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Our steps carried us towards the dining hall. Many people had gathered, many of the noble families, many of the nearby lands. I was not the only one who wanted to see the princess. Their eyes gazed at her form as I guided her deeper into the crowd and further towards the dinner table.

It was laid with the most gorgeous of foods, with crystal glasses filled with wine and with the light of candles for this special occasion. The remaining guests could take their places at the nearby tables or in the outer garden.

I caught a glimpse of her dreaminess - she observed the walls and ceilings, and many women attending this event. I understood that a foreign country was full of unknown beauty and treasures, which would seem less insignificant to me.

Reina came back to reality as her eyes landed on me.

"I am surprised we didn't spend more time with formalities. Is this how are things done on this side of the world?"

"No, there are formalities, but the king is not fond of them. My father takes every chance to avoid attention, and we don't have such a rich history of kings from where to upkeep the traditions. Our family is the first in a long time. I suppose your story is different."

"To us, it is one of the most important parts of our lives. My father would be unhappy."

I smiled but felt guilty. She expected more of us, but looking at her youthful face, I saw no ill intent in her words.

"Well, what can I say - it is a different world." I let out a small laugh.

Reina's red lips lifted in a tiny smile.

I seated her on the other side of me. My mom and father had their places at the head of the table in their respective seats. Her guard took a spot next to her. I wondered why she allowed him to behave so free or was she afraid of something - keeping the man close.

Arian didn't seem to hold lighthearted emotions as if life itself bothered him. He eyed the seated people with a suspicious glare, frowning, then he turned to me, and we stared at each other in silence. Eye to eye, we seemed to be interested in one another, but he chose to keep silent? I wanted to know about him more, where he got his eyes, what its color meant to him, but denying my attention to Reina would be unpolite.

The princess looked over her shoulder, and without hesitation, a maid the same age scurried to her, hearing the words I could hardly understand over the chatting of guests.

She wore an earthly colored cross-collar robe, the fabric didn't stand close to the quality of her lady's, and her hair stayed tied in a simple ponytail, but her face held similar features to Reina - hardly with a commoner's mannerism, and her eyes - blue as the ocean. I had seen many people with similar characteristics. My mother harbored black hair and blue eyes, some of my girls flaunted theirs to gain my affection, but the maids - it felt unnatural. People who came with the princess were born with brown eyes, which sometimes seemed almost black, even Reina herself. Nonetheless, she looked beautiful, with her own allure.

Something made her feel uneasy. She didn't look comfortable. I would say, the maid expressed fear of something or somebody.

My thoughts did not linger for too long on her. I glanced at my mother, and she seemed concerned - she observed Arian and his eyes, which were so similar to my father. She had told me of her hardships with my dad and how his eyes had affected his life. As my mother ... she had a wonderful gift of understanding the emotions of others. Did she know something about Reina's guard?

Dad didn't seem interested at all. I knew these eyes meant nothing to him - it was a burden.

"Princess, do you have any suitors in your homeland? With such a beauty, I suppose a long line is in wait." I didn't want the silence to drag any longer, and my interest in Reina grew and grew.

Mother, dad, and some other people nearly choked hearing my sudden interest. My words didn't affect Reina in any way as her face stayed admiringly calm. Maybe she was used to hearing such questions, might be she had nothing to hide or feel nervous about.

"No, I don't have yet. I am not next in line for a crown, so my parents are not pushing the matter of marriage onto me."

"You are not? Who is it then?"

"My brother."

"You have a brother? Why didn't he come?"

"He is not concerned about this visit." Arian intervened.

"I might say, he was not interested," Reina added.

"Is that it? So simple? They allowed you to travel alone?"

"Don't worry, Prince Richard. I was not alone. I have guards and Arian by my side."

"He is special to you ..." I glanced at the man eyeing me as well.

Reina smiled but didn't agree or deny my assumption. She was very secretive. Shy? Maybe not, but she kept her emotions concealed - on rare occasions letting out a simple smile.

"Your brother aside, how high are the chances we could be something?" A spark of mischief lighted up my mood.

"If you can set a date for a wedding, I might agree on your offer."

"A wedding? I was hoping to get to know you better first." I was taken aback.

"Then this will stay as a simple business relation, I am afraid, Prince Richard." Her voice sang with amusement.

I couldn't understand her way of thinking. Was she so confident to accept any offer that came her way? A marriage? Would she do the same with any other person? I didn't even know if she felt any type of sympathy towards me. I hardly took my relations with women seriously, but a talk about marriage was far beyond my wishes.

I took a look at my mother, who didn't seem to be surprised but looked rather pleased and satisfied seeing my flustered expression.

On whose side was she?

Born to unite (Born to be a slave; Book III)Where stories live. Discover now