-- Chapter 22 --

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You guys know I have to put a beginning-


"By the way." Oren spoke after watching Avery to make sure nothing went wrong with the first few minutes of school. "I have your school uniform." He grabbed the neatly folded clothes, handing it to you.

"Seriously?" You dreadfully took the uniform, unraveling it to see its look. It was creepily your exact size. These people were a little too efficient for your taste.

"I must say. It'll be interesting what an uniform would look on you." Oren commented. He had never really seen you in a more formal attire. It might've just been impossible before now.

You hummed in response. "Yeah, but I'll look good while wearing it." You balled up the clothes.

"You be changing in here. Don't worry. The windows are tinted and I will look forward."

"I- ughhh." You let out a long sigh. You guessed you couldn't walk into the school's restrooms without being noticed. And highschoolers are the nosiest people in the universe.

One change later, and you were wearing a burgundy blazer with a buttoned up shirt underneath, like Avery, and beige pants. To fit in with the crowd, Oren told you to fix your hair up. Remember, you're doing this for Avery. You deserve a medal at this point.

"I look like one of them now." You commented, trying to mess with the uniform to make it look less neat and pretty. Yet, none of your attempts worked.

You placed your hand in the door handle. "See ya, Oren, wish me luck." You saluted, as you stepped out of the SUV. 

Not even at the door, and you felt a few eyes watching you. Of course, it wasn't the beginning of the year. And some new student, or an old student who had a glow up randomly joined. You didn't mind the people watching. It felt similar in Connecticut anyways. Plus, putting up a nervous look would not be to your benefit. You always found the ones who were confident and knew their worth never had an issue in school. But you weren't there to make friends. 

"Hi cutie." A girl with brown hair with highlights stepped in front of you. "What's your name?" Which ever direction you tilted to, she did as well.

"I'd rather not." You denied, keeping your eye on Avery, who was now walking with a girl with black hair. You hoped it was Avery beginning to make a friend. 

The girl turned her head to see what you were so focused on. "Why do you keep looking at her?"

"Who?" You asked.

The girl put her hand next to her mouth. "Avery Grambs." She whispered as if it was a curse to say it any louder.

She didn't know who you were. That's a good thing. If she didn't know who you were, then others would hopefully not recognize you from that Grayson photo. At this point, wearing the uniform and styling your hair, you could barely recognize yourself.

"But I recommend not going near her." She added.

"Why not?" Your voice began to get quiet on its own.

"She inherited a lot of money, and she's also staying at the Hawthrone house."

"What's wrong with the Hawthrone house?" You titled your head.

The girls face lit up, excited to share information with you. "The last girl who stayed there-"

"Elizabeth! Class is starting!" One of her friends called, the rest were giggling about the fact she was talking with you.

"One second! Here," She took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it. "Call me, I'm having a-"

"Nice talking to you, bye." You quickly walked past her.

"Wait-" She turned to follow you, but her friend had pulled her arm, telling her she'd see you again sometime.

The reason you left so suddenly was because Avery began getting a little too far away. So discretely followed you, pretending you were just looking for a class.

You hadn't even noticed when the two had reached the end of the hallway. You didn't even know where you were.

"Hey, I don't want to worry you, but I think you have a stalker." The black haired girl glanced behind her for a second.

"So much for staying in the shadows." Avery sighed, being turning around to face you.

"Hey, I tried my best. Also, not a stalker, but a friend." You said, as you walked closer to the two.

"Then a friend of Avery is mine as well. I'm Thea." The girl smiled a little too friendly.

You thought about not saying your name, but then you'd just come off as plain old rude. "I'm Y/n." Avery seemed comfortable around this Thea for you to talk with her.

Thea paused to get a good look at you and your appearance. "It's a pleasure to-" 

The head master's door at the end of the hall opened, and four boys walked out bloodied, and smiled. And at the end of that line was Xander.

"I'm so not joining that robot death club thing." You whispered under your breath.

Thea had place her hand on Xander's cheek. "Xander. Looks like you lost." 

"There are no loser in the Robot Battle Death Match Fight Club." He said stoically. "There are only winners and people's whose robots sort of explode."

Who knew Xander would be such a reckless kid, yet not too chaotic? He had an eyebrow gone, which he'd probably just say he could grow it back if anyone asked about it. Grayson had probably kept Xander and Jameson in check before he graduated.

"I was just showing Avery to the office and giving her some insider tips on surviving Country Day." Thea told Xander, lowering her hand. 

"Charming!" Xander declared. "Avery, Y/n, did the ever-delightful Thea Calligaris happen to mention that her uncle is married to my aunt?"

Calligaris, like Zara Hawthrone-Calligaris?

"I hear Zara and your uncle are looking for ways to challenge the will." Xander told Thea, though you had the feeling that wasn't the only reason he mentioned that.

"I wouldn't know." Thea gave Xander an elegant shrug.

"So Y/n," Xander got your attention. "I never expected you to wear a uniform."

"Yeah, me neither." You looked so proper, like you could've really belonged to a rich family. "But you know." You shrugged. "Dress to impress, I guess? But I'm pretty confident I impress either way."


-and ending message ;p

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