Chapter VII

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When everyone arrive at Cloud Recesse, Xiao Zhan left to go buy Gusu famous wine "Tainzi Xiao". "It does smell good, no wonder Wei Ying like it so much," by the time Xiao Zhan got back to Cloud Recesse it is already nighttime.

"I forgot that they put up a protection shield when is already pass that time. Well that won't be a problem," 'I will do what Wei Ying did.' He make a talisman in the air, then push toward the shield and then the talisman turn into butterfly as it break the protection shield.

"Now that is more like it," Xiao Zhan walk up the step toward Cloud Recesse, "the problem is, to see Lan Zhan, I should do what Wei Ying do. And that will be...climbing over the roof top."

When Xiao Zhan climb fully over the roof top, he felt like someone is looking at him so he turn to his right there he see Lan Wangji is standing there looking at him. "Are you out for a night stroll, Lan Wangji?" 'Here come his lecture about his clan rule.'

"Breaking the per-" Lan Wangji got stop by Xiao Zhan saying, "Stop with your rule lecture Lan Zhan."

'Lan Zhan? No one have call me that for a while beside my mother.'

"I think your rule is very very very boring. Your clan shouldn't have rule at all, you can't do this or do that, is so boring." This somehow make Lan Wangji very angry, "Why you?!" Xiao Zhan have on a smirk, he threw his wine to a tree nearby this way Lan Wangji won't break them again.

'I also know what you will do next Lan Zhan,' Xiao Zhan dodge Lan Wangji attack that is heading toward him. While the two of them is fighting one another, Xiao Zhan see an opening.

He grab onto Lan Wangji waist, push him down on the roof and pinned both of his hand above his head. "Let me go!" Xiao Zhan smile down at Lan Wangji, "Now now Lan er gongzi, I can't let you go just yet. I want you to listen to me, can you do that?"

Xiao Zhan see how red Lan Wangji ear is, 'He is blushing,' "Lan er gongzi, if you smile more often you will look more handsome and more friendly." Xiao Zhan watch as Lan Wangji turn his head away from him. 'Cute.' "Then Lan Zhan....can I kiss you?" This got Lan Wangji to turn his head back to look at Xiao Zhan with his eye went wide.

'The two of them are the same. Same eye color, same stoic expression and the cold aura,' "well?" Lan Wangji gave a slight nod. He closed his eye, he is waiting for Xiao Zhan to kiss him.

'Instead of kissing him on the lips, let's do it on the forehead instead,' Xiao Zhan lean down and kissed Lan Wangji forehead ribbon. Xiao Zhan look down at a shock Lan Wangji, "no need to be shock Lan Zhan, I won't steal your first kiss."

Xiao Zhan got off of Lan Wangji as he seat next to him. "You said that you want to tell me something?" Lan Wangji seat up as he fixed his clothes. "If I tell you, would you believe me?" Xiao Zhan asked without looking at Lan Wangji.

"Is this something important?" Xiao Zhan nodded his head. 'I shouldn't tell him my name is Xiao Zhan.'

"I don't think you will lie to me. Since it is important then I will believe you." So Xiao Zhan begin to tell Lan Wangji everything, from the war against Wen Rouhan to the five sect went to war against him.

"So your not the Wei Ying of this timeline but the Wei Ying from the future?" Xiao Zhan nodded his head. "And that you know everything will happen soon?" Xiao Zhan nodded his head again.

"Lan Zhan, you and your brother should get your father out of seclusion. If not," Lan Wangji is scare of what Xiao Zhan Will said next, "if not what Wei Ying?"

"When you are away from your clan, Wen Xu attack cloud Recesse. Your father end up fighting him, in the end your father die from his heavily injury."

"You come back to the past to find out who framed you and to change the past as well?" Xiao Zhan nodded his head again.

"So do you believe me?" Xiao Zhan stand up, flew over to the tree and take the wine bottle from the tree branch. He flew back to where Lan Wangji is at. "I do. Wei Ying?"


"Do I become a different person when we are around each other?"

Xiao Zhan put down his wine bottle, "Mn. You talk more, you only smile at me, you become very protective of me and you stood by me even when everyone went up against me."

"Do I break any of my clan rule?"

Xiao Zhan turn to look at Lan Wangji as he gave Lan Wangji a smirk, "Yes, you do."

"I do?!"

"Yep. You drink wine, you lies, and you do what is right." Xiao Zhan put his hand on Lan Wangji left cheek, this make Lan Wangji ear turn red. "Lan Zhan, if you keep on following your family rule, sooner or later you will break them."

"But," Lan Wangji put his hand on top of Xiao Zhan hand, "if I don't then...I am not a role model for the Lan disciple to look up too." Xiao Zhan sigh as he removed his hand from Lan Wangji cheek.

He went back to drinking his wine, "you won't be here in cloud Recesse anyway, Lan Zhan."

"What do you mean?" Lan Wangji asked.

"You will see." Xiao Zhan stand up as he put his hand on top of Lan Wangji head, "good night Lan Zhan. Make sure to talk to your brother about getting your father out of seclusion." After saying that Xiao Zhan flew down to the ground and walk away from there.

'This is the first thing that I will fix. Let's Lan Zhan and Zewu Jun father stay alive this time. No need for him to leave his two sons behind without seeing them and getting to know them.'

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