"So you're the leader of Les Mangemorts. You look younger than my nephew instead of being older," he says with a seductive purr in my ear that has me instantly becoming rock-hard. I gulp, already knowing I'd this man do whatever he wants with little ol' me. "I've heard rumors, little Cajun, that you're batting for both teams. Is it true?"

I take a breath counting before releasing it slowly. I find my courage to turn and face Axe Zen. I meet his blue eyes that are missing something. That makes me desire this man even more.

"Eh. I do. You got a problem wit' dat, you?" I say hardening my voice so he can't tell that I'm turned on by him.

He chuckles. "Not at all, little Cajun. I want to take you home and fuck you raw until you are craving only my touch. When that happens, I'll fuck another man in front of you until you are begging for it to be you instead."

I shouldn't want something so toxic, but heaven help me, I do. I want him to ruin me for other men. Then maybe I can stop thinking about two of ma brudders in that way. One is ice and the other is fire. I'm in love with them both. But this man he is a poison that I want to consume. I'll either develop a resistance over time to him or he'll kill me. Simple as that.

"Well, if dat ain't temptin'," I say in a raspy voice as his tattooed hand circles my throat. "Ain't I too young for you, old man?" I tease.

His eyes narrow and his grip becomes tighter. I can't fight back the whimper that leaves my throat. His eyes become wide, and his pupils are blown with lust. He leans in close to my ear. "Teenage boys make the best toys. So willing. So needy. So pliable. So devoted." He licks the shell of my ear and I groan, my hips rocking into his so that I can feel his bulge.

"Good little toy," he says before his tongue sweeps inside my mouth, and I know I'm a goner.

"I was willing to let dat man own my body for years until I left to warn you 'bout Vaquero Muerte," I tell Ryder and Callum.

That's when I realized being with those you love is far better than being a toy to be cast aside and then cared for once again on a whim. Because Axe did as he said the first day we met repeatedly, getting caught cheating until I begged him. Ryder, Jaxson, and Natalie never once made me feel like their toy. I know they would never toss me away when they become tired of me.

"Zen did a mind fuck on me until the weddin'," I say honestly. Callum is the only one who knows my greatest fear. Now my husband does too. "I was still afraid y'all would get rid o' me, but now I'm permanently tied to you," I comment, looking down at the rings layering my finger. I'm a Death King and that means I'm an equal to the others. "I'm not a toy, I'm family."

"You were family since we first found you, Frere," Callum croaks.

"I'll kill that man," Ryder says in a glacial tone. I shiver, but not from fear. I could never be afraid of ma husband.

"He is raisin' his nephew. He is all that kid has," I say, shaking my head ma husband.

"I don't care," he deadpans. "He is a predator. Who's to say he hasn't done the same things to his nephew as he did to you? Sugar, you had Stockholm Syndrome."

"Have you been in contact with him since?" Callum asks, and I shake my head no.

"Ma phone was totaled along wit' ma truck."

Ryder nods. "That's why I got you a new phone while you recovered."

"You take care o' me. You all do. I love you all for showing me what love looks like and what sharing should be like. It's a give-and-take. All Axe did was take," I lament.

"Now I understand how you got so good at having sex with Jax and me that summer. You were fucking Zen," Ryder snarls with a hiss between clenched teeth.

Callum and I exchanged mirroring, shocked looks. "Are you jealous, Chouchou?" I ask, taking his tattooed hand in mine and stroking the word K.I.N.G.S. across his fingers.

"Yes," he snaps out. His teeth make an audible sound after he says that single word. "You. Are. Ours."

Callum lets out a string of curses in French under his breath.

I suck in a breath between my teeth. I have never seen this man act like this. I've heard about it from Jaxson and Callum, but this is my first time witnessing his jealousy. I was hard before, but now my dick aches horribly. This man is jealous. I've never known what it looked like before now.

Axe wouldn't get jealous. He fucked who he wanted when he wanted and in front of whom he damn well pleased. He let me sleep around too, though I'd pay for it with my blood and then my body. Axe is the one who burned the soles of my feet when the Kings went home after their brief summer visits the year we got together. It was my punishment and then he bent me over and fucked me on the dirty concrete floor while calling me his slut and whore. I enjoyed him taking his anger out on me. I was the good little toy; he called me. I never told him I loved him, even when he demanded with his fingers in my mouth while he rutted me like an animal.

"Who are we killing for Pheata after we take care of Gerhardt?" Jaxson asks, sauntering toward the kitchen in his boxer briefs. They are covered in shamrocks that match his emerald eyes.

"We aren't," I reiterate firmly. "He has a kid who needs him, so he doesn't end up in the foster system. When dat kid is an adult, when he is ready to take over the Ravagers, then we can send a team in to end my ex. Until then, he breathes," I warn my family.

Jaxson scoffs before continuing his quest in the kitchen. He gets strawberries, cheese, crackers, sausage, chocolate syrup, cream soda, Pooka, and water from the kitchen. The knife he carries between his teeth.

"Do you need help, Darlin'?" Ryder asks him and he kicks the refrigerator door shut with his bare foot and arms full. "Jax."

"I said no. I got it," he grunts around the knife. He stops in front of me. "I heard everything. Your ex is a dead man walking, Pheata. You're a Death King and we won't tolerate that level of disrespect and abuse." 

"You've been talkin' ta Riley again, haven't you?" He can talk well around the knife and even give me a wide grin. He nods yes. "What did ya say?"

"I love you, my husband," Ryder answers for him when he just walks away, back toward our shared bedroom. 

Husband. It's a word I'd never thought would describe me. A toy was all I had ever hoped to be. I won't ever go back to the past, not when I have a taste of how delicious the future will be as a member of the Death Kings.

I look at Ryder. "We aren't da Cards Royalty, anymore. We are the Death Kings."

"Yes," Ryder mulls it over. "I like it. Angel and I are planning on rebranding. Cal?"

"It has a wonderful ring to it. We will hide in plain sight, what with being the band The Kings Of Death and with the record label being Death King Records," Callum replies and Ryder grins. 

Yeah, the future is going to be bloody and all our own. I'm here for it.

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