Chapter: 1 (Curse)

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Author Pov:

Chaos was happening in Cha Mansion. Mrs.Cha and Mr.Cha were sitting on the couches of the living hall.

Loud shoutings can be heard from the kitchen which made Mr.Cha to laugh lightly while his wife slightly smiles as she heard a loud yell...

??:Mummy two mummies came two meet you!

The adorable and cute girl said while yelling her lungs out making her parents slightly confused of whom she was talking about.

Mrs.Cha jumped on her husband's lap making him jolt up from his wife's weight as his breath got stuck in his throat feeling that an elephant was sitting on him...

????: Mummy......

Two boys yelled coming out of the kitchen covered in full white flour looking exact like the real mummy..


The parents yelled their lungs off making everyone flinch in the hall. The tiny girl kept hands on her mouth not to make any laughing sound...

Her brothers eyes widened seeing their parents yelling at them as they looks at each other to see themselves fully covered in floor..

Dad: Son I know you love your sister's makeup but you really loves it this much that you even applied white flour on your face to make yourself more handsome than me....

Mr.Cha said laughing his ass off making his daughter Cha Yn to laugh her lungs out....

Her mother starts laughing seeing her son's disgustingly looking at each other...

Eunwoo: Dad we doesn't love makeup! It's your daughter who painted our face...

He said glaring at the little figure who was now rolling on the floor laughing..

In-Yeop: Mom she wasted your whole white flour on us...

He said planting a bomb on Yn as she stirred on her spot her eyes were teary due to constantly laughing.

She looks at her mother to see her glaring at her cutely making Yn sigh as she got on her feet taking everyone's attention...

She got on her knees Infront of her mother and cupped her cheeks squeezing her mother's pale cheeks...

Yn: Mom I know you are beautiful but you don't look good in anger....

Yn said whining making her mother smile through her heart. She surely loves her daughter alot.

Mom: My love don't you three wanna go to your own works? And princess what about your university?

She said dangerously eyeing the three siblings making them gulp their saliva in order to save themselves from their mother's upcoming rap...

Their father smiled seeing the beautiful scenario infront of him mainly his little princess whom he loves alot...

Eunwoo: Mom we are going....

He said catching In-Yeop's and Yn's one hand and running out of the mansion as if he was in a marathon.

Their parents Chuckle as the aura of the house went silent after their children's went away to the university..

Mom: Honey how are we gonna tell them?

Dad: It's Okay Love I know our children's are really understanding...

Mom: But for understanding us they can't gave us the right to control their life's...

Dad: Honey I think we should tell them Today...

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