-- Chapter 24 --

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Date posted: 1-26-2023 Date edited: 9-7-2023

Once you were sure that Avery went to her first class. You texted if you could get a ride back to the Hawthrone House. After a few minutes, You were told to wait outside. As you stood outside with your hands in your pockets, you spotted some flower bushes. You stepped closer to it, crouching down to find some fallen flowers. You picked them off from the ground, spinning it in your fingers. The petals were a little wilted, but it was still pretty in your eyes.

"Hey." A voice called.

You turned your head and saw Nash with his motorcycle, the one you saw in the parking lot at the house. So it was his ride after all.

"Ahh, you're the boy Gray talked about." Nash realized. He didn't know it was you because of your uniform. "Here." He took out an extra helmet from a small compartment, and tossed it to you.

"He talks about me? What, does he say I'm some sort of nuisance?" You put the flower in your pocket. You put on the helmet, a size a little too big for you.

"Somethin' like that." Nash grinned. He patted on the space behind him. "Hop on, kid."

"Alright, man." You smiled, sitting behind him as he turned the handle.

You had never been on a motorcycle before but you had always planned on getting one once you got enough money.

You soon were brought back to the house, this time from the back of the house. No paparazzi in sight.

"Thanks for the ride." You said once the motorcycle began to slow down.

Nash made a full stop. "Anytime, kid." He said as he took off his helmet.

You took yours off as well, handing it to him.

"I can't wait to take off this uniform." You pulled the collar of the blazer looking at its burgundy color after stepping back onto the ground.

"You'll have to get used to it though. Whether you want to or not." He led you to a back door.

You nodded in response, following him. You were planning on changing, but then you remembered you'd return to the school eventually, and it'd be a waste of time.

Nash brought you back to around the main entrance of the first floor. "I'll see you around."

"Yeah, I'll see you." You repeated. He smiled and walked away into wherever he was heading.

You wanted to have a chat with Grayson about what he said to Avery but then you remembered what Alisa told you. Just avoid him.

You have been in multiple situations with him. There was still the photo you hoped he got Alisa to take down. Maybe if would be better if you did something to take your mind off of him. Where to go?

The library? The solarium? Definitely not the pool. There's more than one library. You wonder if it's any greater than the one you were in not too long ago where Grayson and Jameson had 'a fight.'

It was on your side of the wing anyways. And these rooms should have a label. Alisa said to call her if you needed help...

So you pulled your phone from your pocket. "Could you tell me where the library on my side is, Alisa?" You asked politely.

"What you want to do is on the first floor go into the right hall way and turn right on the 3rd hall. Then turn left on the first opening. Go up the stairs. And there should be labels for each room. Thanks to Xander."

"Right... I totally got all of that."

You then received a text message of directions from Alisa.

"Thank you." You said before hanging up.

M4M Grayson Hawthorne x Reader The Inheritance GamesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant