Chapter 43 - Finding Courage

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Fiery pain exploded in my wrist and arm as I jolted to consciousness

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Fiery pain exploded in my wrist and arm as I jolted to consciousness. I gasped, cradling the limb to my chest. Broken. Oh gods, it was fractured. Sweat broke out on my body and I shuddered. I could barely glance at the glistening jagged bone protruding from my forearm as blood coated my tunic in a warm trickle. Nausea rose in my throat and I swallowed it down again and again. Despite my agony, I bit back my whimpers. Every instinct screamed I wasn't safe.

Blinking, I cleared my eyes. A flickering torch illuminated my dim surroundings. Dark rock walls framed a small cavern and a sticky sweet, almost cloying scent I could taste on my tongue. Almost behind me, something moved and I twisted to look.

My breath froze as everything in me stilled.

Except my heart. It beat a panicked rhythm of just how very screwed I was. Trying to draw no notice, I scooted away from the thick legs of the gorilla demon standing above me, his large leathery wings so close to hitting me as they moved, almost like they breathed.

But he wasn't paying attention to me. No, he was busy chatting with three other gorilla demons.

"As soon as our queen returns, she'll want this one"—my captor's wing smacked me in the head and I flinched—"as she's been looking forward to feasting on the prince's pet and tossing the remains at his feet."

The middle demon across from him grabbed his loin-clothed covered crotch and leered at me. "Are we allowed to entertain ourselves with her before our queen dines?"

My captor huffed a disgusted snort. "No, but she has promised to acquire some females for us as our reward for capturing this one for her."

Disappointment welled in their black eyes, shoulders and wing tips drooping. "Is she really fighting the prince?" one asked as they turned to leave through the opening behind them.

"Fight or seduce... never know with her," another said with a laugh.

My captor joined them, turning to meet my gaze as he was almost out of sight. "You are going to die, there's no changing that." He stepped back towards me. "If you are smart, you'll stay here to await your fate. Our queen will kill you fairly quickly as she eats you. If you are stupid and decide to wander"—he gestured to whether the other demons had disappeared—"there are a lot of our brethren who are desperate for a female and all your soft holes. They won't much care whether you survive the experience, but it will take a long time for you to die that way." He let his eyes travel slowly over my body and the nausea rose again in my throat. With a little smirk and baring of his teeth, he grunted, then left.

Tremors shook my body, pain spiking up my arm with every breath. For several minutes, I sat there, frozen, unable to even think past the fear racking my brain.

A realization slowly grew as my eyes darted around the empty space. Pazuzu was here. He was fighting Lamashtu. And if he was here, maybe I actually had a chance. My gaze flicked to the opening, the only exit I could see.

Did I dare try to escape?

If they caught me, the consequences were horrifying to consider. But Pazuzu was here. He'd come for me.

I looked down at my arm and the sight of the bloody tear and white bone had me gagging. Damn it. I could do this. I had to. Using my teeth and intact hand, I ripped a couple strips of cloth from the hem of my shirt and tied it on my upper arm to help slow the bleeding.

But I'd taken first aid. I knew I had to line that bone back in place before I could bandage my arm. Before I could think too much about it, I grabbed my wrist and yanked, screaming behind clenched teeth. Sweat poured from my forehead, joining the tears streaming down my cheeks. Spots blurred my vision as I gasped through the waves of agony.

It took far too long, sitting and panting, before I was ready to wrap my arm and stand. Still, I fought through the pain and staggered to my feet. Like a drunkard, I wove my unsteady knees to the darkened archway. My shoulder bumped along the wall and despite my best efforts, my breathing sounded like harsh wheezes as I left the chamber and its meager light.

In front of me, a dark tunnel led toward a yellowish glow. More torches? Did they not have the level of technology that Pazuzu's sky island enjoyed?

I staggered forward, stumbling against the wall until I reached the end and a massive chamber lit with numerous torches and a gleaming pale throne. Empty. Thank gods. Lamashtu must still be fighting Pazuzu.

I tripped on a rocky outcrop and fell forward onto my hand and knees, unable to hold in my scream as I jarred my broken arm. Like the sound of a hurricane, a sudden wind buffeted me from all sides, sending ashy grit stinging my skin and a cacophony of savage growls. Chills broke out down my spine and I looked up to see the air full of wings and hairy bodies.

Oh gods. I was so dead.

 I was so dead

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