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Crowley woke up to excitement. He knew, that the others were planning something for him, but he didn't mind. By this time, the humans and him have become friends. And he felt their excitement, which somehow managed to reach him. He walked to the cafeteria to meet the others. He didn't plan on eating anything, even if Oliver desperatly wanted to make something that he fancies. He enjoyed messing with the cook. Last time he told him, that he wanted to eat virgin men's ears. He always came up with something, that he thought was hilarious, but the others felt that it was disturbing.


When Aziraphale descended to Plymouth, he was very caotious. Crowley told him, where he was, so it wasn't that big of a challenge to find Crowley. Aziraphale descended right into the lighthouse. He had a nice view of the island from there. He didn't really want to appear wherever Crowley was. He needed a little walk so he could gather his thoughts properly. He stepped out of the big wooden doors of the lighthouse. He straightened his tie, and then headed down next to the sea on the Maderia road. He was close to the Bentley, but he didn't realise it, as he took the street next to where Crowley had parked it. He also hadn't seen the bookshop, Crowley had once walked by, and hadn't notice the boat Crowley borrowed when he arrived. What he did notice was fish and chips restaurants. Or kiosks. He stopped by one, before realising, that he didn'T have any human money with him. He sighed in disappointment, and walked in. He saw the roof  of the National Marine Aquarium. That could be a nice place to meet up. Chat, while admiring the Almighty's creations.
Aziraphale scraped this idea too. Crowley resented God and her plan.
Maybe a call. That would be appropriate. To let Crowley know that he had come to visit. He rememebered Crowley's words. That he is over friendship, and that he should only visit the demon, when he is ready to accept it. He knew that Crowley wanted to court him. And vice versa. He wanted to court Crowley too. Even if in little steps, Aziraphale was ready for change. He had been ready since the spark of the arument. Only the terms needed to be more specific. Because he wasn't ready to imagine what that meant. He wasn't ready to start being more and more human, and independednt. He felt like a kid moving out of his parent's house into the bis and scary world. However are they gonna stand strong against the world, and be together? It was easier when it was just pretending. It was easier, when the entirety of existence was at stake. But now, that he didn't have any more noble reason to hide behind, only his selfish desire to be with Crowley it was harder to accept the truth.
Aziraphale then spotted a group of tourists, photographing each other with their phones, next to the Bentley. One was even leaning on the hood. 
'What do you think you are doing? You are gonna scratch it! Get off!' Aziraphale instinctively shouted at the teenage girls, and ran to make sure, the Bentley is safe. He looked around carefully, and by the wave of his hand, he miracled away the scratch, that the girls did manage to make.
But he wasn't attentive enough. Someone has spotted him. Victor Jonshon spotted him. Private, on his way to get groceries for the group. He had 4, quite big and heavy looking reusable bag worth of stuff in his hands. 2 in each. He was just planning to load it into the little motorboat the group had to be able to go to the city, and go back to the base, when he saw this man, dressed in way too light colors defending the Bentley. He knew which was Crowley's car, as the demon had asked him to check if everything was alright with it, while he was in the city. He did so on arrival.
'Mr. Fell!' said Mr. Johnson. Aziraphale instinctively turned towards the man calling his name.
He didn't recognise the man, but he felt in the man's aura excitement, and cheerfulness, and maybe a bit of a hangover.


Crowley was holding thight to his walkie talkie. He turned the volume all the way up, and listened to the static shound, mixed with the ocean's breeze. He was sitting outside on the ground, and, instead of watching the endless horizon, he observed a little lizard, sunbathing on a rock near him. He did somewhat the same, exept, he couldn't fully enjoy the sun, since his skin was mostly covered. It was nice, that he didn't really have to hide his eyes anymore amongst these people. He had his sunglasses with him, but he only hung them on the neck of his shirt, and kept it there. Just in case.
Crowley was better. The tranquil life he had here, his new friends, and being away from everything made him feel like a new person. Not like he was fussing too much about his work anyway. But being completely cut off of it all had it's effects on the demon.
He heard the sound of the motorboat, meaning Victor had just arrived back to the base. He got up, groaning. He was sad about having to leave the little lizzard alone. He was enjoying the company of his new friend. But he also felt like he had for some unxplained reason go to greet Victor. So that's exactly what he had did. He put his hands in the pocket of his jacket, and walked to the water garage. He could help out with the bags anyways.
'I'm glad we ran into each other. I'm already excited to see his face when he sees you...' Crowley could hear the deep voice of Victor from the garage. It seemed like the man had company. Then he heard the voice of who he was talking to.
'I'm awfully glad that you brought me here. I didn't want to inconvenience anyone, to bring me here.'
'It's only natural. We have heard so much about you, that you are practically one of us by this pont.'
Crowley wasn't easy to scare, but this time he ran. He ran back to the conference room to hide.

Sorry for the break. I failed the exam, and I was sad about it, but now I'm back, and I am writing again, as scheduled.

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