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Crowley was getting better by each passing mile. After he got out of Soho, then London, the scenery just seemed to speed by his window, and all of his bad feelings seemed to slowly disappear. Driving was like appying cool water to the burn. Doesn't make it disappear, but makes it a little less bad, for the time being.
Now, he was in the city with the cute little stiped lighthouse. It was one of the better places. And the ocean's breeze always kept it a perfect 19 °C. It was lovely. Crowley parked down the Bentley in the city, near the harbor. This city was a nice place, but as he walked towards the high and proud masts of the ships, he passed a bookshop. It was a 3 story bookshop, not too ostentatious, but just as much filled with books as Azirapahale's was. This made Crowley uncomfortable, so he picked up the pace, then he basically just jumped on one of the boats tied to the shore.
"lil bitch" That was the name of the boat written neatly in cursive to both to it's side and the stern, but it matched Crowley's asthetic perfectly. He was just gonna use it for a little bit anyway. Just for as long as he goes to that little island in the middle of the bay, that was the entrance to Plymouth from the sea.
That little island hid a military compound on it, and tehere were only a few people living there, so it was perfect. At least for what Crowley was planning to do. He was planning on sleeping it off first. The whole Gabriel ordeal, but then, he was planning on keeping himself safe. And what could be safer, than surrounding yourself with military? I mean for a demon, who can make miracles?
He wanted to sit the next big thing out. If Azirapahale wanted to, he can become Heaven's soldier yet again. But Crowley cut ties with hell for good this time. 
'Hey! What are you doing here?' a soldier was already shouting at him as he slid to the shore with the boat.
'Oh, don't worry. I am... Well, I suppose I am up to nothing really.' Crowley walked past the confused soldier, and with a wave of his hand, he turned the boat back to go back to the harbor, from where the took it.
'Security breach! This is no practice, there is a security breach! Everyone do according to code 28, I repeat, everyone do according to code 28!' the soldier shouted into his walkie talkie.
'Oi, can I get one of those? They seem fun.' Crowley said smug, and smiling. Humanity, and it's tiny inventions. Such a stupid idea, to have a communication device into which you shout commands. Yet it is brilliant.
The soldier was suprised. For a good second, he looked at Crowley. He couldn't see past his sunglasses, and yet, he felt the need to give hiw walke talkie to Crowley. He slowly reached for the pin secureing it to his vest, and then held it out for Crowley.
He grabbed it, then started turning the little antenna on the top.
'I wonder how this thing works...' He pushed the buttons on the side, then it striked him. What exactly, he wasn't sure about, all he knew, that he immediately lost ineterst in the device.
Crowley walked in trough the front door. He walked aound the building. Then he chose a bunkbed, and just threw himself to the lover bed. He put his glasses to the floor, next to the bed, but when he made himself comfortable, he saw, that this one was decorated. Above him, was a woman, who reminded him to Eve. Mostly because the lack of her clothing. He just ripped the poster off, and threw it into a different corner of the room.
Then just as he started closing his eyes, the door was busted open.
'Hands where I can see them!' Three man ran into the room, holding machiene guns at Crowley.
'They ARE there.' Crowley pointed out, by not even raising them from his stomach. He just waved.
'Do as I say, and you won't get hurt! Now, stand up and-' the same man way yet again interrupted by Crowley.
'Too late for that.' and with that comment he turned towards the wall.
The soldiers just looked at each other, then the one on the left, stepped closer, and put his gun to the floor. He kneeled next to the bed, and put his hand on the shoulder of Crowley.
'Is everything alright man?' Crowley didn't answer. He felt tension in his throat, and his eyes were watery again. He was grieving. And just as the tides of the ocean next to him, grief comes and goes in waves. Real grief. He lost his best friend. And not like the last time, when there was some hope, that  he just discorporated, and when assigned a new body, he would come back. This time he lost him for good, without the hope, that nothing would change. His friend chose a heavenly title over him.
'Let's leave him alone guys. We'll figure out, what to do with him, later.' the same soilder who was next to Crowley said it. He wasn't afraid of a lone man, with sunglasses. There were 11 people on the base, and more could come, if given the signal. There wasn't anything to worry about.
The others didn't understand, what changed the heart of their lieutenant. It was odd for him to show empathy, but that might have been an unconciously performed miracle of the demon. Or the people, feeling with Crowley.

Alright you guys. I'm finished with the opening of my story. Thank you for bearing with me. Everything is prepared for me to continue the story, without too much angst.
So prepare for the conflict, that sets things into motion.
Bye my little lighthouses! 

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