2: You Think You know Someone

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The walk from the castle to the city is about twenty minutes, which already sucks for Nao since the weather is a bit on the warm side and he's always been sensitive to the heat. As slightly uncomfortable as he was from the Sun, it didn't mean the trip was uneventful. As expected, Caboose was eager to hear of Nao's time away on his expedition. It wasn't an exaggeration to say they've spent every day together ever since he met her.

Nao never meant to stay around for as long as he did, but after acquiring information on the Kingdom of, he changed his mind and practically begged that Caboose hire him to work at the castle. Of course, he had to work his way up to the position he has today, but it's safe to say it was a fast progress and took only a few months. Three years later, Nao takes pride in being the Royal Advisor, and Caboose's right-hand man.

Their relationship, professional and personal, is a bit of an enigma in terms of how the other Kingdoms are run. Caboose and Nao would both agree that the Princess herself is in charge, but if you ask any of the other castle staff, they might give you a different answer entirely.

"Look it!" The Princess beams.

Nao raises a brow, "You mean, "Look at it?"

"No, I mean look it!"

Caboose points to the people who were rushing around with boxes of flowers and decorations, many workers were busy with putting up balloons or decorations to hang from lamp to lamp. The atmosphere is lively and the people seem to be enjoying themselves as they work. The city closest to the castle isn't as crowded as one would expect, and it wasn't because only the rich could live in this area or anything. It was simply because there isn't much housing here as there are shops and restaurants, with a grand open area in the middle of the city to hold such grand festivals.

"Is the Flower Festival soon already?" Caboose smiles, waving at the few who would wave first, "I thought it wasn't until another two weeks when March begins."

"Perhaps you lost track of time, but March 1st is in three days," Nao answers curtly, "No need to dwell on it. If you manage to clear your schedule enough, then perhaps you can attend this year."

The Princess scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Uh, duh. Of course, I'm going to attend. I never miss a festival, and it's gonna stay that way!"

Well, Nao wouldn't be so sure about that. She really is busy for the next two months with official meetings with the other Kingdoms, and she will realize that even more so once Nao gives her the full report of his expedition. That thought almost makes Nao laugh. He's being so cynical as if he won't be the one handling everything for her like he always does.

The Flower Festival is a tradition taught to... ah, was it the second or third King and Queen of the Kingdom of? Caboose can't remember it exactly, but apparently, it was a celebration taught to them by the Fairies of Flora (go figure) who took a strong liking to the Queen and King at the time. It was such a huge deal because even to this day, it is well known that fairies are not the biggest fans of humans, beast-men, and other domesticated civilians. Still, in honor and respect, the Flower Festival is one of the biggest celebrations held in the Kingdom of. This, alongside the Rabbitfolk Appreciation Day in April, is one of the most respected events celebrated worldwide.

Queen Nitrate Cobalt and King Sulfide Cobalt have always been the biggest fans of the Flower Festival. So in turn, Caboose had grown up also loving this holiday the most.

Caboose rushes over to the left suddenly, surprising Nao with her movement. However, he quickly relaxes when he sees Caboose helping a young boy who's about to fall over with heavy-looking boxes. It was sickening to see her act so kind. He thinks maybe it's akin to "cuteness aggression" to see the Princess's generosity in action, especially when she does it out of the goodness of her heart. It might be a little dickish of him, but it's moments like these that make him wish she acted a little more selfishly so she wasn't obviously the better friend of the two.

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