Is this the last battle, or the first.

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Ladybug rushed to Alya's place. She had to give her the miraculous. She ran as fast as she could. She had forgotten to tell Adri- Chat Noir what she was doing but it would only take her a few seconds.

She got to Alya's house and went to her window. Alya saw her and rushed to open the window. She opened it and helped Ladybug in.

"Ladybug! Your here!! What's the matter?" Asked Alya.

"I need you help." Replied Ladybug. "Alya, here it the Miraculous of the Fox. You will use it for the greater good. After the battle you will return it to me. Can I trust you?"

Alya was so excited! "Yes!" She replied grabbing the miraculous and putting it on. As she put it on her Kwamii flew out.

"ALYA!!" Her Kwamii shouted hugging her.

"TRIXX!" Replied Alya with the same energy.

"Heh. Reunion later battle now. Meet after you transform. See you soon!" Order Ladybug jumping out the window and away.

(Story shifts to watch Alya)

"I'm so happy she need me! Well I mean it must be something bad but still!!" Cried Alya to her little friend.

Trixx went to reply but saw something in the corner of his eye. He looked over but nothing was there. Trixx new something was about to happen.

"Hey, why don't you transform and let's leave." Trixx tried.

Soon after he said that something came from the shadows and put Alya into a choke hold and covered her mouth.

"You won't be going anywhere." Replied the man.

"Mmhmmshd" said Alya.

"Let me take this." He said letting go of Alya's mouth and grabbing the fox pendent.

"W- who are you?!" Alya cried.

"Can't you tell?" Asked the man. "Well anyways I'm Monarch."

Alya froze. This was great.

Monarch tied Alya up- which took some time because she fought the whole time- and put her in her closet.
He slipped on the miraculous.

"Trixx, let's pounce!" Demanded Monarch.

Trixx couldn't do anything so he went in. Monarch now had the fox with his other powers.
He took the flute and used mirage. He summed a Rena Rouge and commanded her to follow Ladybug.

"Finally your here!" Cried Ladybug.

She already had a few bad fight winds. But nothing bad enough to stop her. Ladybug walked over to Rena and it looked like she wanted to hug her.

"Sorry," said Rena stepping back. "I'm not here I'm trying to trick Monarch."

"Smart!" Replied Ladybug.

"A little help here guys!" Cried Chat.

Ladybug ran to help Chat and continued to fight. She hadn't pulled up her ladybugs yet but she didn't need too. Soon they had defeated the opponent.

"Pound it!" All 3 of them said putting their fist together.

Rena disappeared.

"Now for my trick." Grinned Monarch.

He called up a ton of clones of him. Then he took them all to were the heros were at.

He surround them. They looked around not knowing what to do.

(Back to the normal way it was)

Chat and Ladybug looked around. They were surrounded by Monarch. With the- FOX MIRACULOUS?!

"He has Rena's miraculous!" Cried Ladybug.

"Shit!" Replied Chat. "He probably had it from the beginning."

"No!" Cried Ladybug.

She didn't know what to do. Should she just run. There was a slim possibility that she would run into the real Monarch. She decided to take that chance. She shifted to her other foot and braces herself.
The really Monarch saw this and took the safety cover off his staff. It became a sword. He pointed it straight forward. It would pierce through her stomach. If she hit it of course.

She looked back at Chat. He wasn't paying attention. He seemed to have his eye on one of the Monarch's. So she faced forward. Then she ran. Chat turned his head following the real Monarch. He ran right in front of Ladybug. Ladybug didn't seem to notice. She ran right through the fakes. She was close to the end when she hit something. She felt it go through her. She looked down. She had found the real Monarch. She looked back at him. Then he saw Chat run up to Monarch and grab his miraculous. Ladybug couldn't stand any longer she fell down as the sword disappeared.

She hit he ground hard.

Chat looked at the man who was Monarch. It was- his father. Gabriel Agreste.

"Run now. Or you will regain not." Ordered Chat.

Gabriel looked from Ladybug to Chat then began to run away.

Chat hid the miraculous somewhere on him and went to Ladybug. Part of her suit was gone. It's like she ordered her Kwamii to get ride of her stomach part of her suit. Which would protect her Kwamii. So her civilian self was showing through.

"M'lady! Please wake up!" Cried Chat.

"Mm." Replied Ladybug. "Take... me... home.."

"What?" Asked Chat.

"Spot- spots... off.." replied Ladybug.

Chat didn't have time to close his eyes. He just stared as Ladybug became his girlfriend.
Tikki stared at Mari. She began to cry.

Chat new he need to take her to the hospital. He grabbed her miraculous off her and stuffed them away. He then picked her up and went as fast as he could the the hospital.

Once he got there he yelled. "EMERGENCY! NO TIME TO WAIT!! PLEASE HELP!"

People came immediately and helped put her in a stretcher. They pushed her to a room and Chat followed.

They sowed her back. The doctors and nurses tried to get Chat to leave but he told them he had to stay. So they let him.

Few days later

"She's gone into a coma.  She won't heal though. She hasn't from the accident. It looks like a stab wound." Said the doctor.

Chat looked as if he had lost everything in the world.

"No! No! Please tell me she'll be ok!" He cried.

"If she wakes up within 10 years. Otherwise she's long gone. Your welcome to stay as long as you'd like." Replied he doctor walking out.

"No~ please wake up princess." Chat cried setting down next to her bed.

All her monitors were beeping. She had an IV. A feeding tub. She even had a heart pressure monitor on her finger.

Chat was going to stay with her till she woke up.

If~ she woke up.

The end

For now >:)


I hope you enjoyed the story. I will start the sequel to this story soon. I hope you like the cliff hanger. Anyways byeee.

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