Chapter XVI

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The next day they were out in the same place again. This time something change, the Wen disciple came to tell Wen Chao about the cave they just found on there way during a night hunt.

Lan Xichen scoot to stand next to Xiao Zhan, "Wei gongzi, is this suppose to happen?" Lan Xichen whispered to Xiao Zhan to hear.

"No, not for another hour or so," 'why did this suddenly change?' Xiao Zhan thought to himself. (Just pretend okay! Don't think about the untamed or MDZS! Fanfiction got it!)

Wen Chao said that there is a change in their plan. They are going on a night hunt.

As they walk to find the cave, there is already some of the sect disciple who is disguise themselves as non cultivator people. Nie Huaisang and Lan Xichen can tell which disciple is from which sect since they have symbol that represent them but here is the thing only the two of them noticed this, not even Wen Chao nor Wen Zhuliu can see it.

Nie Huaisang gave a slight nod, his disguise disciple also gave a slight nod. It is the same with Lan Xichen and his disciple. He went to walk close to Lan Zhan and Xiao Zhan, "the Nie disciple and Lan disciple is here. If we are in trouble they will wait outside until Wen Chao and his man is gone."

When Xiao Zhan is about to look around, Lan Zhan stop him, "Wei Ying, don't look around. If you do, then our disciple and Nie Huaisang disciple will be in danger."

"But will they be fine?" Xiao Zhan asked, 'since they know what is about to happen, I'm glad that they have people here.'

"They will, Wei Ying. How long is this walk or search for the cave?" Lan Zhan asked as he look around him. "Since Wen Qing isn't here, we can't stop but there is a river nearby that is where I found the cave."

Jiang Cheng who is next to them or almost close to them, he heard what Xiao Zhan just said, "A river?" He look around him, to the right and to the left, he then hear water to his right, "Hey A-Xian."

Xiao Zhan is shock and surprise to hear Jiang Cheng calling him "A-Xian" he walk over to where Jiang Cheng is at. "What is it, A-Cheng?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"I hear the river over there." Jiang Cheng pointed to his right. Xiao Zhan decide to go over to that direction. "Wen gongzi, how about we take a break?" Xiao Zhan let out a sigh, everyone did the same.

"Wuxian?" Xiao Zhan nodded his head. He take Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng, they stand in a line, "look up, where the fog is at." Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng look up, "that is where the cave is at."

Xiao Zhan did what Wei Wuxian would do. He send a talisman toward the foggy hill, with a snap of his finger the talisman cleared the fog away from the mountain.

"Wen gongzi there!" Wang Lingjiao pointed to the top of the hill. Everyone follow Wang Lingjiao finger, they look up at the top of the mountain.

"Let's go!" They all head into the cave. Just like before Wen Chao say thing that cause the other sect to groan and look away from him. Xiao Zhan, Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang keep on going.

When Nie Huaisang is about to walk over the edge Xiao Zhan pull him back, "watch your step Nie Xiong."

Nie Huaisang gulp as he nodded his head,"Th-th-th-th-thank you Wei Xiong." He look down the cliff, "is there ground below this darkness?" Asked Nie Huaisang.

"There is a ground down there. Wen Chao push me down the cliff once, I got a few scratches here and there."

'I will kill Wen Chao!' Lan Xichen eye burn with fire, "Lan Zhan, does your brother usually act like this?" Xiao Zhan whispered to only Lan Zhan can hear. Lan Zhan have on a small smile, "he only doing this to those he care about. Like part of his family."


"Mn. Xiong Zhang already see you part of the Lan family."

Soon a hand pushed Xiao Zhan down the cliff, "Wei Ying!"

"Wuxian!" Both Lan brothers turn to look at Wen Chao with a death glare in their eye. They all went down after they tied the rope to the wooden pole at the top. Once they are at the bottom, Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen went over to help Xiao Zhan up.

'Damn that Wen Chao! I will make sure to beheaded you when I come out of the burial mound!' "Wei Ying are you alright?" Lan Zhan asked.

"My back." Xiao Zhan try to massage his back, his hand doesn't reach that far, "Here, let me help you." Lan Zhan take Xiao Zhan to the other side to sit down.

Lan Xichen look at all of the heir and disciple behind him, "let's all keep going, we need to get this over with so that we can leave from here." So Lan Xichen and the other keep on walking forward.

"How do you feel, Wei Ying?" Xiao Zhan turn to his left, "I'm better, thank you Lan Zhan."

"Shall we catch up to the other?" Xiao Zhan nodded his head.

"Xichen ge, this is the end?" Nie Huaisang said this to Lan Xichen as he look around the place. "It is best not to make any  noise," they all turn around to look at Xiao Zhan and Lan Zhan.

"What do you mean, Wei xiong?" Nie Huaisang asked.

"You all see that rock in the middle of the lake?" They turn back to look at what Xiao Zhan is talking about. "That is the Yao back. I think it is a Xuanwu, a Yao with a snake head and a turtle back."

Then come Wen Chao loud voice. Wang Lingjiao said there is nothing around them, Wen Chao want his disciple to find a live bait. Wang Lingjiao targeted Mian Mian since she doesn't like her. Lan Xichen and Jin Zixuan step in to stop anyone from trying to take Mian Mian.

Wen Chao tell his disciple to attack the other sect since they are going against him and then a fight broke out.

With all of the loud noise the rock in the middle begin to shake, then a head lifted up from beneath the water. It let out a really really loud roar, this got everyone on shore to stop fighting as they look at the Yao in front of them.

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