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~Spencer Reid~

Spencer Reid trailed behind Leo with Orion as they perused clothing stores. As neither of them had known about the ball her parents were throwing, they hadn't packed appropriate clothing to wear to said ball. Despite the fact that they were against the reason for the ball, and that Orion didn't even own a fancy gown like that anymore.

Leo had generously offered to pay for the clothing, which had started a small argument with his sister who was adamant that she could afford to buy her own dress. He still hadn't budged on his decision. His other reason for joining them was because he was going to feed false information to their parents about the color of Orion's dress.

This was so that there wouldn't be the chance of James wearing the same color as her. Which was part of the plan to humiliate him alongside Orion refusing to dance with anyone besides Spencer and Orion sharing kisses with the doctor publicly throughout the evening. If James tried grabbing her and pulling her away... well then he would end up on the floor with a few bruises.

"What color should we go with, Spencer?" Orion hummed as Leo led them into his first choice store for expensive dresses.

"Well, your favorite color is green." He pointed out.

"True, however, I think it would be best if we didn't go with it as my parents are aware of that being my favorite color and thus would expect me to wear it. So it would be more convincing as our fake color." She pointed out thoughtfully.

"You make a good point." Spencer nodded.

"Why don't you go with your favorite color, Dr. Reid." Leo piped up with his own suggestion.

"Orion does like purple too." Spencer hummed in acceptance.

"Purple it is then." Orion agreed. "Do you have preferences towards a certain shade?"

"Personally, not really. I just like purple. But I do seem to remember that you happen to have a preference for the darker and richer shades." Spencer smiled at his girlfriend.

"Perfect." Leo nodded before waving an assistant over to them.

"Hello, is there anything I can help you with?" They asked.

"Good morning, we're hoping to find an evening gown for my sister, preferably in dark and rich shades of purple if you please?" Leo requested.

"Of course, allow me to show you to the dressing area and I'll round up any dresses suitable for your suggestions." The young woman smiled, gesturing for them to follow her.

They were brought to a curtained off alcove with cushioned benches and the walls lined with mirrors. A smaller curtained off changing room at the far end of it. The three took a seat on the comfortable benches as the assistant hurried off to gather up some dresses.

Spencer leaned over to whisper in Orion's ear. "This is really posh."

She snickered at him. "I know, right?"

"This is what you grew up with?" He questioned curiously.

"My mother was dragging me around shops like this at least three times a month. She was very unhappy when I sold all my dresses right after graduating for the money." She hummed back.

"To help fund your living expenses in Japan, right?" Spencer asked.

"Yes. Though it wasn't really needed. I had transferred the entirety of the trust fund my parents had set up for me into a personal account so they couldn't take it from me. That was more than enough to support myself. I just used it as an excuse." She shrugged as Spencer grinned and shook his head at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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