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I almost missed Princess Reina's call admiring the lavishly decorated castle space. She advised me to stay close to her tonight, and I didn't need to know why. It has been my duty for many weeks, and every night she gave me that order - for the fear of my life.

Arian was never far, keeping an eye on Reina and more often on me. He smothered my soul with his hatred. I couldn't breathe under his gaze while my heart drummed uncontrollably. Given a chance, given a small opening of solitude between us, would bring satisfaction to Arian's desire to eliminate me.

I dared not to speak about him with Lady Reina despite wanting to know so much. Why was this man so bitter? What made him turn this way?

All of it was the business of the royal family, and I had no part in it. I was an insignificant peasant. Why would she share the deepest secrets of her lineage?

My eyes moved to my feet. Unnatural-looking plant shapes and foreign crest symbols formed geometrical patterns on the warm amber-toned floor. My gaze traveled further to the invited women with dresses bigger and more accented than the appetizing cakes on the numerous tables. Even the chandelier resembled little of the artistic crafts of my land, and above all, the ceiling told a story of some kind - somewhat magical.

I marveled at the difference in hair colors of foreign women. Some had lighter than mine, but others shone brightly as gold and even more soothed my eyes with a soft shade of silver. The same could be said about eyes. I no longer felt different in that aspect, but I knew, soon I would return home, and my life would take the old road.

The eyes of guests reached for two men at the main table. One was Prince Richard, the other - Arian, though my own gaze lingered on the young man. Another human, another being, possessed those pale eyes. I had seen them in my dreams of fear. I had seen them looming over me every day, but the orbs of pearly white held so much kindness and happiness. I couldn't help but smile, seeing that someone like Arian was quite the opposite of nature I knew.

His wide back turned away, shielded me from his frowned expression that constantly marked his face. Even now, my hand trembled thinking about Arian. I closed my fist and took a deep breath.

"Relax. You have nothing to worry about in this castle. The family of Wiltshires is kind and understanding. We will take care of your princess and you." A young woman with golden hair whispered without breaking her firm stance alongside other servants. Her plump cheeks rose as she smiled.

She thought I was nervous about the event. It was not the case, and I would be wrong to speak ill about the royal family of my land.

"My name is Anna, by the way. I am the maid of our queen Thea. I suppose you hold the same position."

"I am sorry. I didn't want to be rude. Kaiya - my name is, and your assumption was right. I work for princess Reina."

"Your lady is beautiful. I believe the young prince will have a great time with her presence. And her guard ... they are so much alike. Their eyes ..." Anna couldn't hold in her excitement.

"I doubt Arian would resemble him in any way. It's only their eyes."

"Cheer up, young girl." Anna chirped.

I returned a weak smile. She seemed nice and carefree, playful, though her age would suggest her maturity, but maybe I was not too good at judging her. The whole land seemed quite the opposite of what I had known until now.

For quite some time, I continued to observe people in silence. Time passed, and I hardly noticed the nobles leaving their seats and taking the evening to a more casual gathering. Some chose to take a walk in the garden, while others formed small groups for chatting. The quiet sound of music overtook the room. My princess didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, and I stayed in my place, but soon I met Arian's hard gaze.

As always, he expressed annoyance about something as the frown formed deep ridges on his forehead. He didn't linger by the table, ignored the princess, and with a steady pace marched towards me, his eyes never leaving my form. Some would say the pale irises made his gaze ghostly looking, but I saw so much emotion in them, and hatred poured out whenever our eyes met. Unwillingly my arm trembled again. What would he do? What would he say? I didn't need to imagine. I knew ...

"With your disgusting presence in this room, I can't sit here any longer. The air feels ... smothering. If only I would have a chance to make a difference." The deep tone of Arian's voice and a slight growl sent shivers down my spine.

I no longer could look him in the eyes. I held my tears and prayed he would leave me alone. I doubted he would do anything to me in a crowded room and with a princess nearby. I peeked over his shoulder to see that Reina was completely unaware of his position. I didn't blame her. I never expected her to care. My life meant nothing to a noble person, but every time I was so close to being hurt, she came. She saved me. My eyes lingered on her slim form - longing.

Arian grabbed my upper arm and unnoticeably tried to move me away from the room, away from the princess. Fear paralyzed my legs. They were heavy as stone, but with his strength, I wasn't able to object.

"N ... no ..." I barely let out a sound.

"What did you say?"

Born to unite (Born to be a slave; Book III)Where stories live. Discover now