Chapter Eight: And it would've been fun, if you would've been the one

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It took a bit more convincing but Noah finally agreed to join Embry for the bonfire. She didn't understand why he couldn't just explain everything to her, and she expressed as much, but Embry assured her that he couldn't explain to the extent that she deserved, not by himself. Noah's need for answers eventually outweighed the dread she felt at seeing everyone.

But her stomach was still a ball of knots as the scene came into view. There were logs in a circle around a large fire with everyone milling about - not quite congregated yet. Noah felt a tugging in her core and her gaze fell on one individual in particular. He hadn't spotted her yet, but somehow even from a distance, her eyes were drawn to the very sight of him.

Noah didn't realize she had slowed to a stop until Embry started tugging on her arm. She looked over at him with flushed cheeks and noticed a goofy smile plastered on his face. Alright he didn't have to smile like that, it wasn't that big a deal. Her eyes had just lingered for a second too long.

But despite Noah's embarrassment at being caught, her eyes flicked back towards Paul. To her slight mortification, he had turned to see who was walking down the hill and their eyes locked. If it was even possible, Noah's cheeks flushed a brighter red, and she thanked god for the cover of darkness to hopefully obscure her face. But Paul's face just broke out into a large grin and Noah allowed herself to smile shyly back. In a second Paul was jogging over to them.

"Hi," Paul breathed as he came to a stop in front of them.

"Hi," Noah breathed back, still smiling shyly.

"Hi Paul, how are you?" Embry asked, throwing an arm around Paul's shoulders. "Good? That's great! Oh me? I'm doing pretty good too, thanks for asking!"

"Oh piss off, Embry," Paul grumbled, shrugging off his arm and giving the boy a halfhearted shove. Embry stumbled back, clutching at his heart. Noah stifled a giggle behind her hand. "I see you everyday. Now go away."

"Well," Embry huffed, before turning to stalk off towards the fire. Throwing over his shoulder, "I don't even get a thank you for convincing Noah to come?"

But Embry didn't expect a response and his hurt feelings were all but forgotten when he noticed a tall stack of hotdogs piled on one of the logs. He'd get a groveling 'thank you' out of Paul later - using force if necessary. For now though he would give the two lovebirds their space.

"I didn't think you were going to come," Paul said, drawing Noah's attention back away from Embry's retreating form.

Noah's smile dropped a little at this and she started fidgeting with her hands. Paul's face held nothing but excitement still Noah felt guilty. She wasn't going to come. But that wasn't Paul's fault, or not entirely. It certainly had nothing to do with this little crush that she was trying to get over. But here she was, heart pounding at the closeness of Paul. She could even smell his cologne if she concentrated - which she most definitely did not!

"Yeah, sorry," Noah muttered, shaking the inappropriate thoughts from her head. "I just wasn't sure if it would really be my scene, you know?"

"Don't worry, Noah." Paul smiled reassuringly. "You don't have to talk to anyone you don't want to. Well, I might have to fight Seth off but besides that, you're in control."

Noah felt her cheeks flush once again at Paul's observation. Was she so transparent? How did he always know what she was thinking and exactly what to say to ease her worries? It was unnerving.

"Oh no, that's not what I meant," Noah backtracked, looking around nervously. "It's just.. I don't know... a lot, that's all."

"Seriously Noah, you don't have to defend yourself, I get it." Paul reassured, with a disarming smile. "I'm just glad you're here."

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