Eloise got vision what will happens next. About the future. She feels her had so heavy. And her eyes blurred. Faint. Her body carry up by Uruha to her room. Actually, others need clues and explanation from Eloise, but not the time.


Therefore with Eloise's vision, can be completing with Elena's record book. Elena is very helpful. Elena often more recording. Boogie knows Elena is a key of successful in the team and alliances. It's not a joke about attack from wild beast. They needs idea for strategies against villains.

"The beast type is like Gorilla, because they have black fur," Arisu said.

"And their eyes are red," Boogie said.

"Is a rare type," Arisu said.

"Tomorrow is last of April," Boogie murmured.

Yes, the young man with long black hair is right. Arisu really can't blame her boyfriend. They against bittersweet truth, about attack of beasts. Arisu surprised and she whipping his sweats.

"Sorry," Boogie said.

"Don't blame yourself, "Arisu said.

"Other corpses found nearby Tokyo tower," Ricko reported.

"Headline news?" Zyean asked.

Boogie gives resign sighs. In his mind the security and safety are very important. Need strong strategies.

"Sorry I don't have any idea for this time," Sena murmured.

"It's okay , don't push yourself harshly," Boogie said.

Sena nodded, he is seriously watching news at night on TV. The case is very serious about humanity and society.

"You need totally rest, " Arisu said worriedly.

Her worriedly like as a mother. She brings his body with her energies to their shared room. And lock the door. She takes \ thermometer and sighed

"Your still in fever, the temperature is 38,2 degrees" Arisu said.

Boogie sighed and he lied on the bed. Heavy rain at night without thunderstorm. Because cold, Arisu wearing her thick jacket. She changing bedspread on the couch. She takes compress with warm water and compressing her boyfriend's forehead.


Next day, last April on April 30, Arisu worried because Boogie still in high feverish. Hitomi making new medicine for mild scarlet fever. She also makes hot honey lemon tea for Boogie. The young man got herbal porridge, corn cream soup and honey lemon tea for breakfast.

"I watched headline news today, still about case wild beast's terror in Japan. The beast not only attacks Tokyo but also another cities in Japan," Sena said.

"Especially the victims are innocent babies and kids," Sena explained

"Gackt and Oniba are so malicious and they are unforgivable. They are completely bastard," Boogie said.

"I have to test your temperature today. Now is 37.9. The fever is little low," Hitomi said

"Are you feeling so dizzy?" Arisu asked.

"No. I never feeling dizzy or even have a stomachache," Boogie said.

"Ah, so horrible. If the beast attacking us, we have to more be strongest than them," Zyean fretted.

Today king Hyde are comes visiting them. Kamijo, Meguri, Teru, Masashi , Yuki and Hizaki are greeting their father.

"I still had regret about your mom's death. I failed safe her. She killed at the tragedy," Hyde said.

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