Chapter Three

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Drake's POV

I groaned in slight pain, not as bad as it would've been if I fell off my bike but still. I glanced around a bit only to see a very sharp weapon pointed right at my face. "Oh this is going to be even more painful than the time Lyth fucked me up," I fell back to the ground sighing. "Okay, ya got me, know who are you?" The person looked at me strangely but that's when I got a good look at her. In my mind my head was say 'Damn she's a ten out of ten.'

"Who are you? And what are you doing in our Kingdoms fief?" She had an annoyed yet ticked off tone to her. "I'm Drake, so what are? A cop?" Seriously I didn't think she was one, but then again any things possible in my stupid situation. "I'm a King's guard and I am a Knight who serves the Kingdom of Alexavier, who is ruled by King Mathew," she spoke with confidence and pride but something was off. She's a girl, how many girl guards do you see in a kingdom.

Wait! Hold the phone, did she say Kingdom? No, no, no. This has got to be a joke, I can't have traveled back in time like this! Right? Wait, if I'm here then where's Lyth? You know what? Fuck her right now I'm going to try and figure out my own mess. "Who are you? Where did you come from and why are you here, I have the authority to kill anyone who seeks to harm the kingdom," she spoke with such anger and a threatening tone laced in that voice of hers. If I had not met Lyth before I met this chick I think I would've been scared shitless.

"I'm Drake, and I'm from New York City," I spoke getting up but a sword was still at my face. "Do you mind?" I touched the tip of the blade and pointed it downwards. She seemed to be very mad but who wouldn't? I mean with what she's wearing you can totally see her underwear. "You might want to fix your clothes by the way," I chuckled as she quickly tried fixing her clothes.

"Sometimes I wish I was dealing with that other guy than you," I heard her grumble annoyed to the fullest. I smirked to myself but looked around. I was in the middle of a forest when I was just at home in the city. "How the heck did I end up here?" I stated looking around confused. "I don't know how you got here, or why you are here but I need to bring you back to the castle so the king can decide your fate."

Well isn't that great? First I'm stuck here without Lyth or if she's here I hope to god she's having a harder time than I am. I looked at the ring and it glowed dimly. Wonder what that could mean?

Lythion's POV

I woke up to hearing a jingle. The sort of jingle for when your stealing jewels and stuff. "Drake shut the fuck up!" I yelled because it was on my nerves already. I heard a small chuckle that sounded nothing like Drake's. That woke me up pretty quickly and having to wake up like that I saw a guy I've never met. He's cute and all but defiantly not my type. "I suggest you let me or I rip your dick off and staple it to your damn head fucker," I growled lowly at him which caused the wind to change a little.


"Okay princess," he laughed dropping me flat on my ass. "YOU FUCKER," my loud scream seemed to have startled him for a moment. "Yeah fear me you stupid bitch," I muttered getting up and dusting myself off. "Damn girl I already dealt with a girl who called me names, if you're going to keep that up I might as well kill you," his threats were nothing to me. I pulled out my gun and pointed it right at his face.

"How much you wanna bet I'd kill you before you kill me?" That seemed to have dropped his grin immediately. "Uh?" He didn't know I have a gun? How stupid is he? I checked my back pocket to feel I have at least five more rounds. "Tell you what pretty boy, help me find my friends and I won't kill you?" It seems like a good offer. But as I looked around I realized there is no freaking way I'm at home. And since I didn't hear Drake's bitchy whine I know he isn't here with me.

Maybe he's somewhere else. "Hey where are we?" I asked putting away my gun. "Um we are in Anara, when I found you we were back near a Kingdom Fiefdom," he said struggling to hold the loot that he must of stolen. "Well seeing how we aren't getting anywhere we might as well start heading back," I said impatiently tapping my foot. "Uh sorry lady, but I have to sell these for a couple of marks otherwise I'm broke." I groaned, he knew I have no sense of direction in this place so I have to follow him until we can get back.

"Fine, hey wants your name?" I asked curiously but annoyed. "My names John, yours?" "It's Lythion, I'm assuming we are not back in the states right?"

"I don't know what the states are but I guess not, this is-" "Yeah yeah yeah, I know just help me find my friend okay? I just want to get home back to my life." He shrugged but agreed and started to show me around the small village. "You know for a thief, I don't think you can carry a bag that size buddy," I stated taking the bag from him which to me was not so hard to carry. Normally I had a struggle, but this was different.

I looked at my amulet for a moment to see it was glowing whitish color but for some reason it seemed to make me stronger. Like things were nothing all most like zero gravity.


-LythionFlame wrote this chapter

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