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In the silence of the early morning, I helped Anna and other maids prepare the breakfast table for our rulers. 

I could not see what the table was made of, but each leg gave me an impression of a paw belonging to a mystical animal or a plant. My mind wandered soaking in the overwhelming view of foreign art. 

After the night's sleep, my heart carried lighter emotions. There was no anxiousness I usually felt. Anna's cheerful expression lifted the mood in the room. How could she be so carefree? Only a child with an innocent heart could match her delightfulness. What made her so happy?

She hummed a song while placing the last pieces of tableware. I was unfamiliar with the etiquette and mannerisms of this country. Some items seemed useless. Clutter and chaos were all I could see.

I met Anna's assuring smile. 

"You seem confused? Is something bothering you?"

"No. Nothing at all. I am just observing and trying to learn your customs."

"Don't worry so much. We, the common people, don't practice such extravagant rituals. Just a plate or a bowl and simple cutlery are all we need."

I smiled - an expression I hardly experienced lately, but in the presence of kind people, I couldn't help, but give up the shadowing thoughts following my every step.

"Where is your princess? Doesn't she need your help?" Anna continued. Other maids ignored me or were too busy with their work.

"Arian is taking care of her. I would be a burden in his presence."

"Don't think of it like that. From what I have seen, princess Reina values your company. You should have some faith in yourself too."

I couldn't believe I was capable of changing my inner feelings so easily. My whole existence, since the day I was born, was nothing to be proud or happy about. The only significant meaning in my life brought my parents, but now since they were no longer with me, I had succumbed to the overpowering reality of my loneliness and the status I held.

"You must have caring and encouraging people around you. Your positivity is admirable. Your parents have brought you up well."

"I hardly remember them. I have never seen my father. My mother passed away when I was young. For my upbringing, I can only thank my mentor Sophia and queen Thea. I have never met a person with a heart so pure. I will forever hold her majesty dear."

Anna was right. Despite hardly knowing the queen, her outer appearance radiated understanding and kindness. Last night, her calm aura seemed to hold everyone together at the dinner table.

On the other hand, Reina expressed herself similarly, but I was in no place to characterize my princess knowing her only for a couple of months. She had been secretive, mysterious. I know nothing of her inner nature, but something always warms up my heart - her protectiveness as if I was somehow important.

In minutes, the aroma of food flooded the room - bread, fruits, and some unfamiliar dishes. The steam from the trunks of porcelain teapots fogged up the neatly arranged flowers whose scent mixed with the sweet smell of sugar. My breathing stopped, my senses robbed me of thinking clearly, and my stomach rumbled in hunger all of a sudden. Would I be able to taste anything similar?

"How come, you are always where I need to be?"

My delight was short-lived when none other than Arian breathed on my neck. My body went stiff, all the smells disappeared, and terror overtook my body. What did I expect? Arian was supposed to appear, and enjoy the breakfast with princess Reina. I was so foolish not to expect him around.

I shuffled aside with my eyes peeled on the ground.

He didn't move.

"Did you touch anything?" His words cut like knives.

I didn't answer, only shook my head in denial. I could not speak with him so close, could not look at him, though his dark frame lingered in my vision.

"Very good" Arian's voice was cold.

He slowly moved to his place by the table and dropped his heavy body in the seat as if the drowsiness of the morning had not left him.

Countless steps from the hallway approached our location. My gaze came up and I was relieved to see my princess. Behind her, prince Richard with an energetic walk accompanied her lady-like tiptoeing. I bowed before she reached me.

"Did you have an interesting morning?"

I nodded.

Prince Richard flashed a wide smile that matched his pearly eyes. He looked handsome. Some butterflies woke up in my stomach. The royal family of Hadria could light up the feelings of anyone in the room.

My eyes went back to Arian, but he was not expressing such emotion. It was disappointing. Could there be anyone capable of changing him?

Arian stared back at me and I didn't notice. This time his eyes lacked emotion. The slightly blue hue shimmered as the morning light caught his irises. One could say, he appeared to be less threatening, but something in my gut told me otherwise. I quickly moved my gaze away. My heart drummed uncontrollably killing all the joy prince Richard had brought.

As if feeling my uneasiness, Reina stopped by my side.

"Go and have some breakfast. I will be fine for a while." Her soothing voice calmed me. 

I bowed again and excused myself. 

Anna was waiting for me further away. She placed her warm hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me ahead. It was a welcoming gesture, a slight relief from my fears.

"Relax!" Anna chirped. "Come and have something nice to eat!"

Despite the change of atmosphere, my tongue stayed tied.

Born to unite (Born to be a slave; Book III)Where stories live. Discover now