--Chapter 34--

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Yippee!! A Chapter after I finished editing all the other 33 ones. THAT TOOK SO LONG. Lol I'm listening to my playlist while do this. Anyways, MAKEOVER TIME!!


Avery had left the library to ask Alisa since she probably knew more about the will. You has headed to your room and saw a phone on your bed with a note.

It read only Grayson's full name in neat cursive on a small piece a paper. So he does keep promises you thought as you picked up the phone. He didn't even promise you he'd replace your phone that was sadly dropped into the deep end of the pool. You turned on the phone and signed in to see multiple messages from Max wondering why you randomly were cut off and why you weren't responding to her messages.

It would only be right to call her back.

"Hey Max, sorry, I... I dropped my phone in water." You didn't need to explain what, or more likely who, made it slip from your hands.

"Oh my faxing god, Y/n, I was worried." Max turned on her camera. "but besides that. Was that who I thought it was behind you?"

"No of course not-"

"You're lying, Y/n." Max pointed at the camera. You were a good liar when you wanted to, that just only made you a better liar.

"Okay, it was Grayson, but that doesn't mean anything.

"Hah, I knew it, mother-faxer." She said proudly. "About that photo we were talking bout earlier, its no longer on the internet like its been erased."

"Yeah, I got Gray to get some people to take it down." That photo was your fifteen seconds of fame, more than you asked for though.

"I got to go now, but we'll talk later." Max said before quickly shutting off her phone.

You messaged Avery since you needed to know about that red will. A little while later Avery updated you over text that there was, in fact, a red will, and Alisa would be willing to show you guys, but you two had to do something for her. That was all you knew before Avery left you on delivered.

You wondered what exactly the favor was. What would Alisa want from Avery?

The Hawthrone Brothers didn't bother you about Grayson so you guessed he's better from that awkward interaction at the theater place. How could someone not get lost in that place, not just the theater but the whole building. Does a person even need this much rooms and other things? You didn't need THAT much to live a fine life. You've been living just fine for the past 18 years.

Sure, the bed might've been a lot better then yours. So was the food, and the setting, and overall atmosphere, except for the tension between everyone. Money can do strange things to people, and you have learned that the hard way.

Suddenly, Xander peeked his head through you door. "Hey, just checking on you, Y/n." He smiled.

"You can come in you know." You said, calming down that it was only him. You trusted him. You would tell Avery that you did trust some guys.

Xander stepped into your room, now eating a scone.

"So how have you been since the last few days?" He asked sitting on some table instead of a chair.

You weren't sure how to answer that. It hasn't even been that long and there was already drama and events like the clue with the letters, Libby's ex, your parents... Grayson.

"It's been alright." You shrugged, putting your hands behind you head as you leaned back against the headboard.

"You know I've been looking at the stuff on the internet." Xander kicked his feet. You wondered if he was trying to tell you he saw something. And if that was the case, would it do with Grayson? "There were these two old people who said you were their son, but I know a lot of people make false claims."

M4M Grayson Hawthorne x Reader The Inheritance GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora