Chapter I

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When Wei Ying let go of Lan Zhan hand, he expect to hit the hard ground beneath him or someone summon him back to the living world. But instead Wei Ying wake up in the near future.

"Zhan gege, is time to wake up or we will be late for school," in this world Wei Ying is known as Xiao Zhan. 'I will never get use to this nice Xue Yang.' "I'm awake."

"Okay, then I will go tell dad and papa. Please do wake up," with that last saying he left from there.

'In this world this guy still name is Xue Yang but his last name now is Xiao, Xiao Yang is his name now. Shishu and Song Lan found me before Jiang Fengmian can find me first.' Xiao Zhan thought to himself while getting ready for the day.

'Shishu even found a girl name Qing, they met in a town call Yi city. In this timeline her name is also Qing but this time it is Xiao Qing. A-Qing and A-Yang is Shishu and Song Lan adopted daughter and son.' "Shishu and Song Xiong tell me that the two of them still have their spiritual energy inside of them, it is the same for me then that I mean I can create a talisman to go back to the past. That's not all, we still have our memories of the past as well. Just the three of us."

"A-Zhan, come have breakfast," Xiao Zhan looked at a smiling Xiao Xingchen, 'of course , when A-Qing and A-Yang is with us he only call me A-Zhan but not A-Ying.' "Are we walking to school today, A-Qing, A-Yang?" Asked Xiao Zhan.

"Mn! Dad said that it is a nice day outside to walk to school beside we don't live that far from our school anyway."

"Don't talk with your mouth open Squirt," Xiao Yang ruffled Xiao Qing hair, "Hey!"

Xiao Zhan smile at this, 'it is better then living with the Jiang family,' "alright you two, finish up or we will be late for school."

After breakfast all three of them left their home as they head to school. "I hope cold season will come soon. It is getting hotter," Qing look up into the sky, "No rain, I do hope it will rain soon."

It didn't take long for the sibling to arrive at their high school, "Zhan ge, I will take A-Qing to her classroom. I will make those jerk not to mess with my little sister."

Xiao Zhan sigh, "okay, just don't make a serious threat just something to warn them of got it?" Xiao Yang nodded his head, "Come on A-Qing."

"See you at lunch Zhan ge!" Qing wave bye to Xiao Zhan and he did the same, "Zhan Zhan!" Xiao Zhan turn to see a guy wearing some green jade and some black with a fan in his hand as he is running toward him.

'This is Nie Huaisang future self, Ji Li. The two of them have the same personality, in the past he is my friend, same as in the future,' "Ji, do you have a plan for summer vacation?" Xiao Zhan asked as the two walk to their classroom.

"Big brother and I are heading to our ancestors home. I think is a place call "Qinghe" it is a place that is still exist." Hearing this got Xiao Zhan to stop walking, "still exist?" Ji Li nodded his head.

'Then I should go and check out the Qiongqi path first. Something must have caused this whole mess beside the second flute sound.' The two continue to walk again, when they do the two hear, "Ahah is Wang Yibo! And Wang Zhuocheng!"

'The same stoic, cold and emotionless Lan Zhan reincarnation. The two of them are the same,' "let's head to class Ji."

While in class Xiao Zhan couldn't help but think about the Lan Zhan in the past, 'by the look on Lan Zhan face, he didn't want me to let me go. I want to see the past Lan Zhan again,' Xiao Zhan looked at the future Lan Wangji sitting on the other side of the classroom, 'even if he is Lan Zhan past self, he not him.'

During the weekend Xiao Zhan went to the qiongqi path which is still exist in the modern world. It didn't take long for Xiao Zhan to find it, "is true, is still here. Let's start looking."

Xiao Zhan look here and there, and all over the place that is until he see talisman symbol on the rock, "this isn't a normal talisman symbol. Wait this is my spiritual luring talisman! How or who put it here," Xiao Zhan decide to take a picture of it.

Xiao Zhan even went to NeverNight, he look here and there until he saw it on many of the rock surrounding the place. Xiao Zhan took picture of it, 'I must need to know. Who is responsible for this.'

When Xiao Zhan got home, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen is waiting for him. "Song xiong, Shishu," Xiao Xingchen put a silent spell around the kitchen. "Is A-Yang and A-Qing asleep?" Asked Xiao Zhan as he take a seat next to his uncle.

"They are. Where did you go?" Xiao Xingchen asked his nephew. "I went to Qiongqi path and NeverNight?" This got Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan to looked at each other then back to Xiao Zhan.

"Qiongqi Path? NeverNight?" Xiao Zhan nodded his head. "Did you find anything?" Xiao Zhan take out his cell phone, he click on the photo apps, he open it and show it to Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan.

"What are these symbols A-Ying?" Only it is just the three of them Xiao Xingchen call Xiao Zhan by his past name.

"It is not a symbol but it is a luring spiritual talisman. Something I have created when I know how to use resentment energy."

"Then do you know who did this?" Xiao Zhan shake his head no. "That is why I am going to the past to figure this out. I will let the past play it out just like how it all happen but one thing that will be different is that I know everything."

"A-Ying, you want to what?!" Shouted a shock and surprise Xiao a Xingchen, "Xingchen, calm down," Song Lan who is listen to this looked at his soulmate, "Xingchen, if A-Ying want to go back to the past to figure this out then you should let him go."

"But Zichen, how will A-Ying come back?" Xiao Xingchen looked at his nephew. "Don't worry Shishu, I'll have a way. I will give it to you tomorrow." Xiao Xingchen sigh, "okay, then I will write a letter to my past life. Make sure you go and find him okay? I'm sure you know where I am at."

"Okay Shishu." 'Lan Zhan.'

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