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The hustle outside and a knock on my door shot my form straight up from the slumber. For a second, I thought my heart stopped beating. Could it be him again? But then ... would he announce his presence so politely? Holding in my breath, I wrapped myself out of the worn-off blanket, silently crawling towards the door and listening for any indication of who they might be.

In an instant, it slid open, and behind, two dark orbs looked down. Further - a couple more men stood alert and observed me intently in the same way. 

"Here you are."

I shuddered, recognizing them - they were the guards from the palace.

"You have to come with us. The royal family demands your presence right now." He said in a stern voice.

"W ... Why me?"

"No questions asked. Get up. Follow me."

He didn't wait for me to regain my balance. He lifted me by the arm with a forceful pull and dragged me over the floor towards the road. 

Their armored uniform drew a sense of obedience, with black metal plating, chainmail, and the finest silk spoke of their status. Up close, the clothing looked like belonging to the highest nobles.

One thought swirled through my mind - this must be Arian's doing. I saw no reason why the royal family would want to see me. I was nothing, so insignificant in this world. Was I about to be executed? I shuddered, and a nauseating feeling accompanied me on the way to the city. The guards stayed silent, and observing their demeanor, they were not the ones willing to explain my fault.

Soon the castle came into view. I had missed the buzzing life in the city as all my attention and thoughts tried to predict what awaited me. Tears hid behind my lashes. The more closer we got, the more my heart filled with dread to see Arian's face again, his excruciatingly burning gaze, to be reminded again of how much he despised me.

On the front steps, right outside the ornated gate, the enormous weight fled to my feet, making them heavy as led, almost feeling like they were dug deep into the earth itself. For the first time I fought for my freedom, I struggled against the strong grip of the guards.

"Get inside!" The guard said sternly, shoving me past the fine line separating the everyday life of a commoner and that one of the royal world beyond these walls.

Every other guard inside stood still, almost not breathing or blinking an eye. The castle looked magnificent - in red tones and with darker accented woodwork. The path under me was smooth without a grain of sand, and a different world gorged my eyes, never seen a place flaunting its wealth so much.

Like a looming monster, the castle engulfed me, and the heavy door closed behind. The sunlight barely breached through the fine gaps in the windows, the floorboards reflected my image and the smell ... The air seemed fragrant. Was it because of the large buckets of flowers or the whole castle was engulfed with a special aroma? Somehow I forgot about the danger, as my head could snap examining every tiny detail. I was fascinated, and when we turned the corner, I returned to reality.

We had branched off the main hall and now moved towards the narrower parts, stopping before the insignificant-looking door. The guard holding my arm gestured for the rest to leave, and without hesitation, we were left alone.

"Your highness! I have arrived with the girl."

The door came open in an instant, making me jump back. Before me, I laid my eyes on the prettiest woman I had seen. She was young, my age, with long black hair that reflected the scarce light. I was stunned, unable to take my eyes away.

She quickly checked both sides of the hallway, and without a warning, grabbed me, pulling my stiff figure inside the small room. 

"Stay outside and guard the room." Her melodic voice ordered the guard. He nodded.

Her hands behind her back held the door shut and her dark eyes observed me from head to toe. Like with every noble person, I felt small in their presence, without them voicing their superiority. Who was she? Why did her smile grow wider the longer she checked me out?

"Let me introduce myself. I am princess Reina."

A princess?

Realizing my mistake and disrespect, I dropped on my knees and bowed down. How could I be so rude? I didn't want to anger another person from the castle.

"You are probably questioning the reasons why have you been brought here? Let me explain, Kaiya."

I looked up at her. She knew my name?

"First, I have a question to ask. Do you agree to be my personal maid?"

A maid? Did the princess want me to work for her? In the castle? ... in the castle ... that thought brought terror back in my heart. I averted my eyes back on the floor, contemplating the offer.

Princess Reina knelt to my level and lifted my chin with her delicate finger. I didn't know what to say. My body trembled under her gaze.

"I know what you are afraid of. I promise I will protect you from him."

"Why? I am nothing but a peasant. ... with no sufficient skill to serve you, princess."

I didn't want to mention Arian. The name alone drew fear back in me. How could she protect me from that ... monster?

"I will teach you everything you need to know. Wouldn't life in the castle be better than the one on the drying fields?"

"I ... I would like to, my princes, but ..."

"But what?" Her voice was so polite, so unjudging, so calm and kind. 

"I ... I am afraid. Someone would not be happy to see my face here."

"Ahh. You talk about Arian. He can be cruel sometimes, but his heart is made of gold. Do not fear him. As long as you are under my care, he will not lay a finger on you. He will not go against my decisions."

Princess seemed so confident in her promise, and something in her kind nature suggested I could trust her. She promised me the opportunity to experience a better life, away from the hard days on the fields, hunger, and fear of not getting better things out of my life. 

She was one from a royal family, and I doubt anyone could protect me more.

"Alright, princess Reina. I accept your offer."

She smiled, satisfied.

Born to unite (Born to be a slave; Book III)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن