"It's Wayne. Or Uncle," he insisted. He looked at Eddie. "Or 'geriatric jerk'."

I laughed and Eddie groaned.

"Wayne – this is Elle," Eddie said, gesturing at me. Wayne nodded and stood from the counter chair he was sitting at.

"Do you want any coffee, Ms. Elle?" he offered. I shook my head, gesturing for him to sit back down.

"No, no – I can get it, Wayne," I insisted. I crossed to the coffeemaker and looked back at him. "And it's just Elle."

"Unless you're me – then it's Belle, or sweet pea, or prettiest girl in the world," Eddie said, coming up behind me and setting his heavy hands on my waist, kissing my shoulder and making me flustered. Why was he being so lovey this morning?

I poured my coffee and turned to him bashfully, trying to build my walls back up. He made it impossible when he watched me like this, like I was the only person in the room.

"Elle – I think Eddie told me you were the one who hired him as security?" Wayne asked. I looked at him and nodded, moving to step forward, but Eddie pulled me to him so I would stand next to him while he was cooking.

"Yes, sir," I answered. "Eddie was...Eddie was really helpful one night with a pretty intense patron, so it's been really helpful to have him there."

"I'm just glad he has something to do besides bothering me all of the time," Wayne quipped. Eddie let out a laugh.

"Bothering you? You were just begging me to spend more time with you!"

"I'm more than willing to give him back, Wayne," I joked. Wayne's smile grew.

"Oh, I like you," Wayne said, laughing with me. Eddie groaned and rolled his eyes as he finished our breakfasts. He plated our eggs and bacon and kissed my cheek as he handed me a plate.

"Come on, old man," Eddie ordered as he carried their food to the dining room. Wayne followed him and we sat together, digging into the breakfast.

"You know, Ms. Elle," Wayne started, taking a bite of eggs. "You have taken my breakfast cook from me, and I have missed this."

I blushed and Eddie laughed, setting a hand on the inside of my thigh.

"I enjoyed treating her more," Eddie quipped. I rolled my eyes, but I didn't move his touch from me.

We continued breakfast, talking and laughing. Wayne thought I was hilarious, practically doubling-over when I teased Eddie or made a comment. I asked him questions about himself, doing everything I could to be friendly. Wayne was funny and kind, and it was obvious how much not only he cared about Eddie, but how much Eddie cared about him. They constantly teased each other, but every jab was wrapped in love. It made sense that Eddie had become the person he is now, being raised by someone like Wayne.

Wayne turned to me, smiling.

"Maybe you could spend a couple nights a week here, Ms. Elle, because I have missed these breakfasts," Wayne teased. I blushed and nodded, looking down at my lap. Wayne stood, but suddenly turned pale as he steadied himself. Eddie shot up and raced around the table, holding Wayne up.

"What's wrong?" Eddie asked, panicked. Wayne shook his head.

"I get a little dizzy from the treatments, I just need to lay down," Wayne explained, his voice shaking. Eddie had a hold around Wayne and started walking with him.

"I'm just going to take him back to his room," Eddie explained, looking over his shoulder at me. I smiled and nodded at him.

Eddie and Wayne continued to rib each other as they walked back to his room. I smiled, touched by how gentle Eddie was with Wayne. I started cleaning things up, wrapping up leftovers and washing dishes. I hummed along to the music Wayne had playing, desperately trying to remember if I said something stupid to Eddie last night.

I finished drying the last pan and looked up to see Eddie walking out of Wayne's room. He closed the door softly, and I noticed how sad and stressed his face was. When he saw me watching him, he forced a smile and perked up immediately. My heart caught when I realized how much he was probably forcing down when it came to Wayne. He walked over to me, and I smiled at him.

"Sorry – sometimes his treatments are a little harder on him than other times," Eddie explained, smiling sadly. I nodded and took his hand, squeezing it softly.

"You two are sweet together," I said, leaning into his touch as he wrapped his arm around me. He nodded before leaning his head on top of mine and pulling me close. I could sense he was upset. I slid my hands up his back and rubbed it softly, just holding him. He was quiet as he took a deep breath.

"You always smell so good," he said quietly. I grinned and held him tighter.

"I wish I could say the same about you," I teased. He laughed and pulled back, pressing his forehead to mine.

"Thanks for being so nice to him," Eddie said quietly. I felt my heart catch.

"Of course," I replied. He smiled and took in a shuddering breath. He kissed my forehead softly.

"You're a good friend, Elle," he sighed, squeezing me tight for a hug. I pressed the side of my face to his chest and felt a wave of panic when I realized something.

I didn't like it when he called me his friend. 

The Tree RemembersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora