-- Chapter 6 --

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MAN I AM ON A ROLL. I hope you are enjoying. If you couldn't tell I'm very exact in the book. But I hope your not just skipping through. Cuz like some of it is important ykwim. Pls comment on what kind of clothes y/n should wear bc I'm not sure. Lol 1-21-2023

The house was huge, so this rich guy, 'Grayson' really wasn't joking around. You've only seen that many cars in a traffic jam. It made you wonder how could a family even use all those cars. They probably only have driven half of them, while the other were for display. But then there was a motorcycle, sticking out from all the other vehicles. 

"Looks like Nash made it home." Alisa eyed the bike.

"Nash?" Libby asked.

"The oldest Hawthrone grandson. There are four of them."

Four in total huh. You already know that arrogant Grayson. Why do you think of him so much?... It's because you hate his guts. Yes, yeah, you don't really hate that many people. But for some reason that guy just pisses you off. You hoped his siblings weren't anything like him.

"Take it from someone who's been there and done that --- never lose your heart to a Hawthrone."

"Hah, I would never fall for Grayson." You scoffed.

"Y/n, she didn't say that." Avery whispered to you, making you realized you might've spoken a little too loud.

"And I didn't say anything either." You might just be thinking a little bit too much about him.

Avery looked back to Alisa. "Don't worry. I keep mine under a lock and key." ( Yea, yea. Sure. I believe you )


You all arrived in a room too big for it's own good. You even had to step back to see the staircase fully. Avery was taken back by the architecture, while you were less amused. A fancy wall or floor meant nothing in your eyes. "Hawthrones" you stated in your mind as you smiled, "it's gonna take more then really high ceiling to impress me."

"You've arrived." The voice took your attention.

"Not you again." You mumbled under your breath.

"And right on time. I trust there were no problems with you flight?" Grayson casually said.

He had changed into a different suit. It was all black, like he was trying to be incognito.

You snickered. "A different suit, per hour." Avery just elbowed you in response.

"You." Alisa greeted him, though it didn't feel much like a greeting.

"I take it I'm not forgiven for interfering?" Grayson asked.

"You're 19." She retorted. "Would it kill you to act like it?"

"It might." He flashed his teeth with a smile. "And you're welcome." You could bet that Alisa didn't even ask Grayson in the first place to fetch Avery.

He came up to you and the others. "Ladies, may I take your coats?"

Avery denied. You felt proud of her for not giving it to him for some reason.

"You?" He glanced over to you.

"Do I look like I need your help?" You raised an eyebrow. The last impression you wanted to leave was that you needed assistance for a jacket. 

"Maybe." He looked away.

It's annoying when he actually talks back. Can't he just shut up? You know he's trying to be "nice," but you never know what he could actually be like that. Grayson progressed to Libby. She was the only who gave him her jacket. He then went to what seemed to be a closet.

"Coat closet." He said as he grabbed a hanger for Libby's jacket.

"Do we look stupid to you? I knew it was a coat closet." You huffed.

"Of course you did."

Alisa took it as a sign that now would just be the perfect time to leave, as the only person who who seemed to be the most sensible one there. As much as you would love to find out an excuse to leave, Grayson suddenly caught your attention.

"Now that I think about it." He tapped his chin. "Back in Texas, I never was able to obtain your name." He stepped closer to you, little too close really.

"Good luck then." You gave him a sly smile, keeping up your cool guy personality. You leaned in like you were challenging him.

"Especially because your profile was not in the school data." He added, leaning in as well.

Avery slowly looked at you. "y/n-"

"Look Avery, that's for another time. But I might've just been hanging around in the building. And teachers just kinda went with it." You quickly changed the subject. "Also, how do you have access to the school's data?" You turned back to Grayson.

Grayson was about to say something until you all hear a crash and a boom coming from the closet. A boy with curly hair and darker skin stumbled out. He was around Avery's age. Also wearing a suit like Grayson. He really just came out the closet.

"Am I late? The boy asked.

"One might suggest that you direct that query toward your watch." Grayson replied.

"Is Jameson here?"

Grayson stiffened. "No."

The other boy grinned. "Then I'm not late!" He looked past Grayson to the three of you guys.

"And these must be our guests! How rude of Grayson to not introduce us!"

"Yes, Grayson." You smirked. "how rude."

Grayson, now annoyed, used his hand to present everyone. "Avery Grambs and her sister, Libby-"

"- And I'm Avery's friend, Y/n L/n." You reached out your hand for the curly boy, which he enthusiastically shook.

You didn't even have to look to see that Grayson was eyeing you. You told your name sooner to a boy you just met, than a boy who you jut met a while ago. He gathered himself back together. He didn't know why it bothered him. He let it go with a quiet inhale.

"This is my brother, Alexander." He could've stopped there, but then his eyebrow raised. "Xander is the baby of the family."

"I'm the handsome one," Xander corrected,"I know what you're thinking. This serious bugger beside me can really fill out an Armani suit. But I ask you, can he jolt the universe on and up to ten with his smile, like a young Mary Tyler Moore incarnate in the body of a multiracial James Dean?"

He said in a quick way, full of energy. You could see Avery trying to decode on what Xander said.

"No, no he cannot." He answered his own question.

He finally stopped talking long enough for someone else to speak.

"It's nice to meet you." Libby was able to say, being the friendliest out of the you three.

"So you spend a lot of time in coat closets?" You asked him sarcastically.

Xander dusted his hand on his pants. "Secret passage. This place is full of them."

Another on finished. This isn't as hard as I though it'll be. I'm glad you made it this far. Making Grayson jealous/ pissed is fun. Anyways, HAVE A GOOD MORNING / GOOD NIGHT /GOOD AFTERNOON / GOOD EVENING!! ladies [?] And gentlemen <3

M4M Grayson Hawthorne x Reader The Inheritance GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora