Meeting The Brothers

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Tamsyn POV

After the twins fell asleep, I walked out of the door back to where Francesco and Theodore were.

"You didn't sleep?" Francesco asked as he saw me walking out.

"No, I'm not that sleepy," I responded. And then I yawned. Crap. When did I become so careless? I mentally face-palmed myself as I smiled at them sheepishly, hoping they would forget the yawn. They obviously didn't because although they still looked emotionless, there was a hint of amusement in their eyes. I just sat back down on the seat and stared right ahead.

I didn't want to give them a chance to talk to me, so I put my head against the window and stared at the clouds as if it were the most fascinating thing ever. Thank God they got the hint and left me alone. Around three hours in, I saw Francesco get up and walk towards the room the twins were sleeping in. Without thinking, I got up and blocked the way, not letting him go in. I saw a mixture of sadness, hurt, and anger reflected in his eyes.

"Excuse me?" He asked firmly.

"You're excused," I said without thinking. The moment those words escaped my mind, I knew I messed up. I saw Theodore narrow his eyes and walk up to us.

"May I go see my children?" Francesco asked.

"No," I replied. Theodore looked at me as if I had grown two heads. Honestly, I was scared. There were two men that looked much bigger and stronger than me. If I tried, I probably would be able to hold my ground pretty well against them, but the problem is that I have nowhere to run right now. Even if I knocked them out, which I definitely could, thanks to all of The Guild's training, what would we do after? As I kept overthinking, I didn't realize Theodore was reaching his hand out to me. Instinctively, I smacked his hand away and stepped back. He looked mad.

"Listen, I wasn't going to go through the rules right now, but I think this behavior needs to be addressed," he said coldly. I tried to gulp down my fear. Rules mean punishments. "Respect. We demand respect, and in return, we'll respect you," I quickly nodded my head and tried to hide my shaking hands, still blocking the way.

"P-please don't go in...they have a hard time falling asleep and are quite sensitive," I mustered up, trying to make myself sound believable. Slowly, they both went and sat back down. Respect. We know how that works. But I was confused when he said he'd respect us back. It was never both ways for us. I returned to the room, sat on the floor, and waited for this flight to end.

Third POV

As the jet was getting ready for landing, the men made sure all three of them were sitting down on actual seats with their seatbelts on. Ashton and Aspen were still groggy from just waking up but were so intrigued by the landing process that they quickly got over it. Tamsyn still hadn't told them about the incident that happened when they were asleep so the twins were oblivious to the tense air between the men and their sister. Tamsyn's hands kept shaking as she was thinking whether they would be safe or be getting themselves into an even worse situation than before. 'No, nothing can be worse than The Guild and Blake....' Tamsyn kept telling herself. Ashton reached his hand out to hers and squeezed it, reassuring her that everything would be alright.

After they got out of the jet, there was a sleek black Lamborghini waiting for them. Their wide eyes didn't go unnoticed by Francesco who lightly chuckled at their reactions. They got into the car and almost immediately, Ashton and Aspen fell asleep again. Tamsyn sighed as she was left alone in her thoughts. Memories from the car crash a couple of days ago started coming back to her and she closed her eyes in an attempt to repel them from her mind.

Soon, they were in front of the house - scratch that, mansion. Remembering the fact that there would be many other men in the house, Ashton and Tamsyn subconsciously took hold of Aspen's hands.

Aspen POV

With my siblings on either side of me, I let out a breath and tried to look as confident as I could. Right as we stepped in front of the door, it swung open to reveal a guy who unmistakably resembled Ashton and me. I squeezed Ashton's hand tighter.

"Hey! I can not believe y'all are finally here!" The guy exclaimed with a big smile on his face. Behind him, another boy who looked younger came and looked just as excited.

"Alright guys, move and let us in the house," Theodore interrupted. They made way for us, and the inside of the house was even more grand than the outside, if that was even possible. I also noticed two other boys leaning against the wall. One was looking at us with no emotions, and the other had his eyes glued to his phone. He looked like he didn't want to be there at all. For some reason, I felt a little pang of sadness in my heart when I saw them.

"Ok, so we should probably introduce ourselves," the guy who looked like us said. "I'm Kyler, your second oldest brother, and I'm 24," he said.

"I'm Everett, and I'm 17! I'm so glad y'all are finally here!" another one said with a huge grin.

"Sebastian. 19," The one that was leaning on the wall said. I tried smiling at him, but he just ignored me and looked at Tamsyn a bit before looking away again. Ouch. Ashton and I did talk about how this family might not really accept us or think of us as real family in comparison to Tamsyn since they actually knew her. We two were a mistake. I saw Everett nudge the boy on his phone to introduce himself, but he didn't even glance up.

"This is Ezekiel, my amazing twin brother who can be a little grumpy at times," Everett said sheepishly. Ezekiel looked up at his phone, glared at us, and then walked off. Sebastian sighed and followed him, probably so he could get away from us.

"Ok, Everett, can you take them to their rooms?" Francesco asked, and Everett nodded while gesturing for us to follow him. 

Thank you very much for reading! Please please comment if you like it and follow me as well! 


Day Lilac 

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