Chapter 13

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     Jessica's POV

    I was laughing at John who was slightly bent over in pain. I even caught a slight glimpse of lyth's rare smile ,and drake seemed quite happy as well.

     "Whats that?" I asked pointing at a little box drake was holding. "A phone," He simply answered trying to ignore me like I did him. But I'm going to be persistent, "What's the use of it?" 

"To talk to people." 

"Don't you have legs?" 

"Yes,but- will you just walk?" He said obviously annoyed and grumpy, just like I felt when I met him. He pointed to the café that we were headed to, a small café with a few people around. When we entered the smells hit me, both sweet and bitter.

     "May I have your order?" A girl with blonde hair and red mixed in asked. "I want a honey green tea." I simply said. Back at the kingdom we had what they call here café. Just different. "Sorry we don't have that." She said with a small smile. I stayed quite and nodded.

      Pink, blue, orange, red all kinds of colors are in everyone hair. With different hair styles. Up, down, pointy, flat, curly, straight, wavy.

       "Why does everyone have different colored hair?" I asked curiously. "Because that's how they like it," Drake said in a duh tone. "Ok, what about the clothes?" 

"Its the same thing." Lyth said in a neutral way glancing around. 

"What about-" 

"Shut up already!" John said in an iterated way , like he wasn't curious at all, but I guess he can't be because of Lyth's little treatment. 

"Fine." I mumbled underneath my breath.

When it was time to go,I was walking and fallowing them everywhere. The houses were a weird shapes, along with the weird metal vehicles. 

      "Um what's that?" What can I say curiosity got the best of me. I was pointing at a big building it looked peaceful. People were walking, sitting, reading, eating, ect. "Its a library." Lyth said obviously not caring. "Oh."

        We walked towards the library. When we entered the cool air of the building hit me, and hard I nearly stumbled. The scent of biter sweetness filled the air. "What's that?"

 "Shhh, it's a computer." Drake said.

"What's it for?" 


"Aren't books made for that?" 

"Yea but-are we gonna start this again?" Drake asked rolling his eyes.


       "Look it! Looks just like you.". John said pointing at an ugly old witch. "Yea right, then what are you then? An old man who never got a woman cuz he's to ugly?" I said in a snort. That is until I heard him laughing. "I can get any girl in here before you can even talk to a guy." He said in a try-me sorta tone. Try me? Please I don't even have to try. "Game on." I said glaring at him with a grin. "Game on." He whispered.

      Lyth and drake were looking around, not for what seemed for books. But more like for someone. Who knows, I have a game with this little asshole to considerate on.

        Jonathan's POV

    "Game on." I whispered to her. She seemed excited, and I was bored so I challenged her. I looked around for someone to prey on, until I saw a girl with blonde hair who looked like a girl from the kingdom. Sure why not. I walked closer until I heard giggling.

      I turn to see Jessica already talking to a tall blonde with blue eyes. "So what's your name?" He asked her. 

"Jessica,and you?" 

"Mark, nice to meet you jess." He said with a smile. If I were a girl I'd guess I'd 'fall' head over heels, but I'm not so it disgusts me. What if I ruin it for her? With a grin plastered on my face I walk over to Jessica. "Hey, I've been looking for you all over the place." I said putting my hand on her lower back. "What are you doing?" She whispered bitterly. "Oh, uh I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Mark here said in disappointment. "Uhh, I don-" 

"Let's go. We shouldn't bother the nice guy anymore." I said then instead of us walking away he walked away head down in shame.

      Point one to me! "What in the world was that?" 

"Was what?" 


"What?" "

"That you asshole." She pointed at Mark who was far away from us to hear. "A little interface won't matter now will it?" I said with a grin. Oh how making her mad makes me happy. "Fuck off." She growled.

        "Fine." I grumbled. I was just trying to make things interesting. It's fun to see her confused, she actually looks cute for once. Wait did I just say that? Eewww no she's not cute. That's nasty.

      I looked around to see her with another guy. This guy has longish hair with hazel eyes. He was wearing a beanie, or at least that what Lyth told me it's called. "Uumm, excuse me can you help me?" Jessica said in a 'cute' voice. 

"Uhh,sure." He said with a smile.

 "Can you help me reach that book." She said pointing to a dark red one. He nodded and grabbed the book then gave it to her. "Thank you." She said walking off.


"Yea?" She said looking at the entrance. 

"Waiting for company?" I asked standing next to her. 

"Something like that." She said giving me the emotionless voice she alway uses. 

"Why are we here?" I questioned. 

"Both me and drake have an issue to solve. You go play or something while you wait." She told me trying to shoo me off.

"I'm not a dog or a child, but fine." I walk over to where Jessica is, at a table with a book. 

"Hey game off?" I asked waiting for an answer. 

"Sure." She said not talking her eyes away from the book. 

"Watcha reading?" 

"A book about animals from here."

      "Look this is a zebra, do we have that?" She asked showing me the book picture.

 "I don't think so." I said looking through the book with her.


        "Look, this is a list of mythical creatures. This is also called a nymph like ours except ours are land creatures, theirs are water." She said.

"Yea so?" I shrugged not really impressed.

 "They have zero similarities besides the name." She said.

       I just looked at her. Lyth and her don't really have anything the same now that I think about it.

     I wonder if me and drake have anything alike?

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