The second thing I noticed was her smile.

Third thing I noticed is how comfortable she seemed around him and the others.

And the last thing I noticed was the warm feeling in my stomach that felt strangely like anger.

Damn it. I don't care. I don't.

Then an idea hit me.

I got up on stage and as I ran towards the edge I yelled "Hey guys!" and when everyone's eyes were on me I did jumped off the stage with a front flip.

I heard the lads applauding but soon as I landed I twisted my ankle and pain shot through me in form of nauseating electrical waves.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I cried in pain.

"Oh my God mate, are you alright?" the guys rushed to my aid and surrounded me with concerned looks.

"Yeah, just hurt my ankle" I replied.

"Damn it Irish boy, how the hell are you going to do something that stupid a couple of hours before the show?" I was surprised by the worry in her voice and I looked up at her.

Paige was kneeling beside me and was already pulling my jean up my so she could examine my ankle.

I felt her fingers make contact with my skin and I hissed.

"Hurts?" she asked and I nodded.

"It'll get swollen then, but I don't think it's broken though. Maybe some crutches.." she saw the look of horror me and the mates had and she changed her words "or a plastic leg brace. You'd be walking stiff but it would be easier to move on stage... that is if you're still doing the show" she said.

"Do you even care?" I really don't know where that came from, I just blurted it out.

"Do you care if do?" she asked in response.

This girl was so confusing!

Paige's POV

For a couple of minutes I had let myself enjoy Niall's presence. 

I had enjoyed playing the little run-chase game.

I had even hugged him!

But he's back was to his friends, he didn't see what I did; the expressions on their faces, or the look in their eyes.

It's like if they had finally been let in on a secret... about me, or Niall... or both.

It was very disconcerting so I put distance between us again.

Then when I sat back next to Lauren, they all decided to spend some time with us before continuing with rehearsals, we were their guest after all.

Harry sat next to me at my right and hung his arm around me.

Let's be completely honest, even if I'm not a huge fan (since I didn't know they existed until like 2 days ago) I have to admit that Harry was completely and utterly adorable.

I don't know if it was his cheeky smile, that sexy British accent, the way he talks really slow and deep, those deep soulful eyes or just those cute little dimples but he was plainly put, a beautiful boy or whatever you want to call him.

I literally developed a little crush on him instantly.

I even told him that from this day forward, he was my new celebrity crush and he gifted me with one of those heart-warming smiles.

I let out the rest of my nerves with a breath and enjoyed the small talk he had started.

That was of course until Niall yelled this weird battle cry (I guess) and jumped off the stage in a crazy flip.

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