-- Chapter 8 --

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Let's get straight to it. Except we ain't straight. Hehehehe 1-22-2023

You were being led to the Grand Room by Grayson's mom, still holding onto Grayson's hand. Embarrassing it was really, you couldn't tell what was worse, not wanting to talk to anyone, or not being able to talk to anyone. Your own pride wouldn't allow it, and small talk would just make it worse.

Unintentionally, you began swaying your hand. It was just natural for you.

"What are you doing?" Grayson asked, not forcing your arm to stop swinging, but you could tell he was confused.

"Nothing." You stopped, forcing your arm to be still. You were just waiting for an excuse to let go. He just HAD to point it out. Why could he just let go first?

The Grand Room really went with its name. Did everything have to one up you in looks?

"Well, we're here now, so you can let go." You told Grayson, as you two just stood there in silence.

"Right." He replied, finally letting go of your hand. Yours felt warm in his hand. It always felt nice against the coldness of his.

Without another word, Grayson left you there, alone and wondering why he left so soon. At least, you were in the back so you didn't really stand out. But before you could let your mind wonder with conclusions, Avery has finally came back after all of your wishing.

"What took you so long, Avery?" You asked with a hint of urgency in your voice, finally being alright with sitting down.

"I couldn't find the bathroom. This place is huge." She shrugged, she sat with you.

"You don't have to tell me twice."

"Anyways... I saw you holding hands with Grayson. I thought you hated him." She said with a smug look on her face along with a smirk to top it off.

"I do," You looked away. It wasn't you just suddenly didn't dislike him anymore, but Avery thought otherwise. "His mom made us." You explained.

"Alright, I believe you-"

"It's true!" You exclaimed in a hushed whisper to not attract any attention to you two.

But instead of you two getting any further with your conversation of who is right and wrong, more people began entering the room, all of them looking important and serious. You won't be surprised if these people, except of some, were just carved from rocks. Xander, eventually came back, and so did Libby. They must've seen that roller coaster thing. And then there was another guy, definitely didn't look like a fancy rich person by his cowboy boots, but something gave off the fact he was as well a Hawthrone.

Xander came over to you and Avery, with an old lady, like he was hoping to introduce the whole family eventually. "This is Nan. The woman. The legend." Xander introduced her.

"Get on with you." She swatted his arm away, "I'm this rascals great-grandmother." She sat in a chair next to Avery. There goes your whispering to each other time. "Older than dirt and twice as mean."

"She's a softy," Xander assured you two. "and I'm her favorite."

"You are not my favorite."

"I'm everyone's favorite!" Xander grinned.

"Far too much like that incorrigible grandfather of yours." She grunted "Awful man."

"Was Mr. Hawthorne your son? " Libby, about a few seats away from you, asked the woman gently.

"Son-in-law." Nan snorted again.

"He was also her favorite." Xander clarified.

You did a small smile, just so they wouldn't think you're disinterested or rude. A lot of people mistook your tone or behavior as offensive. But maybe it's them who need to chill you. You looked over to Avery, who was visibly bothered by something. Could it be someone said something to her? You've never fought a rich, rich person before... No, it's better to help Avery than to beat up some person, if someone said something to her.

"Are you alright, Ave?" You leaned down a bit to look at her down pointed face.

"I'm fine... I'm going to step outside." She forced a smile. "I need some air." She headed towards the door. You could've sworn you could see slight panic in her steps. You knew something wasn't right, something was making her feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, y/n" Libby said, pulling your attention away from Avery.

"What's up?"

"I need to go for a second, okay?" Is she also going to the bathroom like Avery did earlier?

"Sure, but where, so I know where to find you. Don't want you getting lost." You commented.

"I won't get lost. Don't worry about it, I'll be back sooner than you know it." She smiled, before she rose from her seat and went in the opposite direction of Avery.

Great, You're all alone now. Once Libby walked past your sight, your eyes fell on Grayson, who was on the other side of the room. He raised his eyebrow. You looked away, staring at whatever ceiling or wall you could. You looked back to check if he had stopped looking at you, but he wasn't. He was staring. You began staring back. Everything could be made into a competitive if wanted to. Xander, sitting next to Grayson, noticed you two's staring contest. You couldn't understand what he was saying, but he broke Grayson's expressionless face, causing him to look away first. But he covered the bottom half of his face before anyone else could notice. He got up and walked away. You felt proud even though there was never a challenge mentioned, but you kind of beat him. You leaned back into your chair, grinning about your victory

But just before you could get too comfortable, a voice suddenly appeared "I noticed you staring."

You looked over to the chair next to you, where Avery was supposed to sit, and saw no one other than Grayson.

"You were the one staring, not me." You shook your head.

He might've been right, but that didn't mean you couldn't lie about it.

"You're probably talking to me, because you're bored, huh?" You cocked your head to the right.

"Why, I feel hurt, how could you think of me in such a way?" Grayson placed his hand over his chest.

"Oh I don't know. How do I?" You got up from your chair. Wandering around this large place, would be better than chatting with him.

"Why are you leaving? Find my presence too much for you? To intimidating?"

"What?" You instantly sat back in your seat.

"I believe you heard me due to you staying here." He fixed the cuff of his suit.

"You're just getting a kick out of this, aren't you?"

He was silent, but a smile appeared on his face. How in the world did he already get his way? It would've been better if you left, but he was going to think you were scared by him. You need to become the joker and not the joke. Now, winning a staring contest wasn't enough.

"I think I know why you're doing this, Gray." You turned you body towards him.

He raised an eyebrow, curious about what your conclusion was. "It's Grayson to you, but why?"

You began inching your face closer to his. "You like me, don't you?" You don't even know if he's into guys. But, into guys or not, it still pisses them all off. Either utter denial, or stuttering. It was surprisingly the most effective way you found out some people had a crush on you. 

"Wouldn't you like to know, Mr. L/n." He stood up, hiding a grin, and walked away back to his seat.

"Jerk" you muttered, but loud enough so you knew he could hear you.

Alright, I'm like terrible at romance so I hope this was alright.  I'm just glad none of yall know me irl. I mightve made him a lil too flirtatious, but who cares. Anyways, HAVE A GOOD NIGHT / GOOD MORNING / GOOD EVENING / GOOD AFTERNOON!! Ladies [?] And gentlemen <3

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