Hesitantly... he answered, "... Pretty much. I won't tell you if that's what you're wondering. But I can say this... if there's one person you should go to on what it's like to be a hero. The thing you'll have to do. The sacrifices you'll have to make... He's the one to go to." he explained.

"...And when you say 'what he IS going through'... What do you mean by that?" she asked.

Doctor Strange came to a stop, making the rest of the team come to a stop as well. He turned to her as she turned to him. "You 2 continued so long. I wish to tell her something. Don't try listening in." he ordered.

The boys looked at each other before walking away. Strange then looked down at her, "Now you cannot tell anyone this, but... You may be the closest thing holding him down from turning to darkness. He has lost more than any teenager should. And he will continue to lose even more. That is his fate as Spider-Man. This will be the darkest period in his life. And it will be the darkest you have and will ever see him in. But promise me this..." He put his hand on her shoulder, making M'gann a bit worried for what he was about to say, "...You... the young sorcerer girl-" M'gann was about to speak up to ask who he was referring to, but he quickly shushed her, "You'll understand soon enough. But you, the young sorcerer girl... and his aunt. You make sure the 3 of you will always be there for him. No matter what decisions he may make. No matter what will happen to him. Always."

M'gann and the sorcerer stared at each other straight in the eyes, "...Okay... I'll promise..." she promised.

Strang let his arm fall off her shoulder and stood up straight, "Good." Suddenly something creaked and thud in the distance, making them spin their heads.

There was a doorway, sitting on top of a nearby ridge with a few steps leading to it. Nothing was said as the group walked towards it.

With Artemis, Wally, and Peter,

On a nearby platform to where Klarion and Mordo are watching Kadabra torture Kent, the trio appeared into existence. None of them let go of the cane as they got back up from their feet and onto kneeling on 1 knee. Kent immediately saw them. The trio looked in Kent's direction and saw the trio of enemies, with Wally recognizing the enemy with the wand, "Abra Kadabra." he called out. Peter also noticed the other sorcerer from the flashback Doctor Strange showed him, "That's Baron Mordo." he pointed out.

Kent relaxed and gained a slight smile, "Well, would you look at that." he said.

 Suddenly, the cane in the hero trios' grip glowed yellow, along with Kent's whole body that glowed gold as well. The evil trio began to turn around to look at the heroes quickly began to float and flew right past in between them. Kent landed in front of them and the heroes let go of the cane before Kent grabbed onto it with both his hands, causing the ropes tied around his wrists to disintegrate.

"In here." Kent said as they all stood up. He pointed his cane at a wall, forming an elevator in it. The 4 rushed in.

"No, no, no!" Klarion shouted as he got back up. "I want that helmet!" He raised his hands and shot out red magical beams at the door just as it shut. "I want it! I want it! I want it!"

The 4 stood straight and patiently as elevator music played in the background and the number of the floor they were on increased above the door. The 3 teens looked at Kent, unsure on what to say to him. "I'm Kent Nelson, by the way." he spoke up.

"No duh." Wally mumbled. Peter hit him in the chest with his elbow, "Ow!" Wally hissed in pain.

"I'm Artemis." Artemis introduced. "Miss Manners here is Wally. And this is Peter."

Kent's smile disappeared when he saw Peter and heard his name, "Doctor Strange brought you here I'm assuming?" he asked.

Peter nodded, "Yeah. He came to help." he explained.

A smile reappeared on Kent's face, "Well I hope so. Artemis, we're up against an opponent with tremendous mystic power."

"Abra Kadabra?" rhetorically questioned then scoffed with an eye roll. "Flash proved he uses futuristic technology to simulate magic. Guy's all show and no biz." he told Kent.

"Right you are." Kent agreed.

Artemis' and Peter's eyes widened, "He is?" they both questioned stunned at the same time as Wally smiled proudly with his arms crossed.

"Abra is a charlatan." Kent admitted. "But Mordo and Klarion, The Witch-Boy, the kid with the cat, he's an actual Lord of Chaos. The ultimate enemy of a lord of order like Dr. Fate."

"Right." Wally drawled. "You're a Lord of Order." He said almost confused.

"Oh, no. Not me." Kent said with a smile. "I'm just an old coat Fate used to put on until my wife, Inza, convinced me there could be more to life." He opened his watch and looked down at her picture on it, "Ah. She was a real pistol, that Inza." He shut the watch before he got back on track, "Anyhoo, Klarion's after the helmet. If he gets his sticky little mitts on it, he'll turn the planet into his own personal playground of pandemonium."

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. The 3 walked out to see a giant golden tower-bell hanging on the platform before them. Artemis and Wally followed Kent up the stairs, but not Peter. Artemis noticed he wasn't moved and just eyed stared at the bell. She walked back to him, "You okay?" she asked.

"Uhh. Yeah." he said.

She turned her head around to see that he was staring at the bell, "Bell bothering you or something?" she asked.

He scratched the back of his head, "I don't know. I'm just... getting bad omen vibes from it. Like it might bite me in the butt some day." he said before he and Artemis walked up towards Kent and Wally, who were standing in front of the bell.

Behind the group, on the ceiling, a door opened. Superboy and Kaldur fell to the floor, both grunting in pain, while M'gann and Doctor Strange levitated to the ground after them. Artemis and Peter ran over to them as Kent turned his head towards Wally, "Friends of yours?"

"You guys okay?" Peter asked them. They nodded their heads when Peter's senses suddenly went off. He spun around, seeing Abra Kadabra, Klarion, and Mordo were standing in the distance with Kadabra having just shot a beam of electricity. Peter shot a web with his web-shooters from both his wrists towards them and pulled them out of the way, just avoiding the shot.

"Friends of yours!?" Wally sarcastically asked back before he grabbed him and sped the 2 of them out of the way of the next beam with his super speed. Artemis, Kaldur, Superboy, Doctor Strange, Peter and M'gann also dodged a beam that was fired at them.

Kent and Wally crouched near the bell for cover, until Kent stood, raised his cane, and hit the bell, causing it to glow gold.

As the bell tolled, it also caught the attention of the enemies. Klarion took off in the air, keeping Teekl in his arms as Kent and Wally walked into the bell. Klarion quickly followed them inside.

Mordo looked away from where Klarion just went and back at his old friend. Strange stared at him back. Mordo leaped forward and with The Vaulting Boots of Valtorr, creating a barrier for him to run on. Mordo charged at him as he forged a sword from his hands. Doctor Strange did a hand movement, creating miniature shield on his fists. He then flew up and charged towards his old friend, now enemy.

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