5: Asshole of the Year Award Goes to...!

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As far as Nao is aware, only Caboose and himself have any magical abilities in the Kingdom of, so finding out there might be someone else using their magic to kill the Princess tonight is a bit problematic.

Unfortunately, magic isn't nearly as common as people would hope.

There's a long list written in the castle's archives that Nao had read and studied a while ago that had listed every single species on this Earth who could use natural magic, and who couldn't use natural magic.

Vampires, Elves, Mermaids, Beast-men, Humans (obviously), Dwarves, Trolls, Goblins, Rabbitfolk, and all animals (as they know of) cannot use magic as they wish.

From Nao's personal research, including himself and the Princess, there are only eleven people on Earth who have been blessed with magic as of today. A lot of the population believes that the Gods have blessed these eleven people with magic for being the "Chosen One™", but Nao himself isn't religious, and he doesn't believe that it was the Gods who gave him his magic.

He's not sure he'd call it a gift, either. He knows damn well he's not a Chosen One™, too.

However, the Gods (Or is it a God?), the Dragons, and the Fairies can use natural magic as they please. Considering they haven't used their magic for evil or harm, everyone else just lets them be in peace. And as far as he knows, there aren't any other beings that can use magic naturally, and if there are then they're undiscovered.

That's not to say that mythical beings are completely out of abilities. They wouldn't be labeled as "mythical" otherwise. But again, not every mythical being has anything special about them other than their species title.

For example, Mermaids are quite magical when they're in their element, which is obviously water. They can manipulate the water as they please, and speak to most fish and other aquamarine animals. They can even willingly magically exchange their tails for legs should they want to walk on land, and freely get their tail back whenever they want to. But once they do reach the surface, they're practically like every other human, and their pointed ears aren't as flamboyant as Elves.

Speaking of Elves, three different types of Elves have been discovered in the past one thousand years: Fire Elves, Wood Elves, and Hydro Elves. Elves in general don't look different from humans other than their long, pointed ears (which vary from the type of elf) and being slightly taller than the average human.

Wood Elves have, literally, thicker skin than humans. It would be extremely hard to try to pierce it normally or even get shot with a bullet or arrow. They can also navigate through woods or forests through instinct alone even if they never stepped foot into one before. Their ears actually split into three tips, with the ends of the ears naturally blending into a brown and/or earthy green color. Most, if not all, Wood Elves have Vitiligo as well.

Hydro Elves (or Water Elves if you're normal) are known for their physical flexibility, and often compared to a cat and how cats "are a liquid." Not only that, but they're excellent swimmers by nature, even if they have never gone swimming before and can breathe underwater. Some studies show Hydro Elves most likely are capable of communicating with aquamarine life, though as of now, there's not much more to it than that. Their ears are long, thin, and slender and tend to stick close to the head.

Fire Elves, Nao's least personal favorite for obvious reasons (*cough cough* Local *cough cough*), constitute a higher body temperature than normal and are often mistaken for having a fever because of it. Local had explained before that because of that, he can tolerate low and high temperatures quite well. And his minute control over pyrotechnics helps him in the kitchen. However, he did specify that he cannot create fire himself. Fire elves' ears are short, round, and protrude more horizontally.

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