Chapter XI

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The next day, while Lan Zhan is talking to his father and brother, Xiao Zhan is walking back and forth outside the room. "Wangji, is Wuxian alright?" Lan Xichen asked as he watch Xiao Zhan walking back and forth in front of them.

"Wei Ying, want to know if he can use empathy on a person but instead of seeing what happen in the present he want to know if he can see into the past? Like what that person did when Wei Ying live in the past before he came back into this past."
(To make this more sense. Xiao Zhan want to look farther into the past...far past when he was still alive)

"Hard to know A-Zhan, no one have ever try that before, no one know about it."

"What?! No one know about it?! Or even try it?!" Come Xiao Zhan as he enter into the room. "Wei Ying."

"Wuxian, who do you want to do empathy on?" Lan Xichen asked. Xiao Zhan sat down next to Lan Zhan, "Don't be surprise when I tell you. It is Jin Guangshan, Jin Guangyao wait his name use to be Meng Yao, and...."

"Wait Meng Yao? What did he do? I know him."

"I do know that he is part of the chaos that he have cause me but I don't know what it is yet. That is why I want to look back into the far past to see what he have done. Do you want to see it too before you make the biggest mistake of your life to believe and trust someone like him?"

"Go on A-Huan."

"Okay Fuqin but will this work?" Lan Xichen asked. "There is a way you know?" They all looked at Xiao Zhan, "how so Wei Ying?"

"Ummm let see...during a banquet at Jinlintai, I see one of the Lan clan member is there but I don't know his name. I do remember his face though. If I walk around cloud Recesse, then I can tell you who he is."

"Okay, let us know."

"I will."

After the talk Xiao Zhan and Lan Zhan walk around Cloud Recesse, Xiao Zhan walk in front while Lan Zhan walk behind him. "Wei Ying, are you sure it is not one of them?" Xiao Zhan shake his head no.

"He doesn't have the forehead ribbon, does that mean he a outer Lan?"

"Mn. If that person doesn't have a Lan forehead ribbon then he is an outer Lan. Want me to take you there?"

"Take me there," Xiao Zhan turn around to look at Lan Zhan, "Yes, the inner Lan stay in here while the outer Lan stay a little bit far from the Lan clan." (Made up okay,I don't know.)

"Come," Xiao Zhan follow behind Lan Zhan as he walk in from of him. 'Is there such a place? When I went to the Lan clan for a guest lecture, I never knew about it.'

It didn't take them long to get there, "here," the outer Lan and the inner Lan work well together since they do live in the same sect after all. As Xiao Zhan look around the place, he see a very familiar face, "there he is!"

Lan Zhan follow Xiao Zhan pointing finger, and when he did he see who Xiao Zhan is pointing at, "Su she?"

"Su She? Is that his name?"

Lan Zhan nodded his head, "Alright, I get a feeling that we will need to start with him."

"Then let's go tell Fuqin and Xiong Zhang," with the two left from there. "Do you know anything about Su She in the past, I mean your past past?"

"No not really. All I know is that he sent his sword into the lake while the Aqua Demon is swirling around us. He couldn't get his sword back, everyone is already in the air since we need to get away from there. After that I don't know much about him."

"Right, once we tell Fuqin and Xiong Zhang this then they will call for him. We can try to look back at Su She past. I mean he not the Su She from your past but we can try."

That night Xiao Zhan and Lan Zhan went to talk to Qingheng Jun, Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen, "Wangji, Wuxian,  did you find him?" Asked Lan Xichen.

"We did." Lan a Zhan answers for Xiao Zhan. The three looked at each other then back to Lan Zhan and Xiao Zhan, "who is it?" Asked Lan Qiren.

"Su She."

"Su She?" Both Lan Zhan and Xiao Zhan nodded their head. "Fuqin, we can start with Su She. We can try using it on him."

"Alright, I will call him in tomorrow. We will put Su She to sleep, this way we can go into his mind to look back into the far past to see what he know." Everyone in the room agree to what Qingheng Jun just said.

The next day, Qingheng Jun have call for Su She. As Su She walk into the room, he didn't noticed that Lan Xichen is right behind him. With one hit on the back of Su She neck, he went unconscious.

"A-Huan, ties him up and put sleep medicine into his mouth. We need Su She to stay unconscious as long as possible."

"I'm on it Fuqin," Lan Xichen tied Su She up with a strong string, then he put a powder medicine into Su She mouth. "Fuqin," income Lan Zhan and Xiao Zhan.

"Su She is unconscious. I will supervise from out here, A-Huan, make sure you three try to find a way to look back into the far past. If we can do this, then we can use it on Jin Guangshan and Meng Yao."

"I will Fuqin," Lan Xichen turn to his left to look at Lan Zhan and Xiao Zhan, "Wangji, Wuxian, are you two ready to go?" They nodded their head. The three put their hand on top of Su She head, they soon enter into Su She mind.

"Xiong Zhang, where do we start?" Lan Zhan asked as the three look at the floating timeline all around them.

"Instead of going up, we should go down."

"Go down?" Xiao Zhan asked. "Above is the present. Below is the past. If we go farther down, then we might see the far past of Su She."

"Alright let's do this."

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