In Heaven

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Aziraphale was nervous. He got brand new clothes, and he was kind of sad to see, that his tartan socks were changed to regular white ones. Still, they let him keep his coat. Not like any angel would say no to him right now, but the Metatron... He was there. Always there and keeping an eye on him. It was quite uncomfortable to be honest.
After Aziraphale changed, an angel, who he didn't recognise, brought him his sword. All polished up, even it's flames were brushed trough. The entirety of the flame surounding the sword was paralell. And it wasn't dancing beautifully. It looked like a carton cutout of what flame should look like really. And Aziraphale really didn't like this new order of things. How everyhing was organised, and not a soul was allowed to feel anything. And yet, this last part didn't sound so bad. not feeling anything. If he stays here enough, he might start to let his heavenly duties take the wheel over.
The angel sat next to his brand new glass desk, in a completely empty office. The only thing that could be called a decoration was a portal to Earth. He specifically asked for one, so he could really pop down at any time he wanted.
'Aziraphale? Sir?' an angel came into his office. It was the one, who he got assigned to him as a personal assistant.
'Yes Micah? Come on in.' Aziraphale was happy to have some company. Most Angels weren't happy to see him back, not to mention, that he was now in a higher position than everyone else at Heaven.
'I'm terribly sorry to disturb you sir, I'm sure you have a lot to take care of, but Muriel messaged, and wants to know if she is allowed to make changes in the bookshop. Like, the paint job is quite old, or reorganise the books.'
Aziraphale's heart sank. Changes? To the bookshop? But time were indeed changing. He had to let go and let Muriel take care of the place the best she could. She did seem like an angel, who grew to love books and humanity more and more. But to be honest, he didn't really have much on his plate right now. And he wanted to go down, to have some coffee with Crowley. He could call the demon, once he gets back to somewhere where there's a phone line. But he still needed to write his speech. He couldn't just come up with something on the spot. And he wasn't sure if Crowley would even pick up his call.
But he made up his mind. Even if Crowley isn't there, he will oversee his bookshop. It's all he had left of the times spent together.
'Sir? What should I say to Muriel?'
'Nothing really. I will go down, and help her manage the bookshop for a few hours. Until it's taken care of, I am not available to anyone. Exept you of course. Or Crowley, if he looks for me. Or any urgent business according the second coming. But not to anyone else.
'But Sir... You really have to have your speech. The angels are waiting to know what is gonna happen. Without a lead, they are lost.'
Aziraphale knew so much. Just soldiers of a big leader, who doesn't come to see them. They managed without proper leading.
'Call me Aziraphale. And I am leaving. If someone get's lost, then I'll leave it to you.' with that, Aziraphale jumped up from his table, and hurried out of his office.
The button in the elevator lit up. The soothing voice in the elevator spoke. 'Doors closing'
Aziraphale was excited. Like a kid on christmas day. Earth... He has been away only for a few days, yet he missed the place so much. People and teh bookshop. Oh, the books... He was really worried muriel might have sold some. He have to make it clear to her, that her sole job, is to scare anyone away, who might be interested in taking any from him. The books were little reminders of the past for him. Some were saved from the great fire from Alexandria, others were real rarities. Signed to him. From humans, who he considered friends. He would hate to see, any of the books missing.
The lights moved up in with the rays sneaking into the elevator. They almost literally rose the tension of the angel, as he got closer and closer to Earth. And the tension rose, because of another reason as well. Crowley. Even the thought of his best friend left him feeling bittersweet. He couldn't explain it. Maybe it was due to the fact, that they never had an argument before. Not in 6000 years.
'Earth. Doors opening'
As the doors opened, the smell of the city hit the angel's nose. Rain, exhaust fumes, of the cars going, and coffee. This was the smell surrounding his bookshop. These smells meant home to the angel.
He stepped out to the sidewalk, and carefully crossed the road. He looked both sides. Not because of the traffic, but in the hope, that he might spot the Bentley. Nowadays, that car really stood out from it's surroundings.
There were no Bentley. So he walked to the bookshop. 'CLOSED' the sign read. At least Muriel didn't change that. The angel stepped into his bookshop. The smell of antique furniture, and old paper filled the room. And something new, yet familiar. Could it be?
'Oh! I... I am terribly sorry... I... It won't happen again.' said Muriel, as she jumped up from the chair she was sitting in, when Aziraphale stepped in.
Our angel just smiled. 'Don't worry.' he said, little bit disappointed, that his first association to the smell wasn't true. 'I am not opposed to the idea, of coffee.' Muriel put the cup down, but still felt like she had to explain herself.
'I... I like to watch it. Smells better than a cupote.'
'I'm sorry, what?'
'Cupote' Muriel repeated.
'Cup of tea.' Aziraphale corrected her. She will get used to living here. There are just a few things, she still gets wrong. This reminded him of the first few centuries, he spent on earth, occasionally bumping into Crowley. And those memoies now became bittersweet too. This feeling seemed to infest everything nowadays.

Well hello, hello, hello!
I hope all of you are having a nice day today. I hope to make it a bit better, by giving you something to read today. I hope you enjoyed!
Until next time!
I'll go drink some cocoa!

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