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~Orion Montgomery~

Derek Morgan and Jennifer Jareau accompanied Orion and Spencer to the underground parking lot where the local police had brought the street racer cars they'd seized. Orion couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved by the way JJ was watching her like a hawk. Was there a reason she was being watched like that, or was it just her current outfit?

"So, how did you two meet?" Morgan broke the slightly tense silence.

"I told you, in an antique book store." Spencer frowned at his friend in confusion.

"Well, yeah, but I want the details!" Morgan huffed. "How did he ask you out? Where was the first date? You never gave us any details!"

"Because you didn't need to know." Spencer mumbled quietly enough that only Orion, who was walking right next to him, could hear.

"I was being harassed by a jerk who couldn't handle that I wasn't interested in him and Spencer got him to leave me alone." Orion smiled at the memory of when they met.

"So you're saying he scared them off with his rambling or something?" Morgan snickered teasingly and Spencer groaned in response.

"No, I told him I was an FBI agent and that if he didn't want me to arrest him for harassment that he should leave her alone." Spencer explained, squeezing Orion's hand lightly.

"Then he helped me find the book I was looking for." Orion hummed with a nod.

"And what, asked for your number in return?" Morgan raised his eyebrows at them. JJ stayed quiet as she continued to stare at Orion, lips pressed into a thin line.

"Nope, he wrote it on his business card and slipped it into my book without me noticing." Orion explained.

"Don't forget, it was in roman numerals." Spencer pitched in with a small grin.

"Smooth, Pretty Boy," Morgan patted him on the shoulder. "So, where was the first date?"

"I hunted down an authentic Japanese restaurant." Spencer smirked with pride.

"Which is a lot harder than it sounds. I've lived here for almost five years and hadn't found one as good as that." Orion pointed out.

"Would have been better if the server hadn't tried to flirt with you." The young doctor pouted, causing Orion to reach over and pat his arm comfortingly.

"You had nothing to worry about, I'm far more attracted to tall gentlemanly geniuses." She assured him which made him beam happily.

"You two are adorable." Morgan shook his head with a grin.

"Spencer's the adorable one." Orion agreed.

"You're adorable too!" Spencer denied.

"Name one time that I've been adorable." Orion challenged, narrowing her eyes at him playfully.

"When you wore a tiara and had a tea party with Clover and a teddy bear." Was Spencer's immediate response.

"Okay, one time, and you attended that tea party too!" Orion relented.

"When we were waiting in line at the raceway and you were bouncing with excitement." Spencer continued.

"Fine, twice." Orion blushed, trying not to look at Morgan who was failing to stifle his laughter.

"When you hid under a blanket because of the giant spider in the Lord of The Rings movie."

"Okay, I get it."

"When you mouth along with the words when I read your favorite books out loud."

"Spencer." Orion warned lightly, not actually upset, just slightly embarrassed.

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