Kuroo Ending

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WARNING: I made this really short 😭 i literally had no ideas for this so yeah :D(sorry kuroo stans)





I looked at Kuroo and smiled.

"Thank you, Kuroo. Really. I'm so glad I have you."

"Yeah, yeah." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ahem, soo do I get a reward for helping?" He smirked at me, wiggling his eyebrows.

I chuckled at his question. "Yeah, right."

He jokingly frowned and laughed. "It was worth a shot."

(You're probably wondering, what's Heather doing? Well, to put it shortly she left. Instead she took the train. That's all anyways.)

"Okay, come on. Let's go eat." I took his hand and ran to the cafeteria. We were at the door and walked in. Immediately Hinata ran to me.

"Y/n! Did you find your phone?"

"Yes, I did, Shoyo. Thanks to you!"

Hinata was about to say something, but then his face was frozen. As if he saw something shocking. I was confused, but I followed where his eyes were looking, and sure enough, I was still holding Kuroo's hand. I immediately let go of his hand and smiled nervously.

"YOU AND KUROO ARE DATING?! SO IT IS TRUE?!" Hinata of course had to yell out.

"It is true." I see Kenma pop out nowhere. "They like each other."

I felt my eye twitch. I was about to speak until Kuroo spoke up.

"Calm down, you guys. We aren't dating. Now go eat." Kuroo said shooing the nosy people.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Thank you, Kuroo. Again."

"Of course. Wouldn't want to make you upset again."

"Awww, you're so sweet." I grabbed his cheeks slightly pinching them.

"Okay, okay." He said laughing.

"I gotta go serve some food ,so see ya." I said waving, walking towards the kitchen.






Everyone had finished eating. I decided that I should be the one doing dishes from now on, since I felt bad for all the Heather drama. I was in the kitchen washing the dishes until I felt a buzz from my phone. I turned off the sink and quickly checked who it was. It was from Kuroo. I opened my phone and read the message.

Tetsu Boo

Tetsu Boo
Meet me at the roof once you're ready.
8:47 P.M.

K see ya soon then
Read at 8:49 P.M

I answered it with not that much thought thinking it was just gonna be like a small little friendly chat yk. I finished the dishes and went to the manager's room to go change. I decided to a black oversized t- shirt and grey sweatpants. After I finished changing, I grabbed my phone and headed towards the roof. As I was walking up the stairs, I started thinking.

"I wonder if he's about to say something important. Oh, well. We'll find out."

I was at the top of the stairs and opened the door to the roof. As I did, I saw Kuroo sitting on a blanket. I joined him by sitting beside him. I looked up at the sky seeing the stars.

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