-- Chapter 17 --

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New part that was never here before :D YIPPEE!!


The door shut with gentle noise. You were ready for that door to shake the floor just from it closing. Everyone just stood around. Of course there was still Grayson and Jameson's old behavior around each other.

"Grayson." Nash called, not getting only Grayson's attention. "You know your way around here, and you also seem to know, Y/n, already."

You weren't sure of Nash was trying to make you two get along, or was just amused by you two's interactions and relationship, if you can even call it that.

Grayson hid an agitated look from his brother, but not to you."I will humbly deny your request."

"And I will humbly whoop your ass, take him to his room." Nash said for one last time.

"Don't worry." You forced a smile. "I don't bite." Why did you have to get stuck with him, instead of eating desserts with Xander?

Jameson laughed. "Alright, but do you stab?"

Grayson shoved his book into Jameson chest to shut him up before walking to the door grabbing your arm along the way. He didn't want to be in that room for another second.

"What's with you and grabbing me all the time?" Your brows furrowed as he more dragged than led you around.

"I'm not answering that, Mr. L/n."

"Wow, so professional. Do you ever smile?" You shook his hand off of you.

"I will pay you to stop talking." He wiped his hand on his clothes.

"Is that your auto phrase when you want someone quiet, Gray?" You guessed it usually worked if he was using that tactic that confidently.

"It's Grayson." He reminded you, though he knew you were saying his nickname on purpose."Is it fatal if you stay quiet for a second?" He glanced at you.

You tried pushing his shoulder, but it only made you trip to the side. Grayson just walked forward without a care if you fell on your face or caught yourself.

"Keep up, Mr. L/n." Grayson turned his heel, waiting for you to get back to his side. You could've sworn he liked treating you this way.

You quietly mocked his words in your imitation of his voice as you crossed your arms before following him again.

"You're wearing the same clothes since a few days ago." Grayson commented, looking you up and down.

"Nice observation, Einstein. What are you going to say next? We breath air?" You raised an eyebrow.

Grayson responded with a sigh, like he was even tired just by talking to you.

You didn't know what Nash was thinking when he made Grayson take you to your room. Sure, you hadn't talked to the others that much, but it'd be better than the silence betwen you and Grayson were experiencing right now... and the multiple times Grayson saved you from wandering in the wrong direction.

You two now were now starting to ascend on a long stair case. You managed to go a little faster than him. Hah, Olympics something something Jameson said? As if. But just as you were about to step over the final step, you foot had caught onto it.

You shut your eyes closed, ready for impact to the floor and the embarrassment of falling in front of someone.

"Watch where you're stepping next time." Grayson's left hand grabbed your right, wrapping his other arm around your waist.

Now it just setttled in that instead of your face pointed to the floor, it was to Grayson. "Let go of me, man!"

And with that, he let go of you with a second thought, dropping you on your back.

"That's not what I meant." You slowly got up. "Hey wait!-" You had to chase after him again. Was he just impatient, or just wanted to see you struggle?

Abruptly, you heard a ringing in the pocket you placed that phone Alisa gave you earlier.

Grayson finally stopped. "You should answer that."

You were about to say something, but answering that call felt more important than speaking back to him. So you gave him a look telling him he didn't need to tell you what to do.

You walked a good enough distance where he wouldn't hear you. You tapped on the phone icon.

You stayed quiet for a second before speaking. "Who is it?"

"Y/n, you picked up!" Avery sounded relieved on the other end. "Anyways, come over to my side of the wing. I want to show you something important."

"What? I don't even know where your wing is." You brought the phone to your ear.

"I do." You look to your side and see Grayson towering over you.

"I walked away for a reason, Gray." You turned around.

"Do you want me to help you or not?" He crossed his arms, not even going to tell you to call him Grayson and not Gray.

You sighed. "Fine." You brought the phone back to your ear. "Don't worry, Avery I'll be there."

Avery told you she'd be waiting before she hung up.

You looked at Grayson expecting him to say something now.

"Well?" You titled your head. You weren't ready for having to walk all that way back.

Grayson sighed, and began going in some other direction than before. At least he was one to get straight to the point.


Idk what to put here....

M4M Grayson Hawthorne x Reader The Inheritance GamesWhere stories live. Discover now