Chapter two: Lily O'Brien

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I turn and walk away from the new student. Zoe Adams. Ugh, what kind of a name is that? I smile and wave at everybody around me until I turn into the locker room. The second I step in a scowl replaces my smile. I grab my makeup bag out of my locker, and walk to the mirrors. Veronica is there, touching up her lipstick.
"Hi there-"
"She's not here." I cut in. She immediately loses the act.
"Ugh, thank god."
She turns back towards the mirror and continues to touch up her lipstick.
"Oh also, there's no one else in here if you're wondering."
I set my makeup bag onto the counter and pull out my mascara and lash curler.
"I seriously don't even know how she got into this school. Like, since when has the school board let in someone just because they were in a viral video?"
"I know. Did she even apply?"
"She did apply, but I think that she got favored because of that stupid video."
"How long do you think she'll last?"
"I'm betting not even a week."
After I finish touching up my mascara, I put on lip gloss and then put my stuff back into the makeup bag and wave to Veronica.
"Later. Let's see how long she lasts, shall we?"
"Lets. See ya."
I put my stuff back into my locker and leave the dressing room. The second I step out of the door, my fake face is back on in full swing. I pass a couple of girls who are chatting and I wave and say,
"Hello girls. Having a nice day I hope?"
They say in unison,
"We are, thank you! Hope you have a nice day!"
I turn and keep walking. I see Mark heading my way and a dark cloud immediately covers my head. Ugh. He's liked me since, well, forever. He just won't take the hint that I don't like him. Whatever. Just smile and wave. Just smile and wave.
"Hi Mark! How is your day going?"
"It's going good. How is yours going?"
"Good! Anyways, I saw these flowers on the way to school and I thought of you."
He hands me a bouquet of lilies. I hate flowers.
"Aww, thank you! I'm going to go and put these in water right now. Anyways, I gotta go. See ya!"
I turn the corner and after making sure that nobody is around, I drop the lilies into the nearest trash can.

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