actions stirred something in his heart. 

Before I left the room and his dark form, still obscuring the rays of the sun, my troubled heart irked me by his last night's events.

"I don't like that you use those servants for your pleasures." I could only imagine his expression as my eyes parted the secrecy of the room to the wast corridor leading to other parts of the castle.

My mind was in turmoil contrasting my usually collected composure. I did not want to see wars, deaths, and violence again. Jin's passing was as fresh in my memory as it might be in Arian's. It still broke my heart. I acknowledged his suffering but he should strive for something else than just living in dark memories. With that kind of attitude, Arian might be able to frighten our enemies, military, and other nations, but it would not paint a trusting image for our common residents, farmers, and those who keep us thriving with their resources. They should not fear the royal family. Kaiya should not fear me or Arian. Though related by blood, she has no other connections with Huangs... For now at least.

I inhaled a deep breath of scented air, that of the most common of flowers but so intoxicating, bringing calmness to my mind.  Queen Thea had a fine taste, though unusual, born under noble blood. By their expressions, the atmosphere in their castle, and the uplifting service, it seemed no hardships bothered the royals of the Hadria. Could it be I just didn't see their problems? Were they so good at hiding them?

A maid rushed towards me trickling with light steps. She bowed deeply before addressing me. Had something happened?

"Your Highness, this might have come unexpectedly, but ... King Edmund is requesting your presence."

"Is there a problem with something?" I was suspicious. It was enough with Arian's surprises.

"No, not at all. King's family has arrived and they bring presents from many of our most noble of residents." The maid continued to hold her posture in a slight bow.

"Intriguing. I will join in the moment. Say the most polite of greetings for our King this morning." I smiled. A couple of days in Hadria have been the most surprising in my recent years of living.

And what to do with Kaiya? I opened the door to my room and she was folding the remaining sheets over the bed. Her quietness and calm didn't make my heart rest in peace. 

"I will go to see the King Edmund. He has acquired presents for us. Do you want to come?" I held my voice calm.

"If my princess needs my assistance, then I will come."

Kaiya was still thinking about her duty to serve me, even though I would not hold a grudge if for one minute she abandoned her tasks. 

"I will leave you to rest or will call Anna to occupy your time. You need some time away from me."

"Princess Reina..."

"I will get Arian right away, don't worry about him in your free time."

I left her with confusion and uncertainty but knew she would enjoy time spent observing the wonders of the castle. I had not seen much and so did she.

Arian stood in front of his door in a guarding position - with legs firmly supporting his form on the marbled tile floor and arms behind his back. He seemed annoyed, the pale gaze locked on me.

"For how long were you standing here?"

"For as long as you were gone. Aren't you taking her with you today?"

"And why are you so interested? Have your heart changed in such a short time?" I squinted my eyes at him in annoyance.

Arian huffed in response. We couldn't go at each other this way.

"Come. The king and queen have surprises for us."

Born to unite (Born to be a slave; Book III)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin