You were relieved, but you weren't as tense anymore.

"But it really seemed like they knew you and everything. They even look like you." Xander went on.

"'Knowing me's a bold statement." You accidentally came off a little more annoyed than you wanted.

"Oh, I see." Xander looked around the room. "Scone?" He got off of the table, and showed you the different scones.

(If you got some allergy to dairy or smth, just imagine you dont)

"Sure." You grabbed the scone that was closer to you. You couldn't help but notice the way Xander kept the blueberry scone away from you. "You possessive of your foods or something?" You chuckled.

"We just aren't at that stage yet, Y/n, no offense." Xander laughed with you. "Anyways, I was thinking about giving Avery some. Do you wanna come too?"

"Yeah, why not?" You said, knowing it was kind of perfect timing. You could ask Avery what that favor Alisa wanted from you and Avery.

"Then lets go!" Xander took you hand, leading you around like he already knew where she was.

You then remembered some parts of the path to go to Avery's room. Was she taking a nap right now instead of doing Alisa's favor

Once you two had gotten to Avery's room, you heard some other woman's voice talking about some random stuff, and Avery asked why she needed to 'tell a story.'

"Because if you don't tell the story, someone else will tell it for you." Xander answered before anyone else.

Just about everyone's attention went to you and Xander, who still had his plate of scones.

Now what kind of favor is this? You just saw racks of clothes and a man and a woman who looked similar to each other. They even looked at you with the same face of shock with a small hint of disgust. You could already tell they were into fashion and were judging you appearance.

"Now what's going with you, Ave." You bit into the scone you almost forgot was in your hand.

"Makeovers." Xander spoke again. "like the recreational building of Rube Goldberg machines, are hungry work." 

"What do you know about makeovers?" Avery grumbled. "If I were a guy, then there'd be two racks of clothing in this room, max."

"And if I were white," Xander returned loftily. "people wouldn't look at me like I'm a half a Hawthrone. Scone?" He offered.

"Can I have one of the blueberry scones?" Avery asked.

Xander handed her a lemon scone. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"So this is the favor Alisa talked about?" You had finished eating your dessert.

"Yeah, I-"

"So this is the other kid we were addressed to fix?" The lady asked, looking you up and down. She hadn't expect the other one to be a boy. The siblings believed you'd be another girl or someone like that. 

"We can work with this." The taller man looked like he was imagining a different attire on you.

"I'm right here, you know." You said, now getting used to people talking about you like you weren't there. "Hi, Libby." You greeted her. She didn't look that different from before, same hair and other things, just different outfit. So you weren't worried these two new people wouldn't make Avery look extremely different.

You had been looking through the multiple clothing racks while Avery was changing into some outfit. You had to admit you were impressed by the amount of clothes they had for Avery, but that didn't mean you like the design. All of them looked uncomfortable, and itchy, which is the worst part of clothes. Why would you want to wear something that felt weird on your skin, and not something comfortable? You can be stylish and comfortable at the same time if you wanted. The only issue is that people judge you for that or call you lazy.

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