First attack.

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Marinette was waken up by a weird green blinking light. She opened her eyes and looked around. She saw her earrings were also blinking. Adrian's arm was wrapped around her and his ring was blinking. Marinette lightly grabbed Adrian's arm and moved it off her. She almost didn't get up. When the warmth that Adrian put on her left and the rooms AC went right for the spot his arm had been, sending cold chills up her spine. Marinette got off the bed and walked out of the room. She decided a ally way would be the best place to be for a little break. She walked out of the hotel and went to one side of the building. She sat down then tried to relax.
Tikki flew out of her earrings and Marinette screamed.

"TIKKI?" Marinette shrieked.

"Marinette ~ you need to transform. Your earrings tell you when something is wrong or you can used them to contact the other holder." Replied Tikki.

"Nope! Just a dream!" Said Marinette.

Tikki sighed and then started to sing.

This is a song from the new movie. But it's just so perfect.

While this was going on Adrian had noticed that his warmth had left him. He opens his eyes and saw is ring blinking. Plagg came out of his ring.

"I demand cheese before we transform!" Ordered Plagg.

"Plagg! Claws out!" Replied Adrian.

Adrian looked around for a little. Where was he going to go? Out the window! Adrian opened the window and climbed out. After he closed the window he turned around and went to walk but fell. He'd forgotten that he was not on the floor level. He fell for a while but then his vision blurred and he looked around. He found his weird stick and t glowed with green cat prints. Adrian grabbed it and pressed the main print. As he did it got longer and smashed into the wall of the hotel and the wall of another building. Adrian hung there then realized he was close to the ground now. He pressed the button again and this time the stick went back to it's normal size. He fell for a little then landed. Infront of someone.

"Ahh!" Screamed Marinette. Then she realized it was Chat. "Oh! Chat! Your here. Wait why are you here?" She asked.

"Well first, why do you look like a watermelon? Also how do you know my name?" Asked Chat Noir.

"I'm not a watermelon! My name is Ladybug. And I know your name because you've saved me before." Answered Ladybug.

Suddenly a giant Laser hit the hotel causing the building to cave it. Killing everyone inside. Ladybug screamed.

"Noo!" Ladybug shouted

"Marinette!" Shouted Chat.

Ladybug almost gave away her identity.

"Who's she?" Asked Ladybug through tears.

"A girl I saved." Replied Chat.

"Oh. My friends were there. I have to save them! I have to! We need to find the monster!" Cried Ladybug whipping her tears

"Well," Started Chat Noir. "Come with me." He finished grabbing Ladybug and pushing the paw button on his stick flinging them into the sky.


Ladybug held onto Chat as if her life dependened on it. She had her eyes shut tight. Chat looked down and saw ladybug. He smiled to himself. Then he remembered that he was controlling his stick. He looked back to see where he was headed and saw that they were headed to a wall. Chat let out a small scream causing Ladybug to open her eyes. She saw that they were headed for a wall and grabbed her yo-yo. She kept a tight hold on chat and threw her yo-yo.

"Grab your stick and hold on tight." Ordered Ladybug.

"Got it!" Shouted Chat clicking the paw button and holding on to Ladybug.

The sudden drop surprised Ladybug and took her a second to realize that she was currently flying. No wait- swinging. Soon they'd be close to the ground and she could drop off Chat and then land herself safely.

"Chat! When I say so you'll let go of me then wait for me to land next to you." Shouted Ladybug over the wind.

"What?!" Cried Chat.

"Now!" Shouted Ladybug.

Chat let go of Ladybug and fell a small distance. While he fell he yelped. Ladybug laughed which triggered her yo-yo to unhook from wherever it was. She was about to go around and land next to Chat but now she was flying away from him. She threw her yo-yo this time catching a part of a billboard. She swung to it and  forgot to unhook it causing her to swing into the board.

"Ouch~" sighed Ladybug.

"Wow! That was amazing. I wanna do that next!" Shouted Chat Noir from below her.

Ladybug got down from board and walked past Chat. She walked around and inspected the area. There was a strange structure in front of her. She walked up to it and tapped it. The structure moved then kicked Ladybug. She went flying into Chat. He caught her and they both went crashing into a building. Ladybug got up and went to help Chat. She stopped short when a sudden loud sound happened behind her. She looked up to see the same laser that hit the hotel above her. The laser hit the building causing a ton of rubble to fall on top of Chat. Ladybug fell back. She tried to keep tears from falling, but she failed.

"CATACLYSM!" Shouted Chat.

All the rubble disintegrated into dust. And Chat walked out.
Ladybug ran up to him and hugged him.

"Please! Please don't even do that again!" Cried Ladybug.

"Wait- were you sad?" Asked Chat.

"No. But we need to get rid of this monster. The laser comes from his eyes. Maybe if I get something to counteract it-" Started Ladybug. "LUCKY CHARM!" Shouted Ladybug.

A mirror fell from her yo-yo and Ladybug caught it. She stared at if for a small about of time. Then she looked at Chat.

"Ok here's the plan," Started Ladybug.

Ladybug told Chat the plan and they got to work a ton of buildings were ruined but finally they managed to get the monster to aim their laser at the mirror and the laser hit the monster. The monster disintegrated and a black/purple butterfly came out and the pile of monster turned into a normal person. Ladybug caught the butterfly and released it as a while butterfly.

"Where am I?" Asked the kid.

"Are you ok?" Asked Ladybug.

"Ya. I'm gonna go home." Replied the kid running away.

"Well-" started Ladybug. "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" She finished throwing the mirror into the sky.

The mirror turned into ladybugs and fixed everything. This means that the hotel and the people are now alive!

"Beep beep." Went Ladybug's earnings and Chat's ring.

"One sec!" They both shouted running to a hiding place.

They de-transformed, fed their kwamii's, re-transtormed then met up again.

"Let me take you somewhere." Said Chat leading Ladybug somewhere.


"What?" Asked Alya baffled. She was just crushed to death and now she was sleeping in her bed. Was it a dream?

Back to Ladybug and Chat

"So I've never shown this to anyone. You get to be the first person to see it." Said Chat sitting down at a piano.

(Again sorry. I just really like the music from the new ladybug and cat noir movie.)

Ladybug ran off and Chat stood there for a little. Then he too left. He went to check on the girls and too make sure Marinette was safe.

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