Chapter 28 - One Way Ticket

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Thor, Kara, and I stayed in Istanbul while we waited

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Thor, Kara, and I stayed in Istanbul while we waited. It had been years since I browsed the markets of this ancient, yet modern city. I had too much restless energy to sit still, and while Thor and Kara sparred in the rooftop garden adjoining the penthouse suite we'd been given in the east tower as guests, I roamed.

"One of Nabu's black-suited henchmen has arrived. He says Nabu is ready to see us now," Kara's voice came from the little silver Valkyrie ear cuff she'd loaned me.

"About damned time," I growled. "I'll be back in thirty minutes." Spinning on my heel, I left the crowded, colourful stalls with hawkers promoting their wares and customers browsing. The smell of spices permeated the air, as did the constant murmur of people. Like riding the currents of water, I threaded myself through them, trying to not jostle the more fragile mortals. There were many females with their children underfoot and my broad shoulders would knock them over if I was careless in my haste.

As fascinating as the markets were, like beloved coral reefs in their diversity, I sighed in relief and my chest loosened as I escaped the crowd. Increasing my pace, I hurried through the park and across the road to the towers. Perhaps I shouldn't have ventured so far when we awaited word, but as the days had stretched to a week, my explorations had taken me farther.

I shoved open the glass doors, nodded to the guard at the reception desk, and swiped the key card I'd been given to access the elevators and our suite. Had that eel-sucking demon agreed to my passage? I barely noticed the stomach-lurching acceleration of the elevator as it shot me up to the top, then stopped with a jolting suddenness. The door to our suite was open, with Adum, if I was remembering this one's name correctly, leaning nonchalantly against it in his custom-fitted black suit. His hands in his pants pockets, he seemed to be ignoring the tension coming from Kara and Thor.

"Sea god, welcome back. I trust you enjoyed your shopping?" Adum asked, eyeing my bare hands.

"Just browsing. The markets are great for people-watching," I told him as I rocked back on my feet and halted my dash to the door.

He smiled, a glint of the predator appearing. "Indeed they are. Lord Nabu is available and brings an answer from our Prince." He straightened. "If you are ready?"

I nodded as Thor and Kara followed him out the door and to the elevator to join me. As we rode down, I eyed Adum. The demons had been keeping track of my roaming, yet I hadn't seen them. They seemed very familiar with the modern world, blending in effortlessly. Did they have more of a foothold here than Asgard suspected? Shells, how extensive was their reach?

Adum led us through the manicured gardens, back to the south tower, and up to Nabu's office. Although we saw additional black-suited men, apparently we didn't need five of them to accompany us this time. It solidified my sense that these men weren't humans, but demons, and their ability to disguise themselves as mortals was far better than we'd known.

The hair rose on the back of my neck, eels squirming in my belly.

We'd reviewed the Asgardian's information on the dragon demons of Muspelheim while we'd waited to make contact with Nabu. Thor had their mages project images of the known demon forms with the massive Apkallu dragons, smaller, stocky Samum fire breathers and snake-like poisonous Mushushshu dragons that still were larger than the Shen dragons. Yet there'd been numerous other forms too. Creatures that hadn't been seen in so long, they were but myths. Aside from old records and rumours, no immortal had seen a demon's native form and lived to report it in recent memory.

A certainty grew in my gut.

We were surrounded by far more dangerous creatures than we knew. If they were all dragons... my heart pounded as Adum knocked on Nabu's door. While I'd grown into my powers several millennia ago and was a match for the Shen, I suspected I'd not fare as well against even the Mushushshu or Samum dragons. Still, if that's what it took to get Mist back, I would fight them.

Nabu stood at the window with his back to us—the ultimate expression of how small a threat we were to him. "Thank you, Adum." He turned and nodded his head as Adum stepped out, closing the door behind him. Then, with his hand outstretched towards the couches, he added, "Please sit."

Uncharacteristically quiet, Thor and Kara sat and I joined them.

Nabu took his time, sipping from the tumbler in his hand as he looked us over.

Taking a breath, I blurted, "What is your prince's answer?"

Nabu's eyebrow rose and he sipped again, savoured it, then finally answered. "The Prince of the Aerial Kingdoms has granted you free passage to Muspelheim... but you will have to discuss a deal with him to arrange passage back here. I make no guarantee as to what kind of contract he will offer."

"I accept."

Kara grabbed my forearm in a fierce grip, drawing my gaze. "Wait... think, Manannan. You don't even know for certain she is there." Her eyes searched mine, worry crinkling her brow.

"This is a trap, Manannan. We will find another way," Thor warned, eying Nabu, who remained quiet and simply sipped the amber liquid in his glass.

I patted Kara's hand, then removed it. "No, I will go. She has to be there. You can continue to search elsewhere, but I have to go." Every instinct told me Mist was on Muspelheim, like a magnet drawing me to her. I had to save her from whatever torments they were inflicting on her.

Thor shook his head, shifting to face me. He, too, looked troubled as he frowned. "I don't like this, Manannan."

"It's my decision and I've made it," I told him. "Thank you for your concern, but you know it has to be me." Holding his gaze, I let him see my determination, my resolve to find her.

His shoulders slumped. "Very well. We can't stop you." He held out his arm and we clasped forearms. "May the Norns bless you and Yggdrasil's branches guide you home. Safe journeys, Manannan."

"Thank you, Thor."

Kara stepped in and hugged me. "Bring her home, Sea God," she murmured, then released me.

"I will."

Without any signal I saw, Adum entered and ushered Thor and Kara out. When the door closed behind them, I turned to find Nabu next to me. With difficulty, I stifled my instinctive flinch and gritted my jaw. How the shell had that damn demon approached me so silently?

He gave me a toothy grin, amusement in his dark, predatory eyes. "Ready?"

"Yes," I bit out, trying to not fume.

With a flick of his wrist, a red-rimmed portal appeared, shimmering in the air and stretching from the carpet to the ceiling. An opaque event horizon obscured the other side.

"After you," he said, extending his arm. 

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